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= Introduction =
==Installing Acceleo==
== Pre-requisites ==
The reader should have a minimal knowledge about MDA concepts, the eclipse platform, and the java language.
= Overview =
If you have an existing Eclipse installation and simply wish to install Acceleo in it, you have two possibilities:
Acceleo is the reference implementation of the OMG MTL Specification. It is an Open-Source implementation, fully integrated in the eclipse platform, though generations can also be run outside of eclipse. Acceleo is fully compatible with the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Consequently, Acceleo is compatible with any editor using EMF metamodels, like the eclipse UML implementations.
* Installing through the [ Update Site]
* Installing through the [ Eclipse Marketplace]
== Installation ==
The simplest way of installing Acceleo is to use a version of eclipse where it is already installed! Some versions of Eclipse Helios contain Acceleo, just pick your preferred version at the eclipse download site. Otherwise, it is always possible to install Acceleo like any other feature in eclipse. Use the Help > Install New Software menu and use the official eclipse Helios update site. For more information on the installation, please see the [[Acceleo/Installation|Installation page]].
== Eclipse Integration ==
For those of you who need to retrieve the source code of Acceleo, it is available on [ Git]
Acceleo is fully integrated within the eclipse platform. This means that editing, running, debugging can all be executed within eclipse, by using the usual eclipse paradigms. Let's first examine the main elements available for Acceleo in eclipse.
=== The Acceleo Perspective ===
The Acceleo perspective allows users to work in an environment which provides every facility to increase productivity while working with Acceleo. For instance, Acceleo-specific menus are available by default in the Acceleo perspective in order to make it easy to create projects or templates, and so on.
To switch to the Acceleo perspective, click on Window > Open Perspective > Other..., select the perspective named Acceleo (Beware, if you have Acceleo 2.x installed, you may see two Acceleo perspectives available ; they can be told apart with their icons).
'''Note''': Whatever the installation procedure you choose, examples are available from the menu '''right-click => New => Examples => Acceleo Plug-ins'''.
==The Acceleo language==
This perspective can also be opened with the "perspectives" button available on the top right corner of eclipse.
Acceleo 3 is an implementation of the [ MOFM2T] specification defined by the OMG. The Acceleo language, named as MTL by the OMG, is composed of two main types of structures (templates and queries) inside of a module. In Acceleo, you can create expressions using a subset of OCL in order query the input models.
An Acceleo module is a ".mtl" file, which contains templates (to generate code) and/or queries (to extract information from the manipulated models). The file must start with the module declaration in the form:
By default, the views displayed in the Acceleo perspective are:
<code>[module <module_name>('metamodel_URI_1', 'metamodel_URI_2')]</code>
* Package explorer;
* Editor area (okay, it's not a view);
* Outline;
* Problems;
* Error Log;
* 3 Acceleo-specific views: the Result view, the Overrides view, and the GenerationPatterns view.
[[Image:Acceleo-userguide-perspective-acceleo.png|thumb|none|600px|The Acceleo perspective.]]
A module can extend another module, in which case its templates will be able to override its parent's "public" and "protected" templates. It will also have access to its parent's public and protected templates and queries. A module can also import another module to access its public templates and queries.
In the Acceleo perspective, the pop-up menu available on the package explorer allows users to easily create Acceleo artifacts (such as projects or modules).
An Acceleo module generally depends on other modules for its execution. Consequently, Acceleo modules explicitly declare the modules they depend on via import declarations.
== Acceleo Projects ==
The syntax is the following:
Acceleo projects are eclipse projects associated with the Acceleo nature. Such projects contain Acceleo modules, java code, and anything required for the needs of the code generation to achieve.
Note: It is recommended to use a naming that respects the eclipse plug-ins naming conventions. Of course, the name prefix has to be adapted to your specific context, but remember that using a naming convention that prevents naming conflicts is a good idea.
<code>import qualified::name::of::imported::module</code>
=== Creating an Acceleo Project "From Scratch" ===
The content assistant (Ctrl + Space) will propose you all accessible modules. Select the module you want to import and its qualified name will be inserted.
The aim of an Acceleo project is to generate text from a model (or from a set of models). For this tutorial, we will create a new Acceleo module for generating java beans from a UML model.
To create a new Acceleo project, right click on the package explorer view then select New->Acceleo Project.
'''Note''': It is possible to use a non-qualified name in an import, but this is not recommended since it can easily lead to bugs that are hard to understand in case of name conflicts between Acceleo modules.
The content assistant can be invoked to generate an import tag: just enter <code>import</code>, then Ctrl + Space, and the completion proposes "import" and generates an <code>[import... /]</code> tag.
Choose a correct plug-in name for the project, then click next.
====Static Overriding====
This wizard page allows you to initialize the project by creating one or several Acceleo module files.
Acceleo allows you to override a part of the behavior of another module by extending it and by overriding some of its templates (all templates except those without with a private visibility). It can be very useful to re-use some common part of a module and to create common parents to several modules just like in object oriented programming.
* Select the folder in which you want to create the new module file.
* Fill in the module name
* Optionally, you can select an existing file which will be copied into the new module file. This could be useful to create a module from an existing "target" file.
* Then, select the metamodel from which your generation file will take its types (in this example, UML)
* Finally, choose the metaclass that will be used to generate the file (in this example, Class). This can be modified later at any time directly in the module files.
Note: Other options are available to initialize the new module with existing content. These options will be discussed later.
<youtube width="712" height="556">AGsElJSvTqQ</youtube>
Templates are sets of Acceleo statements used to generate text. They are delimited by <code>[template...][/template]</code> tags.
You can create more than one module file in this project by using the "Add" button on the left.
Clicking on finish will create the module file(s), and some files automatically generated from it (more on these below).
To create a new template, just place the cursor in an Acceleo module file at a relevant position (i.e. one where it is possible to insert a template!) and hit '''Ctrl + Space'''. The content assistant proposes, among other things, to create a new template. It's also possible to type template, '''Ctrl + Space''', then '''Return''', and a new template is created:
=== Creating an Acceleo UI Project ===
You can fill-in its name, parameter name, and parameter type. Just hit Tab to pass from an element to the next.
This action can only be performed on an existing Acceleo project.
It allows you to create and initialize a plug-in project that will contain everything needed to launch the Acceleo generations of your project through actions available in pop-up menus, integrated in eclipse. This facilitates a lot the deployment of Acceleo generators in the eclipse platform. The created UI plug-in project is configured to create a popup menu on files with a given extension and to generate files in a folder found by evaluating a java expression, which can be customized.
To perform this, just right-click on your Acceleo project, then select Acceleo > Create Acceleo UI Launcher Project.
Templates can also have optional elements:
* Overriding (which will be detailed in The Overrides View);
* Pre-conditions (or guard conditions);
* Post-treatments;
* Variable initializations.
This will start a wizard that will guide you through the creation process. First, enter the target UI plug-in project name.
Once again, the content assistant can help you here. just hit '''Ctrl + Space''' before the final ''']''' of your template declaration, and see what it proposes.
Then, select the projects this UI plug-in will depend on. In our example, we only depend on our Acceleo generator project, but in real life, an UI project could require several Acceleo projects, plus optionally other projects depending on your working environment.
The wizard now requires the following information:
Imagine you want to implement different behavior for a template depending on certain conditions.
* The generator name (this name will be displayed to users in the UI);
* The model filename filter, which indicates on which file extensions the popup menu will appear;
* The java code that is responsible to find the target folder and assign it to a target variable of type IContainer. By default, the wizard proposes some code which uses the src-gen folder in the project that contains the model chosen by the user.
One way to do that would be to use if blocks to distinguish between those cases. Another, more elegant, way is to use pre-conditions. Let's say that you want to generate different code for associations whether or not they are declared ordered.
Click on Finish.
A new plug-in project is then created in the workspace with the previously entered information. This plug-in can be maintained as any other plug-in project in eclipse.
The above example shows the ? (condition) syntax that tells Acceleo that the template must only be run if the pre-condition is satisfied.
To see this plug-in in action, just open the plug-in's MANIFEST.MF, and click on the "Launch an Eclipse application" link in the "Testing" paragraph.
