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Difference between revisions of "Sphinx/architecture"

(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The following picture depicts the Sphinx architecture. It is constituted of 3 horizontal layers that form together the Sphinx core and several vertical slices on top of that. The core components provide essential modeling platform services that are commonly required and used by all other Sphinx components. They depend on a minimal set of other Eclipse components. The vertical components provide individual modeling platform services that are independent of each other and typically based on specific additional exisiting Eclipse components.
The following picture depicts the Sphinx architecture. It is constituted of 3 horizontal layers that form together the Sphinx core and several vertical slices on top of that. The core components provide essential modeling platform services that are commonly required and used by all other Sphinx components. They depend on a minimal set of other Eclipse components. The vertical components provide individual modeling platform services that are independent of each other and typically based on specific additional exisiting Eclipse components.
Line 14: Line 14:
!Dependencies to other Eclipse components
!Dependencies to other Eclipse components
|rowspan="4"|Navigator & Editor Sockets
|rowspan="5"|Navigator & Editor Sockets
|Common Navigator Sockets
|Common Navigator Sockets
* Sphinx Core
|Common Editor Socket Logic
* Sphinx Core
* Sphinx Core
Line 46: Line 50:
* Sphinx Core
* Sphinx Core
* Sphinx PDE Extensions
* Sphinx PDE Extensions
| Compare & Merge Integration
* EMF Compare
* Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
| Metamodel Generation
* Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
* Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
|PDE Extensions
|PDE Extensions
Line 58: Line 74:
* Eclipse Platform
* Orbit
* Orbit
|XML Persistence Mapping & XSD Schema Generators
|XML Persistence Mapping & XSD Schema Generators
* Sphinx XML Persistence Mapping based EMF Serialization
* Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
* Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
* Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
* Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
* Sphinx XML Persistence Mapping based EMF Serialization
Line 136: Line 151:
|rowspan="4"|Navigator & Editor Sockets
|rowspan="5"|Navigator & Editor Sockets
|Common Navigator Sockets
|Common Navigator Sockets
|Common Editor Socket Logic
|Form Editor Sockets
|Form Editor Sockets
Line 157: Line 175:
|Eclipse PDE Extensions
| Compare & Merge Integration
| Metamodel Generation
|PDE Extensions
Line 204: Line 230:
* Hummingbird metamodels and IDE integration
* Hummingbird metamodels
* Hummingbird IDE integration
* Hummingbird metamodel generation tools

Latest revision as of 09:49, 30 January 2015

Sphinx provides a relatively large set of services and uses or extends a wide set of other Eclipse (modeling) components. Adopters may not need all of these services or required Eclipse components in their applications. Sometimes they even might be constraint to not using some of them. Sphinx is therefore based on an architecture that makes the dependencies wrt required Eclipse components transparent and keeps them separated as much as possible. This architecture is at the same time the basis for the structure of the features in which Sphinx plug-ins are bundled up and delivered. The resulting features thus have well-defined and limited dependencies to other Eclipse components and make it happen that individual parts of Sphinx can be used independently of each other.


The following picture depicts the Sphinx architecture. It is constituted of 3 horizontal layers that form together the Sphinx core and several vertical slices on top of that. The core components provide essential modeling platform services that are commonly required and used by all other Sphinx components. They depend on a minimal set of other Eclipse components. The vertical components provide individual modeling platform services that are independent of each other and typically based on specific additional exisiting Eclipse components.



Sphinx components may have dependencies to other Sphinx components and/or to other Eclipse (modeling) components. The dependencies to other Sphinx components are depicted in the architecture diagram above (upper components depend on lower components). The table below lists the dependencies to other Eclipse components. For the sake of a better overview, only directly required Eclipse components are listed.

Top-level service Sub services Dependencies to other Eclipse components
Navigator & Editor Sockets Common Navigator Sockets
  • Sphinx Core
Common Editor Socket Logic
  • Sphinx Core
Form Editor Sockets
  • Sphinx Core
Nebula Extensions for Form Editors
  • Nebula
  • Sphinx Core
GMF Editor Sockets
  • GMF
  • Sphinx Core
Validation Runtime Extensions
  • EMF Validation
  • Sphinx Core
M2x IDE Integration Xtend/Xpand IDE Integration
  • M2T Xpand
  • Sphinx Core
  • Sphinx PDE Extensions
Compare & Merge Integration
  • EMF Compare
  • Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
Metamodel Generation
  • Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
  • Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
PDE Extensions
  • PDE
  • JDT
  • Eclipse Platform
XML Persistence Mapping XML Persistence Mapping based EMF Serialization
  • EMF
  • Orbit
XML Persistence Mapping & XSD Schema Generators
  • Sphinx XML Persistence Mapping based EMF Serialization
  • Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
  • Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
Core Workspace Management
  • Sphinx EMF Runtime Extensions
  • Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
EMF Runtime Extensions
  • EMF
  • EMF Edit
  • EMF Transaction
  • Sphinx Eclipse Platform Extensions
Eclipse Platform Extensions
  • Eclipse Platform
  • Orbit