A new action appears in the pop-up menu when right-clicking on files whose name matches the name filter declared in the extension described in the plugin.xml file of the UI plug-in.
* The order of declaration of templates in a module is important: The first template for which the guard condition evaluates to true will be executed. No guard condition on a template is exactly equivalent to ? (true).
* Pre-conditions also exist on for blocks.
By default, the generated UI plug-in matches any file.
The menu where the generation action appears and everything else can be adapted to your needs via the eclipse extension mechanism. For example, the name filter for which this action will be proposed can be modified like this:
It is often useful, especially for code formatting, to apply certain treatments on the text generated by a template before actually writing it to the output file.
* Open the MANIFEST.MF file;
For instance, trimming the result of a template is really very useful to make sure of your formatting while keeping a readable formatting for your templates.
* Go to the Extensions tab;
* Modify the nameFilter field of the popupMenus extension.
For more information about the eclipse extension mechanism, please refer to the eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) documentation.
Let's see an example to make things clear:
=== Transforming an Existing Project into an Acceleo Project ===
Acceleo provides a facility to convert an existing project into an Acceleo project. Technically, this means that the Acceleo nature will be added to the project's natures.
This can be achieved by right-clicking in the package explorer, then selecting New > Convert to an Acceleo Project.
In the above example, without the post-treatment <code>post (trim())</code>, the template invocation would write the name followed by a carriage return. With the post-treatment, whenever the template is called, it will just write the expected name, without a carriage return, which is probably what you need.
Select the project(s) that must be turned into Acceleo project(s), and click on Finish.
The most common uses of post-treatments is output code formatting, thanks to <code>post (trim())</code>. It's up to you to figure out what else you will use it for!
Note: The Acceleo nature can be removed from an Acceleo project simply by right-clicking on the project and selecting Acceleo > Remove Acceleo Nature.
====Variable Initialization====
=== Installing an Example Acceleo Project ===
Templates (and other blocks as well) can define some variables and initialize them directly in their main syntactic block.
Acceleo provides several example projects which you can use to get started and take a look at how to organize generator projects.
To install one of these examples in your workspace, right-click in the package explorer and select New > Other.... Go to the "Examples" folder, then to "Acceleo Plug-ins" and select the example to import into your workspace. Each example has a small description displayed at the top of the window.
You can declare 0, 1, or several variables. If you declare several variables, it may be opportune to format the template this way:
Click on Finish, and one or several new projects appear in your workspace.
These example are really useful to start with Acceleo, so don't hesitate to import them, examine them, and modify them!
'''Note''': Variable initilization also exists on for blocks.
== Acceleo Modules ==
A module is a .mtl file, which contains templates (to generate code) and/or queries (to extract information from the manipulated models).
The file must start with the module declaration in the form
Queries are used to extract information from the model. Queries return values, or collections of values. They use OCL, enclosed in a <code>[query ... /]</code> tag.
[module <module_name>('metamodel URI 1')]
Queries are specified to always return the same value each time they are invoked with the same arguments.
A module can extend another module, in which case its templates will be able to override its parent's "public" and "protected" templates.
=== Imports ===
====Wrapping Java Services====
An Acceleo module generally depends on other modules for its execution. Consequently, Acceleo modules explicitly declare the modules they depend on via import declarations.
The syntax is the following:
<youtube width="712" height="556">wJyPb8VPnFI</youtube>
[import qualified::name::of::imported::module /]
It is sometimes useful to invoke some java code from inside an Acceleo template. The acceleo non-standard library provides a service invoke which allows just that. The invoked java service can be wrapped in an Acceleo query.
The content assistant (Ctrl + Space) will propose you all accessible modules. Select the module you want to import and its qualified name will be inserted.
To facilitate the creation of such a wrapper, proceed like this:
* Right-click on the package you want to create your Acceleo module in, and select '''New > Acceleo Module File'''
Note: It is possible to use a non-qualified name in an import, but this is not recommended since it can easily lead to bugs that are hard to understand in case of name conflicts between Acceleo modules.
The content assistant can be invoked to generate an import tag: just enter import, then Ctrl + Space, and the completion proposes "[import]" and generates an [import /] tag.
* In the wizard, enter the relevant information in the usual fields, then click on the '''Advanced >>''' button
* Check the '''Initialize Content''' checkbox
* Select '''Create a Java services wrapper''' in the listbox below
=== Templates ===
Templates are sets of Acceleo statements used to generate text. They are delimited by [template]...[/template] tags.
To create a new template, just place the cursor in an Acceleo module file at a relevant position (i.e. one where it is possible to insert a template!) and hit Ctrl + Space. The content assistant proposes, among other things, to create a new template. It's also possible to type template, Ctrl + Space, then Return, and a new template is created:
* Select the java file that contains the services to wrap
You can fill-in its name, parameter name, and parameter type. Just hit Tab to pass from an element to the next.
Templates can also have optional elements:
* Click on the '''Finish''' button
    * Overriding (which will be detailed in The Overrides View);
    * Pre-conditions (or guard conditions);
    * Post-treatments;
    * Variable initializations.
Once again, the content assistant can help you here. just hit Ctrl + Space before the final ] of your template declaration, and see what it proposes.
That's it!
==== Pre-Conditions ====
An Acceleo module is created, with a query for each service found in the original java class.
Imagine you want to implement different behavior for a template depending on certain conditions.
One way to do that would be to use if blocks to distinguish between those cases.
Another, more elegant, way is to use pre-conditions. Let's say that you want to generate different code for associations whether or not they are declared ordered.
===Language Elements===
The above example shows the ? (condition) syntax that tells Acceleo that the template must only be run if the pre-condition is satisfied.
====File Tags====
Note: The order of declaration of templates in a module is important: The first template for which the guard condition evaluates to true will be executed. No guard condition on a template is exactly equivalent to ? (true).
File tags are used to tell the Acceleo engine it must generate the content of the <code>[file ...]</code> tag in an actual file.
Note: Pre-conditions also exist on for blocks.
The syntax is the following:
==== Post-Treatments ====
<code>[file(<uri_expression>, <append_mode>, <output_encoding>)] (...) [/file]</code>
It is often useful, especially for code formatting, to apply certain treatments on the text generated by a template before actually writing it to the output file.
For instance, trimming the result of a template is really very useful to make sure of your formatting while keeping a readable formatting for your templates.
* '''<uri_expression>''' denotes the output file name;
* '''<append_mode>''' (optional) indicates whether the output text must be appended to the file or replace its content;
* '''<output_encoding>''' (optional) indicates the encoding to use for the output file. This encoding need not be the same as the module's encoding.
Let's see an example to make things clear:
'''Note''': A template that contains a <code>[file]</code> tag does not necessarily have an annotation <code>@main</code>. <code>@main</code> annotations are used to indicate to the Acceleo eclipse plug-in that a java class must be generated to encapsulate the code required to run a generation. <code>@main</code> annotations can be placed on templates which have no <code>[file]</code> tag, but such templates must eventually call one or more templates that do have <code>[file]</code> tags if you want to get a result!
In the above example, without the post-treatment post (trim()), the template invocation would write the name followed by a carriage return. With the post-treatment, whenever the template is called, it will just write the expected name, without a carriage return, which is probably what you need.
Please refer to the official MTL Specification for more details.
The most common uses of post-treatments is output code formatting, thanks to post (trim()). It's up to you to figure out what else you will use it for!
====For Loops====
For loops in Acceleo can be expressed with two syntaxes:
==== Variable Initializations ====
* The full syntax (conformant with the MTL specification): <code>[for (i : E | e)]...[/for]</code>
Templates (and other blocks as well) can define some variables and initialize them directly in their main syntactic block.
* The light syntax: <code>[for (<iterable_expression>)]...[/for]</code>
You can declare 0, 1, or several variables. If you declare several variables, it may be opportune to format the template this way:
'''Note''': When using the light syntax, an implicit variable '''i''' is created, which contains the index of current iteration, starting at 1.
Note: Variable initilization also exists on for blocks.
Content assistant can be very helpful to make sure you use the right syntax. For example, imagine that you want to insert a for loop, but you don't remember for sure the Acceleo syntax for these loops.
=== Queries ===
Just type <code>for</code> in the editor, then '''Ctrl + Space'''. Acceleo proposes the for loop to be automatically inserted.
Queries are used to extract information from the model. Queries return values, or collections of values. They use OCL, enclosed in a [query ... /] tag.
Queries are specified to always return the same value each time they are invoked with the same arguments.
=== Basic Language Constructs ===
Hit '''Return''' to confirm that you actually want to insert a for loop:
==== File Tags ====
File tags are used to tell the Acceleo engine it must generate the content of the [file] tag in an actual file.
The syntax is the following:
[file (<uri_expression>, <append_mode>, '<output_encoding>')] (...) [/file]
    * <uri_expression> denotes the output file name;
You can now enter:
    * <append_mode> (optional) indicates whether the output text must be appended to the file or replace its content;
    * <output_encoding> (optional) indicates the encoding to use for the output file. This encoding need not be the same as the module's encoding.
Note: A template that contains a [file] tag does not necessarily have an annotation @main. @main annotations are used to indicate to the Acceleo eclipse plug-in that a java class must be generated to encapsulate the code required to run a generation. @main annotations can be placed on templates which have no [file] tag, but such templates must eventually call one or more templates that do have [file] tags if you want to get a result!
* The iterator variable name;
* The iterator type;
* The iterable expression.
Please refer to the official MTL Specification for more details.
Just hit the '''Tab''' key to jump from one element to the next, as usual with eclipse code templates.
==== For Loops ====
Here is an example of a for loop to generate some code for each attribute of a UML class:
For loops in Acceleo can be expressed with two syntaxes:
    * The full syntax (conformant with the MTL specification): [for (iterator : Type | expression)] (...) [/for]
    * The light syntax: [for (expression)] (...) [/for]
Note: When using the light syntax, an implicit variable i is created, which contains the index of current iteration, starting at 1.
Content assistant can be very helpful to make sure you use the right syntax. For example, imagine that you want to insert a for loop, but you don't remember for sure the Acceleo syntax for these loops.
Finally, it is useful to know that it is possible to specify behavior to be run before, between, or after each iteration of a for loop.
Just type for in the editor, then Ctrl + Space. Acceleo proposes the for loop to be automatically inserted.
The content assistant proposes the corresponding options when invoked in the declaration of a for loop, as can be seen on the picture below.
Hit Return to confirm that you actually want to insert a for loop:
You can now enter:
The syntactic structure are respectively <code>before()</code>, <code>separator()<c/ode>, and <code>after()</code>.
    * The iterator variable name;
    * The iterator type;
    * The iterable expression.
Just hit the Tab key to jump from one element to the next, as usual with eclipse code templates.
<code>[for (Sequence{1, 2, 3}) before ('sequence: ') separator (', ') after (';')][self/][/for]</code>
Here is an example of a for loop to generate some code for each attribute of a UML class:
Will generate the following text:
Finally, it is useful to know that it is possible to specify behavior to be run before, between, or after each iteration of a for loop.
<code>sequence: 1, 2, 3</code>;
The content assistant proposes the corresponding options when invoked in the declaration of a for loop, as can be seen on the picture below.
====If Conditions====
The syntactic structure are respectively before(), separator(), and after().
If conditions are written like this: <code>[if (condition)]...[/if]</code>
You can enter <code>if</code>, hit '''Ctrl + Space''', then '''Return''', and the Acceleo editor will insert the right syntax so you just have to enter the condition expression.
[for (Sequence{1, 2, 3}) before ('sequence: ') separator (', ') after (';')] [self/][/for]
And that's all there is to it!
Will generate the following text:
====Let Blocks====
sequence: 1, 2, 3;
It is important to understand that variables in Acceleo are '''final''', which means that their value cannot be changed after they have been initialized.
Please also note that the Acceleo '''let''' hasn't got the same semantics nor the same behavior as the OCL '''let'''
The syntax is the following: <code>[let (variableName : VariableType = expression)]...[/let]</code>
==== If Conditions ====
Where '''variableName''' is the variable's name and '''VariableType''' the variable's type, and '''expression''' is an expression which value will be assigned to the variable if its type corresponds (Acceleo '''let blocks''' are equivalent to <code>if (expression.oclIsKindOf(VariableType))</code>.
If conditions are written like this:
[if (condition)] (...) [/if]
Variables only exist inside of a let block. Their lifetime consequently cannot exceed that of their template. They are only visible inside of the let block, which means that templates called within this block cannot "see" them. If you need a sub-template to access a variable, you have to pass it as an argument.
You can enter "if", hit Ctrl + Space, then Return, and the Acceleo editor will insert the right syntax so you just have to enter the condition expression.
Variables are especially useful to store a value and prevent computing it several times in a row.
And that's all there is to it!
You can enter <code>let</code>, hit '''Ctrl + Space''', then '''Return''', and the Acceleo editor will insert the right syntax so you just have to enter the variable name and type.
==== Variables : Let ====
It is important to understand that variables in Acceleo are ``final``, which means that their value cannot be changed after they have been initialized.
Comments are entered in <code>[comment/]</code> blocks, and appear in some shade of green. The <code>[comment/]</code> tag can be self closed:
Please also note that the Acceleo ``let`` hasn't got the same semantics as the OCL ``let``.
<code>[comment Here is some comment of utter importance/]</code>
The syntax is the following:
But you can also surround a block of text between comment tags:
[let variableName : VariableType = expression] (...) [/let]
<code>[comment]Here is some commented text, which cannot contain a right bracket character.[/comment]</code>
Where variableName is the variable's name and VariableType the variable's type, and expression is an expression which value will be assigned to the variable if its type corresponds (Acceleo let blocks are equivalent to if (expression.oclIsKindOf(VariableType)).
Such comments are part of the official MTL specification. They cannot be placed inside OCL code, such as queries for instance. They cannot be placed in the middle of an Acceleo statement either.
Variables only exist inside of a let block. Their lifetime consequently cannot exceed that of their template. They are only visible inside of the let block, which means that templates called within this block cannot "see" them. If you need a sub-template to access a variable, you have to pass it as an argument.
It is possible to comment some portion of code or text of an Acceleo module with the '''Ctrl + /''' shortcut, or by right-clicking on the selected text and then '''Source > Comment'''.
Variables are especially useful to store a value and prevent computing it several times in a row.
The behavior depends on what is selected:
* If nothing is selected, the current line (not the line you right-clicked on, but the line where the cursor is located) is surrounded with <code>[comment]...[/comment]</code> tags.
* If some text is selected, it is surrounded with <code>[comment]...[/comment]</code>tags, whether it spans multiple lines or not.
===Main Modules and Launcher class===
<youtube width="712" height="556">r9h9qTy7NdI</youtube>
You can enter "let", hit Ctrl + Space, then Return, and the Acceleo editor will insert the right syntax so you just have to enter the variable name and type.
=== Main Modules in Acceleo ===
"Main" Acceleo modules are entry points, that is to say modules which are used to describe, in some way, the generation workflow.
"Main" Acceleo modules are entry points, that is to say modules which are used to describe, in some way, the generation workflow.
Such modules can be created from standard acceleo modules, they just have to contain the ``@main`` annotation.
Such modules can be created from standard acceleo modules, they just have to contain the <code>@main</code> annotation.
They do not necessary have to contain ``[file]`` tags: Main modules are the executable modules, they need not be modules that actually generate files.
They do not necessary have to contain <code>[file]</code> tags: Main modules are the executable modules, they need not be modules that actually generate files.
Nevertheless, Acceleo proposes a facility to create main modules. Right-click in the package explorer, if possible on the package in which you want to create a new main module though this is not necessary. Select New > Other... (or Ctrl + N). Select Acceleo Main Module File in the acceleo Model to Text category.
Nevertheless, Acceleo proposes a facility to create main modules. Right-click in the package explorer, if possible on the package in which you want to create a new main module though this is not necessary. Select '''New > Other...''' (or '''Ctrl + N'''). Select Acceleo Main Module File in the acceleo '''Model to Text''' category.