Feature structure

The structure of Sphinx features is on the one hand based on the Sphinx architecture introduced above and on the other hand designed to separate the different types of deliverables, i.e., runtime, SDK, examples, etc. It is hierarchically organized and decomposed into three principal kinds of features: root features, component features, and example features. Adopters can freely choose which of these feature types they want to refer to and thus have full control over the Sphinx components and deliverables that get included in their applications.

The sections below summarize the root, component, and example features that Sphinx provides and briefly describe their content and relation to the Sphinx architecture. A complete specification of the Sphinx features including detailed information about included features and plug-ins can be found in the Sphinx Feature Map.

Root features

Root features are the primary deliverables of Sphinx and can be used to consume all or predefined subsets of Sphinx components or examples at once. They can be individually retrieved from the Sphinx Update Site or obtained as individual archives from the Sphinx Downloads. The following root features are provided:

Feature Description Included features
org.eclipse.sphinx Runtime (i.e., binaries without source code and documentation) All component features as per #Component features except Nebula Extensions
org.eclipse.sphinx.sdk SDK including runtime, source code and documentation (but no examples) All component features as per #Component features except Nebula Extensions
org.eclipse.sphinx.nebula Nebula Extensions Runtime (i.e., binaries without source code and documentation) Nebula-related component features as per #Component features
org.eclipse.sphinx.nebula.sdk Nebula Extensions SDK including runtime, source code and documentation (but no examples) Nebula-related component features as per #Component features
org.eclipse.sphinx.examples Examples (with source code) All example features as per #Example features
org.eclipse.sphinx.testutils Test utilities for JUnit-based integration tests running against a predefined reference workspace (with source code)
org.eclipse.sphinx.thirdparty Required third-party components (selected Orbit plug-ins)

Component features

Component features enable adopters to select and include individual Sphinx components in their applications. They are essentially a one-to-one representation of the architecture detailed above. Their IDs always include the name of the principal required Eclipse component that they are based on or extend. If necessary, they also indicate the name of the Sphinx component that they represent. The table below lists the component features that Sphinx offers for each of its components.

Top-level service Sub services Feature
Navigator & Editor Sockets Common Navigator Sockets org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.navigators
Common Editor Socket Logic org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.editors
Form Editor Sockets org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.editors.forms
Nebula Extensions for Form Editors org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.editors.forms.nebula
GMF Editor Sockets org.eclipse.sphinx.gmf.editors
Validation Runtime Extensions org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.validation
M2x IDE Integration Xtend/Xpand IDE Integration org.eclipse.sphinx.xtendxpand
Compare & Merge Integration
Metamodel Generation org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodelgen
PDE Extensions org.eclipse.sphinx.pde
XML Persistence Mapping XML Persistence Mapping based EMF Serialization org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.serialization
XML Persistence Mapping & XSD Schema Generators org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.serialization.generators
Core Workspace Management org.eclipse.sphinx.core
EMF Runtime Extensions
Eclipse Platform Extensions

Example features

Example features are auxiliary deliverables of Sphinx. They contain sets of example plug-ins demonstrating how adopters can use Sphinx capabilities and services in their applications. As such they are an important complement of Sphinx documentation (i.e., Sphinx Developer Guide, etc.). In addition to that, adopters may even want to include some of the examples features in their applications as is. The Sphinx Model Explorer or UML2 IDE Integration are typical candidates for such kind of features. The following example features are available:

Feature Description
  • Sphinx Perspective
  • Generic model manipulation actions
  • Context menu contributions and actions for invoking validation in various ways
  • Model transformation and code generation context menu contributions
  • Preferences for Xpand outlets
  • Generic Model Explorer view
  • Hummingbird metamodels
  • Hummingbird IDE integration
  • Hummingbird metamodel generation tools
  • UML2 IDE integration
  • IDE integration of EMF Extended Library example

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