Click on Next >. Enter the name of the module to create (without the .mtl extension) and the folder in which it must be created, if the proposed folder is inconvenient.
Click on Next >. Select the templates that this main module will call to actually generate files.
Click on '''Next >'''. Enter the name of the module to create (without the .mtl extension) and the folder in which it must be created, if the proposed folder is inconvenient.
Click on Finish. A new Acceleo module is created, which contains the @main annotation and consequently has a generated java file attached. This module imports the modules that have been selected in the preceding wizard page, and just calls them one after the other.
Click on '''Next >'''. Select the templates that this main module will call to actually generate files.
Click on '''Finish'''. A new Acceleo module is created, which contains the <code>@main</code> annotation and consequently has a generated java file attached. This module imports the modules that have been selected in the preceding wizard page, and just calls them one after the other.
You can now freely edit the content of this module to implement the workflow you need. The created file is just an accelerator to initialize this task. It will be sufficient in most cases but can be modified at will.
You can now freely edit the content of this module to implement the workflow you need. The created file is just an accelerator to initialize this task. It will be sufficient in most cases but can be modified at will.
= Organizing Acceleo modules =
== Naming conventions ==
We recommend using naming conventions in your Acceleo modules, since it is an easy way to achieve readability and thus improve maintainability. Such conventions also prevent name conflicts.
The name of Acceleo projects should follow the following pattern:
<namespace> . <input_metamodel> .gen. <target_architecture>
The main template will be called on all the elements of the model with the given type. The beginning of the execution of the main template initialized the generation. As such, if you have a main template defined on a UML Class, this template will be called for all your classes but it also mean that the generator will be initialized for each call to this main template so, for example, the cache of the queries will be cleared after each call. It is recommended to define the main module on the root of your metamodel and then to navigate manually in your model to call all the other templates. On a UML model, you would improve performances by defining your generator on the root concept Model instead of Class.
For example, a project to generate .NET code from a UML model, developed by Obeo, will be called fr.obeo.uml.gen.dotnet.
==Creation of an Acceleo project==
Module file names and module names should start with a lowercase letter.
<youtube width="712" height="556">rt5IA2AXTZg</youtube>
Module files should be located in packages with the same prefix as the project, but feel free to create subpackages.
Template and query names should start with a lowercase letter, and use the camelCase convention just like methods in java (uppercase letters are used to separate words).
== Design your module as you would for APIs ==
===Acceleo Projects===
The usual design principles apply when designing Acceleo modules: Maintainability, reusability, robustness are the objectives. To reach them, organize your modules carefully:
    * Use the visibility of templates and queries to define the public contract of your modules;
Acceleo projects are eclipse projects associated with the Acceleo nature. Such projects contain Acceleo modules, java code, and anything required for the needs of the code generation to achieve.
    * Design the allowed dependencies between your modules in advance, and stick to your design;
    * Document your modules, templates and queries! Use [comment] tags in the module's header to describe the module and before each template and query to describe them;
    * Queries and templates should be small. Templates more than one page high should be refactored as soon as possible;
    * Modules should be organized in a sensible way:
          o One module per kind of file to generate, all located in a main package;
          o Shared modules used by several others should be in a package called common;
          o Queries should be separated from templates, in their own package as well, called requests;
    * Use guard conditions rather than multiple if statements;
    * Prefer multiple small templates and queries to few larger templates/queries;
    * Do not directly use metamodel attributes to generate text, even if they seem appropriate.
Why this last one? Because when you generate a piece of text, it captures a generation rule. It often happens (espacially at the beginning of a module development) that such rules are very simple, like "write the class name".
'''Note''': It is recommended to use a naming that respects the eclipse plug-ins naming conventions. Of course, the name prefix has to be adapted to your specific context, but remember that using a naming convention that prevents naming conflicts is a good idea.
And then the rule changes to become "write the class name but make sure that it starts with an uppercase letter, and that the resulting text is not a reserved word, in which case, suffix it with an underscore". And now you have to look for every place where you generate a class name in your templates, and you do that all the time, and the correction is not only tedious, but also very error-prone.
If this logic is captured from the very beginning in a dedicated template whose responsability is to write a class name, you just have to modify this one template and you're done.
===Creating An Acceleo Project "From Scratch"===
The aim of an Acceleo project is to generate text from a model (or from a set of models). For this tutorial, we will create a new Acceleo module for generating java beans from a UML model.
== Tests ==
Of course, the importance of tests cannot be stressed enough. Each Acceleo project should be accompanied by a test project that contains:
    * Small models, each of them allowing you to test some particular generation rule;
To create a new Acceleo project, right click on the package explorer view then select '''New->Acceleo Project'''.
    * The expected result for each model;
    * A main java class that runs all generations and ensures that the result is as expected.
Test projects have the same name as the project they test, suffixed by .test.
== Tips and Tricks ==
* Choose a correct plug-in name for the project, then click on '''next'''. This wizard page allows you to initialize the project by creating one or several Acceleo module files.
    * Use post (trim()) to properly format your templates and let them be readable while making sure the generated text will also be properly formatted.
* Select the folder in which you want to create the new module file.
    * When navigating a reference that points to an interface, always implement a default behavior on the target interface that will generate a warning text to indicate a probable generation problem. Then, implement the relevant behaviors on the interface subtypes. This convention makes it easy to detect cases when an expected behavior is not implemented;
* Fill in the module name
* Optionally, you can select an existing file which will be copied into the new module file. This could be useful to create a module from an existing "target" file.
* Then, select the metamodel from which your generation file will take its types (in this example, '''UML''')
* Finally, choose the metaclass that will be used to generate the file (in this example, '''Class'''). This can be modified later at any time directly in the module files.
For example:
'''Note''': Other options are available to initialize the new module with existing content. These options will be discussed later.
[template genJavaTypeName(c : Classifier) post (trim())]
/* TODO Implement template genJavaTypeName for type [eClass().name/] */
[template genJavaTypeName(c : Class) post (trim())]
You can create more than one module file in this project by using the '''Add''' button on the left.
This implementation makes sure that whenever you will invoke genJavaTypeName on an element of type "Classifier" or one of its subtypes, you will produce text in the output file. This will contain a warning message if you forgot something in the generator.
Clicking on '''Finish''' will create the module file(s), and some files automatically generated from it (more on these below).
Do not implement each possible case of the different subtypes by testing the type of the template's parameter! Instead, let Acceleo dispatch the template invocation to the right template and implement a template for each possible subtype.
Very often module developers expect to find only one of the possible subtypes and forget to implement the behavior for other subtypes. This pattern ensures that they will be warned as soon as they test their generator on a model that contains what they did not expect.
===Transforming An Existing Project Into An Acceleo Project===
Acceleo provides a facility to convert an existing project into an Acceleo project. Technically, this means that the Acceleo nature will be added to the project's natures.
This can be achieved by right-clicking in the package explorer, then selecting '''New > Convert''' to an Acceleo Project.
Select the project(s) that must be turned into Acceleo project(s), and click on '''Finish'''.
'''Note''': The Acceleo nature can be removed from an Acceleo project simply by right-clicking on the project and selecting '''Acceleo > Remove Acceleo Nature'''.
===Installing An Example Acceleo Project===
Acceleo provides several example projects which you can use to get started and take a look at how to organize generator projects.
To install one of these examples in your workspace, right-click in the package explorer and select '''New > Other...'''. Go to the '''Examples''' folder, then to '''Acceleo Plug-ins''' and select the example to import into your workspace. Each example has a small description displayed at the top of the window.
Click on '''Finish''', and one or several new projects appear in your workspace.
These example are really useful to start with Acceleo, so don't hesitate to import them, examine them, and modify them!
===Creating An Acceleo UI Project===
<youtube width="712" height="556">mf0nmDBeMbc</youtube>
This action can only be performed on an existing Acceleo project.
It allows you to create and initialize a plug-in project that will contain everything needed to launch the Acceleo generations of your project through actions available in pop-up menus, integrated in eclipse. This facilitates a lot the deployment of Acceleo generators in the eclipse platform. The created UI plug-in project is configured to create a popup menu on files with a given extension and to generate files in a folder found by evaluating a java expression, which can be customized.
To perform this, just right-click on your Acceleo project, then select '''Acceleo > Create Acceleo UI Launcher Project'''.
This will start a wizard that will guide you through the creation process. First, enter the target UI plug-in project name.
Then, select the projects this UI plug-in will depend on. In our example, we only depend on our Acceleo generator project, but in real life, an UI project could require several Acceleo projects, plus optionally other projects depending on your working environment.
The wizard now requires the following information:
* The generator name (this name will be displayed to users in the UI);
* The model filename filter, which indicates on which file extensions the popup menu will appear;
* The java code that is responsible to find the target folder and assign it to a target variable of type '''IContainer'''. By default, the wizard proposes some code which uses the '''src-gen''' folder in the project that contains the model chosen by the user.
Click on '''Finish'''.
A new plug-in project is then created in the workspace with the previously entered information. This plug-in can be maintained as any other plug-in project in Eclipse.
To see this plug-in in action, just open the plug-in's '''MANIFEST.MF''', and click on the '''Launch an Eclipse application''' link in the '''Testing''' paragraph.
A new action appears in the pop-up menu when right-clicking on files whose name matches the name filter declared in the extension described in the '''plugin.xml''' file of the UI plug-in.
By default, the generated UI plug-in matches any file.
The menu where the generation action appears and everything else can be adapted to your needs via the eclipse extension mechanism. For example, the name filter for which this action will be proposed can be modified like this:
* Open the '''MANIFEST.MF''' file;
* Go to the '''Extensions''' tab;
* Modify the '''nameFilter''' field of the '''popupMenus''' extension.
For more information about the Eclipse extension mechanism, please refer to the eclipse '''Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)''' documentation.
==The Acceleo Tooling==
The goal of the Acceleo project has always been to create a tooling that will help the user to create, maintain and deploy very easily a complete code generator. As such, we can separate the Acceleo tooling in three categories that will enter in action during the different steps of the live cycle of a code generation project.
When starting a new code generation project, you can create an Acceleo project from scratch and start directly to work on your generation. If you are familiar with Acceleo and with the code that should be generated, you won't have any problem with this approach but if you are new to code generation, we advise you to try another approach.
In order to ease the creation of a code generation project, Acceleo features a new project wizard that allow you to start an Acceleo project from an existing prototype. As such, you can create a small working prototype of the code that should be generated and then you use it to initialize your Acceleo project. In a few clicks you will be able to have a code generator that will allow you to generate your initial prototype.
After the creation of this basic code generator, you need to improve your generator. In order to this, you can use all the features of the Acceleo editor. The Acceleo editor will guide you with basic features like code completion and static typing (with real time error detection and quick fixes). Advanced features are also integrated. From the quick replacement to transform a static piece of code to a generic one, to the refactoring options to extract a piece of code in a new template or to rename a template and all its occurrences, Acceleo will help you during all the steps of the creation of your generator.
When you are satisfied with your generator, you will want to test it. Acceleo is integrated in the Eclipse platform and it provides a launch configuration to quickly start a generation. If you want to integrate Acceleo in another Eclipse plugin, you can use the Java launcher class that is generated by Acceleo. We can also create a UI for your generator in order to integrate your generator in another Eclipse in a few clicks.
If you have an existing workflow and if you want to use Acceleo in this workflow, you can use the Java class generated by Acceleo or the Ant task or the Maven pom.xml to compile your Acceleo modules. After that you can call the Acceleo launcher class to launch the generation. If you don't want to have any dependencies with Eclipse, you can also embed an Acceleo generator in your own product since the Acceleo runtime can be used in stand alone without any dependencies with Eclipse.
Now that you have your Acceleo generator, you may want to deploy it for your customers. Acceleo can help you build your generator with Java, Ant or Maven and since all Acceleo projects are Eclipse plugin projects you can also use the Eclipse build system to quickly create an Eclipse update site for your generator.
Now that you have your generator deployed, you may want to improve it by customizing a part of the generation. Acceleo features several ways to customize a generator and its generated code. You can create protected areas to ensure that the end user will be able to modify the generated code and if you are generating Java you can even go further with JMerge tags. If you want to change a part of the behavior of a generator you can also use static overriding to override a specific part of an existing generator. Now, if you don't want to change at all the original generator, you can also use dynamic overriding to customize an existing generator without having to touch the original generator just like with aspect oriented programming.
===The Acceleo Editor===
= Edition =
== The Acceleo Editor ==
The module editor provides the following features:
The module editor provides the following features:
* Syntax highlighting;
* Content assistant (Ctrl + Space);
* Error detection;
* Quick fixes (Ctrl + Shift + 1);
* Outlines;
* Quick outline (Ctrl + O);
* Code folding;
* Open declaration (either with Ctrl + Left Click or F3);
* Search references (Ctrl + Shift + G);
* Refactorings.
    * Syntax highlighting;
    * Content assistant (Ctrl + Space);
    * Error detection;
    * Quick fixes (Ctrl + Shift + 1);
    * Dynamic outline;
    * Quick outline (Ctrl + O);
    * Code folding;
    * Open declaration (either with Ctrl + Left Click or F3);
    * Search references (Ctrl + Shift + G).
These features will be detailed hereafter.
'''Note:''' Read also the complete feature list of [[Acceleo/Acceleo_Editor | Acceleo Editor]]
For more information about the Acceleo syntax, please read the official OMG specification accessible from the official MTL Specification.
== Editing modules ==
The Acceleo editor is by default associated with the .mtl file extension.
=== Syntax Highlighting ===
====Syntax Highlighting====
The editor uses specific colors for Acceleo templates:
The editor uses specific colors for Acceleo templates:
    * red is used for template tags;
* red is used for template tags;
    * purple is used for other tags (queries, modules, imports, ...);
* purple is used for other tags (queries, modules, imports, ...);
    * blue is used for dynamic expressions in templates or other places;
* blue is used for dynamic expressions in templates or other places;
    * green is used for comments and String literals;
* green is used for comments and String literals;
    * black is used for static text or query bodies.
* black is used for static text or query bodies.
You can change the colors used by the Acceleo editor thanks to a preferences menu accessible in the '''Windows -> Preferences''' menu.
====Content assistant====
<youtube width="712" height="556">I1MCKyiUULQ</youtube>
The content assistant is traditionally invoked with '''Ctrl + Space'''. We have already met it several times in this guide. It proposes a choice of all elements that make sense at the place of invocation. It is available everywhere, so don't hesitate to hit '''Ctrl + Space''' anywhere!
=== Content Assistant ===
The content assistant is traditionally invoked with Ctrl + space. We have already met it severral times in this guide. It proposes a choice of all elements that make sense at the place of invocation. It is available everywhere, so don't hesitate to hit Ctrl + space anywhere!
Example of content assistant on a type:
Example of content assistant on a type:
On a metamodel:
On a metamodel:
Content assistant is also very useful in a multitude of situations. We will give some examples, simply remember to hit Ctrl + Space whenever you want, it will probably help you a lot!
Here is a view of all options you get when hitting Ctrl + Space in a template:
Content assistant is also very useful in a multitude of situations. We will give some examples, simply remember to hit '''Ctrl + Space''' whenever you want, it will probably help you a lot!
And here is the options proposed out of a template, when hitting Ctrl + Space directly in an Acceleo module file:
Here is a view of all options you get when hitting '''Ctrl + Space''' in a template:
=== Comments ===
Comments are entered in [comment] blocks, and appear in some shade of green. The [comment] tag can be self closed:
[comment Here is some comment of utter importance/]
And here is the options proposed out of a template, when hitting '''Ctrl + Space''' directly in an Acceleo module file:
But you can also surround a block of text between comment tags:
Here is some commented text, which cannot contain a right bracket character.
Such comments are part of the official MTL specification. They cannot be placed inside OCL code, such as queries for instance. They cannot be placed in the middle of an Acceleo statement either.
It is possible to comment some portion of code or text of an Acceleo module with the Ctrl + / shortcut, or by right-clicking on the selected text and then Source > Comment.
====Real Time Errors Detection====
The behavior depends on what is selected:
<youtube width="712" height="556">LA0uQOlvuEg</youtube>
    * If nothing is selected, the current line (not the line you right-clicked on, but the line where the cursor is located) is surrounded with [comment]...[\comment] tags.
    * If some text is selected, it is surrounded with [comment]...[\comment] tags, whether it spans multiple lines or not.
=== Code Folding ===
=====Error Markers=====
Obviously, Acceleo displays error markers when errors are detected. Error markers also appear in the eclipse Problems view, as usual. Files with errors also appear with an error decorator.
Just hover the marker in the editor margin with the mouse to get a tooltip to appear with an explanation of the problem.
Acceleo displays error markers whenever a module file cannot be compiled, whatever the reason. But more, Acceleo also displays error markers when it finds inconsistencies between a module and other elements, such as the containing plug-in's '''MANIFEST.MF''' file. For instance, if a module's main file is located in a package which is not exported by its plug-in, an error marker is added because the main file cannot be run if the plug-in does not export its package.
Errors appear in the '''Problems''' view (generally displayed at the bottom of the perspective), and double-clicking on an error in this view directly takes you to the file where it is located.
In the example above, the <code>[javaName()]</code> tag is never closed. Just replace it with <code>[javaName()/]</code> (notice the slash to close the tag) and the error disappears.
=====Quick Fixes=====
Quick fixes are available with the shortcut '''Ctrl + 1'''.
Currently, quick fixes propose to create a supposedly missing template or query, before or after the current template.
In the following example, we just write the call to a template that does not exist yet, and use the quick fix to create it immediately.
Another quick fix available creates a new query that wraps a java service, as described in the '''Wrapping Java Services''' section.
Imagine you have java methods called '''service1''', '''service2''', '''service3''' (which of course are not recommended names!) in a class that you can access from your Acceleo project (it is either directly in your project, or imported). Enter service in your template and save it. A red marker appears since it does not compile.
Hit '''Ctrl + 1''', and select '''Create Java service wrapper'''.
Acceleo looks for a method starting by '''service''' in the accessible classes and creates queries for each of them, inserting them at the end of your module file.
<youtube width="712" height="556">pjbIR3E0xI4</youtube>
=====The dynamic outline=====
The traditional eclipse outline view is used by Acceleo to display the module's structure. imports, templates, queries can be seen there, and double-clicking on any of them places the cursor at the corresponding position in the module (in the editor).
=====The quick outline=====
The quick outline, which can be displayed using '''Ctrl + O''', displays just the necessary information to access any element in the current module. So, hitting '''Ctrl + O''' displays a pop-up with a list of templates and queries.
A text field at the top allows you to quickly filter the content in order to easily find what you are looking for.
One of the great benefits of modern IDE tooling is the capacity to easily navigate in code from elements to their declarations and, vice-versa, from declarations to usages.
These features are available in Acceleo.
====Code Folding====
Templates and comments can be folded thanks to a marker located in the left margin in front of each of these elements.
Templates and comments can be folded thanks to a marker located in the left margin in front of each of these elements.
=== Rapid Text Replacement ===
Here is a very useful trick in Acceleo. Rapid text replacement allows you to quickly replace all occurrence of a chosen piece of text by some template invocation. Case differences are inferred generating toUpper() or toUpperFirst() depending on what's needed.
====Open Declaration====
<youtube width="712" height="556">IGG0Lfi8-w8</youtube>
The traditional shortcut '''F3''' is supported by Acceleo, along with '''Ctrl + click''', which both take you to the declaration of the selected or clicked element. This is supported for all kinds of elements: templates, queries, metamodels, metamodel elements, EOperations, etc.
This can also be achieved by right-clicking on an element, then '''Open Declaration'''.
====Search References====
Conversely, it is possible to get all the elements that refer to a given element. The shortcut is ''''Ctrl + Shift + G'''', but it can also be achieved by right-clicking on the element then ''''Search References''''.
The relevant elements are displayed in the '''Search''' view.
====Quick Replacement====
<youtube width="712" height="556">RV2shIZb9Tw</youtube>
Here is a very useful trick in Acceleo. Rapid text replacement allows you to quickly replace all occurrence of a chosen piece of text by some template invocation. Case differences are inferred generating '''toUpper()''' or '''toUpperFirst()''' depending on what's needed.
Here is an example:
Here is an example:
In a classical bottom-up approach, you have written your code first, and you now implement the Acceleo template from this code. What you want to do here is to replace all occurrences of "att1" by a dynamic behavior, i.e. by a template call.
In a classical bottom-up approach, you have written your code first, and you now implement the Acceleo template from this code. What you want to do here is to replace all occurrences of '''att1''' by a dynamic behavior, i.e. by a template call.
The easiest way to do this is to select one of the '''att1''' in the editor, and invoke the content assistant by hitting '''Ctrl + Space'''.
The easiest way to do this is to select one of the "att1" in the editor, and invoke the content assistant by hitting Ctrl + Space.
The completion assistant proposes to replace all occurrences of the selected text by a template call. A preview of the result is displayed in a tooltip close to the completion window.
The completion assistant proposes to replace all occurrences of the selected text by a template call. A preview of the result is displayed in a tooltip close to the completion window.
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When you accept this option, all occurrences are replaced and you can immediately enter the template invocation needed, which is simultaneously replaced in all relevant locations.
When you accept this option, all occurrences are replaced and you can immediately enter the template invocation needed, which is simultaneously replaced in all relevant locations.
All occurrences of att1 have been replaced by [javaName()/] (because javaName() is what was entered manually), but Att1 has been replaced by [javaName().toUpperFirst()/].
The next thing you'd want to do in the above example is to replace all occurrences of int by something like [javaType()/], and implement the javaType template to write the java type of the class attributes.
All occurrences of <code>att1</code> have been replaced by <code>[javaName()/]</code> (because <code>javaName()</code> is what was entered manually), but <code>Att1</code> has been replaced by <code>[javaName.toUpperFirst()/]</code>.
The next thing you'd want to do in the above example is to replace all occurrences of int by something like <code>[javaType()/]</code>, and implement the '''javaType''' template to write the java type of the class attributes.
Just proceed the same way and you're done. No risk to forget any occurrence of your type anymore!
Just proceed the same way and you're done. No risk to forget any occurrence of your type anymore!
=== Rapid For/If Blocks ===
====Rapid If/For blocks====
<youtube width="712" height="556">OALYDInSMYc</youtube>
You will probably not use this feature every day, but it is important to know that it exists because it can bring you comfort from time to time.
You will probably not use this feature every day, but it is important to know that it exists because it can bring you comfort from time to time.
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The example below shows a sample of a place where we want to implement a behavior for each widget:
The example below shows a sample of a place where we want to implement a behavior for each widget:
Once the action executed, we end up with this:
Once the action executed, we end up with this:
Of course, this means we still need to change the conditions of these if statements; but it simplifies the transformation of the template into what we need:
Of course, this means we still need to change the conditions of these if statements; but it simplifies the transformation of the template into what we need:
== The Acceleo Views ==
Acceleo provides a few specific views to improve productivity when working with templates. These views will be detailed later on, in the relevant chapters. Let's just summarize their purpose to get the big picture.
As usual, they can be opened by clicking on Window > Show View and selecting the appropriate view in the menu. Note that in the Acceleo perspective, Acceleo views are proposed by default directly in this menu, which will not be the case in another perspective where you'll have to find them in the Other... popup.
=== The Generation Patterns View ===
Generation patterns have been introduced in acceleo because we noticed that something that happens really often when developing code generators is the need to implement some behavior on an interface and all or part of its subtypes.
For example, let's imagine you are implementing a java generator from UML. What you want is to have a template called javaName which will generate the name of any classifier, with some default behavior and some specific behavior on classes and interfaces.
This is where the Generation Patterns view comes into play:
    * Locate the cursor in the template, at the position where you want to insert your javaName templates;
    * In the Generation patterns view, select "[template] for all selected types" in the top part
    * Select the types for which you want to create javaName templates for.
Note the bottom part of the Generation Patterns views presents a hierarchical view of the metamodel you are using. Each node represents a type of the metamodel and contains all of its subtypes. So, one type can appear several times in this view, one time for each of its super-classes or super-interfaces. When you select a node (by checking the combo-box before it), all its descendants are also selected by default, but you can uncheck those you don't need.
<youtube width="712" height="556">JkzfMUy3r1U</youtube>
The renaming functionality is accessible via '''Alt + Shift + R''', as usual in Eclipse. This allows templates and variables to be renamed in a coherent manner: all references to the renamed element are updated to use the new name, as expected.
Once you have selected the types you need, go back to the editor and activate the completion by hitting Ctrl+Space. The first choice should be "[template] for all selected types", select it.
Note that when selecting an element in the editor, all the occurrences of the same element are highlighted, which makes it very easy to find where a given template is being used.
New templates are then inserted into you Acceleo module. They are called "name" by default but you can immediately rename them by just entering the name you want. All templates will be renamed simultaneously.
When hitting '''Alt + Shift + R''', a window appears where the new name must be entered. Names already in use are forbidden.
Here, Acceleo has done his job, now it's time for you to do yours: implement these newly created templates!
From here, it is possible to preview the changes that will be made by clicking on the Preview > button, or to make the changes immediately by clicking on OK.
The preview displays the files that will be modified and for each of them the changes that are to be applied to their content.
The left side of the preview displays the current state of the module, and the right side displays the future state of the module after the renaming takes place.
=====Extract as Template =====
<youtube width="712" height="556">jU6JHS9DuyI</youtube>
When you develop Acceleo templates, you will sooner or later (and probably sooner than later) wish to extract a piece of code into a template in order to prevent the copy/paste syndrom.
Well, don't worry : you can do it with no effort!
Just select the piece of text you want to extract in another template, and right-click then choose '''Refactor > Extract Template''' (or just hit '''Alt + Shift + T''').
The selected text is then extracted in another template. Note that the selected text needs to be consistent : you cannot of course extract text that partially spans blocks of code and get an adequate result.
=====Transform to Protected Area=====
Similarly, it is very useful to mark some code area as protected. For example, in the following code, it may be useful to protect the imports area in order to keep imports required by user code after each regeneration.
Rather than manually entering the [protected /]  blocks, you can just select the portion of code to protect, right-click on it then choose '''Source > As Protected Area...''' (or use the '''Alt + Shift + P''' shortcut).
The selected text is then surrounded with <code>[protected/]</code> markers, with an automatically inferred id.
Don't forget to add the comment markers at the beginning of the protected lines. Since such comment markers depend on your target language, Acceleo cannot infer them (we use java for this document's examples).
'''Note''': You may have to modify the id used to make sure the marker works like you want, as ids have to be unique for a given file.
===The Acceleo Perspective===
The Acceleo perspective contains three different views used to help you during the creation of your Acceleo project.
====The Result view====
<youtube width="712" height="556">dEmKCbhlTFU</youtube>
The '''Result view''' displays the traceability information computed by the Acceleo generation engine. In order to activate the computation of the traceability information, you need to change your launch configuration. You can also change the activation state of the traceability information programmatically with the <code>org.eclipse.acceleo.common.preference.AcceleoPreferences</code> class.
====The Override view====
The override view allows you to see all the Acceleo modules in your workspace and in your plugins (it can slow down your Eclipse so it is not recommended to have this view activated all the time). From there you can quickly select a specific template and then you can use the completion mechanism ('''Ctrl + Space''') to override it in your current module.
=== The Overrides View ===
This view presents you with every Acceleo element that is accessible in your workbench (no matter your current project's dependencies). You can select one or several elements (use the checkboxes) and override them.
This view presents you with every Acceleo element that is accessible in your workbench (no matter your current project's dependencies). You can select one or several elements (use the checkboxes) and override them.
Note: If the meaning of "override" is not clear, you may want to refer to the official MTL Specification.
'''Note''': If the meaning of "override" is not clear, you may want to refer to the official MTL Specification.
Templates displayed in this view can be anywhere in your workspace or in your plug-ins.
Templates displayed in this view can be anywhere in your workspace or in your plug-ins.
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So, this view can be used for:
So, this view can be used for:
    * Selecting templates you want to override (which is its main purpose);
* Selecting templates you want to override (which is its main purpose);
    * Navigating to templates in your plug-ins to see their implementation without having to explicitly import their plug-in(s) in your workspace.
* Navigating to templates in your plug-ins to see their implementation without having to explicitly import their plug-in(s) in your workspace.
* To override one or several existing templates, just select them in this view by checking their checkboxes. Then, edit the module in which you will override the templates, place the cursor where you want to insert the overriding templates, and hit Ctrl + Space.
To override one or several existing templates, just select them in this view by checking their checkboxes. Then, edit the module in which you will override the templates, place the cursor where you want to insert the overriding templates, and hit Ctrl + Space.
Select the first choice ("Selected Overrides") and hit Return. The overriding templates are then created. Note that by default, their implementation is initialized with their original implementation.
Note: A marker indicates whether a given project is accessible from yours. If this is the case, a green mark indicates everything is fine. Otherwise, a red marker indicates that you need to import the project in yours to be able to override a template it contains. For example, in the screenshot below, org.eclipse.acceleo.module.other.sample needs be imported in your current project before you can successfully override one of its templates.
Select the first choice ('''Selected Overrides''') and hit '''Return'''. The overriding templates are then created. Note that by default, their implementation is initialized with their original implementation.
Nevertheless, you can declare the overriding, it will just not compile while you have not imported the relevant project (which is done in the MANIFEST.MF file of your Acceleo project).
=== Dynamic overriding vs static overriding ===
Acceleo allows static overriding as described in the MTL specification. Acceleo also allows another kind of overriding, which is called "dynamic".
Dynamic overriding allows you to override any template called by a given module even if the launcher of this module knows nothing about your project. It takes precedence over any static template overriding. With dynamic overriding, you can make sure a specific template will be called while calling the original generator (the initial java class that launches the generation). Dynamic overriding only works "out-of-the-box" inside of eclipse.
'''Note''': A marker indicates whether a given project is accessible from yours. If this is the case, a '''green marker''' indicates everything is fine. Otherwise, a '''red marker''' indicates that you need to import the project in yours to be able to override a template it contains. For example, in the screenshot below, <code>org.eclipse.acceleo.module.other.sample</code> needs be imported in your current project before you can successfully override one of its templates.
To activate dynamic overriding, you must place the overriding template on a plug-in which will extend the org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.dynamic.templates extension point.
To do that, open the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file of your plug-in, go to the Extensions tab, and click on the "Add..." button.
Click on "Finish".
Nevertheless, you can declare the overriding, it will just not compile while you have not imported the relevant project (which is done in the '''MANIFEST.MF file''' of your Acceleo project).
The extension point requires only one piece of information, which is the path to a module file or folder. If it is a folder, Acceleo looks for modules recursively and takes them all into account for dynamic overriding.
You can use the "Browse..." button to select the file or folder.
Note: Your plug-in must be a singleton to declare an extension.
====The Generation Pattern view====
The generation pattern view allows you to use some design pattern for code generation very easily. One common example is the use of polymorphism that can be achieved very easily with this view. You can also contribute your own design patterns to Acceleo thanks to an extension point as you can see it in the following video.
=== The Result View ===
<youtube width="712" height="556">GE2hVQiZ5CE</youtube>
This view displays the results of the latest generation run. It displays the list of projects where some code has been generated. In each project, the files that have been generated (in their folders).
For each file, the view displays:
Generation patterns have been introduced in acceleo because we noticed that something that happens really often when developing code generators is the need to implement some behavior on an interface and all or part of its subtypes.
    * A list of model elements used for their generation, in a hierarchical way;
For example, let's imagine you are implementing a java generator from UML. What you want is to have a template called javaName which will generate the name of any classifier, with some default behavior and some specific behavior on classes and interfaces.
    * A list of Acceleo modules used for their generation.
You can double-click on any element to visualize the related portions of generated text.
This is where the Generation Patterns view comes into play:
You can right-click on any element and select Open Declaration to navigate to any atomic element used during the generation, be it a model element or an Acceleo element (template, query).
* Locate the cursor in the template, at the position where you want to insert your '''javaName''' template;
* In the Generation patterns view, select '''[template] for all selected types''' in the top part
* Select the types for which you want to create '''javaName''' templates for.
This view's behavior will be further detailed in chapter Using the Result View.
'''Note:''' the bottom part of the '''Generation Patterns''' view presents a hierarchical view of the metamodel you are using. Each node represents a type of the metamodel and contains all of its subtypes. So, one type can appear several times in this view, one time for each of its super-classes or super-interfaces. When you select a node (by checking the combo-box before it), all its descendants are also selected by default, but you can uncheck those you don't need.
== Outlines ==
=== The Dynamic Outline ===
The traditional eclipse outline view is used by Acceleo to display the module's structure. imports, templates, queries can be seen there, and double-clicking on any of them places the cursor at the corresponding position in the module (in the editor).
=== The Quick Outline ===
The quick outline, which can be displayed using Ctrl + O, displays just the necessary information to access any element in the current module. So, hitting Ctrl + O displays a pop-up with a list of templates and queries.
A text field at the top allows you to quickly filter the content in order to easily find what you are looking for.
Once you have selected the types you need, go back to the editor and activate the completion by hitting '''Ctrl+Space'''. The first choice should be '''[template]for all selected types''', select it.
== Navigating Acceleo Modules ==
One of the great benefits of modern IDE tooling is the capacity to easily navigate in code from elements to their declarations and, vice-versa, from declarations to usages.
These features are available in Acceleo.
New templates are then inserted into you Acceleo module. They are called '''name''' by default but you can immediately rename them by just entering the name you want. All templates will be renamed simultaneously.
=== Open Declaration ===
The traditional shortcut F3 is supported by Acceleo, along with Ctrl + click, which both take you to the declaration of the selected or clicked element. This is supported for all kinds of elements: templates, queries, metamodels, metamodel elements, EOperations, etc.
This can also be achieved by right-clicking on an element, then Open Declaration.
=== Search References ===
Here, Acceleo has done his job, now it's time for you to do yours: implement these newly created templates
Conversely, it is possible to get all the elements that refer to a given element. The shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + G, but it can also be achieved by right-clicking on the element then Search References.
The relevant elements are displayed in the Search view.
===The Acceleo Profiler===
== Detecting and Solving Problems ==
Acceleo ships with a built-in profiler which allows you to keep track of executions and see where time is consumed during a generation, thus making it easier to identify (and hopefully fix) bottlenecks.
=== Error Markers ===
Obviously, Acceleo displays error markers when errors are detected. Error markers also appear in the eclipse Problems view, as usual. Files with errors also appear with an error decorator.
Just hover the marker in the editor margin with the mouse to get a tooltip to appear with an explanation of the problem.
<youtube width="712" height="556">kUn_QXWEN8g</youtube>
Acceleo displays error markers whenever a module file cannot be compiled, whatever the reason. But more, Acceleo also displays error markers when it finds inconsistencies between a module and other elements, such as the containing plug-in's MANIFEST.MF file. For instance, if a module's main file is located in a package which is not exported by its plug-in, an error marker is added because the main file cannot be run if the plug-in does not export its package.
Errors appear in the "Problems" view (generally displayed at the bottom of the perspective), and double-clicking on an error in this view directly takes you to the file where it is located.
In the example above, the [javaName()] tag is never closed. Just replace it with [javaName()/] (notice the slash to close the tag) and the error disappears.
====Launching a generation with the profiler====
=== Quick Fixes ===
The first thing to do to profile an Acceleo generation is to create a '''Profile Configuration''', which is as we will see very similar to a '''Launch Configuration'''. To create a '''Profile Configuration''', right-click on an Acceleo module file, and select '''Profile As > Profile Configurations...'''.
Quick fixes are available with the shortcut Ctrl + 1.
Currently, quick fixes propose to create a supposedly missing template or query, before or after the current template.
In the following example, we just write the call to a template that does not exist yet, and use the quick fix to create it immediately.
Another quick fix available creates a new query that wraps a java service, as described in the Wrapping Java Services section.
A configuration page appears, which looks very much like the traditional launch configuration page. You can also launch the profiling from a regular launch configuration page but ticking the '''activate the profiling''' button.
Imagine you have java methods called service1, service2, service3 (which of course are not recommended names!) in a class that you can access from your Acceleo project (it is either directly in your project, or imported). Enter service in your template and save it. A red marker appears since it does not compile.
There is just one additional information to enter, which is the path to the profiling result file where Acceleo will store the profiling information of subsequent executions. Profile files must have the file extension '''.mtlp'''. If you try another file extension, the configuration page displays an error message and the configuration cannot be saved.
Hit Ctrl + 1, and select Create Java service wrapper.
Acceleo looks for a method starting by "service" in the accessible classes and creates queries for each of them, inserting them at the end of your module file.
====Acceleo Profile Files====
Note: More quick fixes will be provided in the next versions of Acceleo.
Acceleo stores the result of a profiled execution in a file which extension is .mtlp. This file is actually just a serialized EMF model.
== Refactoring ==
To profile an Accele generation, you have to launch it by right-clicking on the Acceleo module file and selecting '''Profile As > Launch Acceleo Application'''.
=== Renaming ===
The renaming functionality is accessible via Alt + Shift + R, as usual in eclipse. This allows templates and variables to be renamed in a coherent manner: All references to the renamed element are updated to use the new name, as expected.
Note that when selecting an element in the editor, all the occurrences of the same element are highlighted, which makes it very easy to find where a given template is being used.
When hitting Alt + Shift + R, a window appears where the new name must be entered. Names already in use are forbidden.
From here, it is possible to preview the changes that will be made by clicking on the Preview > button, or to make the changes immediately by clicking on OK.
The generation is then executed, and the profile result file is created (or updated if it was already there).
The preview displays the files that will be modified and for each of them the changes that are to be applied to their content.
Let's take a closer look at it.
The left side of the preview displays the current state of the module, and the right side displays the future state of the module after the renaming takes place.
=== Extract as Template ===
When you develop Acceleo templates, you will sooner or later (and probably sooner than later) wish to extract a piece of code into a template in order to prevent the copy/paste syndrom.
Well, don't worry : you can do it with no effort!
The above image shows the content of an '''mtlp''' file, and correspondances between the generated files or the Acceleo template elements and the profiled data.
Just select the piece of text you want to extract in another template, and right-click then choose Refactor > Extract Template (or just hit Alt + Shift + T).
For each generated file, there is one entry in the root node of the profile (see the main blue and green areas).
The selected text is then extracted in another template. Note that the selected text needs to be consistent : you cannot of course extract text that partially spans blocks of code and get an adequate result.
Inside of each generated file block, there is profiling information for each template instruction. The containment of profiled data follows the structure of executed templates. For example, a <code>[for ... ]</code>  instruction contains other template calls, so the profiled data has a node for the for which contains a node for each template call executed inside this for.
=== Transform to Protected Area ===
So, by looking at the profiling data, we know that the generation of the first file (the blue one) took 20ms, while the second file's generation took 11ms. For the first file, 60% of the generation time was used in the for loop that manages the class attributes.
Similarly, it is very useful to mark some code area as protected. For example, in the following code, it may be useful to protect the imports area in order to keep imports required by user code after each regeneration.
Rather than manually entering the [protected] blocks, you can just select the portion of code to protect, right-click on it then choose Source > As Protected Area... (or use the Alt + Shift + P shortcut).
===The Acceleo Debugger===
The selected text is then surrounded with [protected] markers, with an automatically inferred id.
Don't forget to add the comment markers at the beginning of the protected lines. Since such comment markers depend on your target language, Acceleo cannot infer them (we use java for this document's examples).
<youtube width="712" height="556">RGayWix9RTk</youtube>
Note: You may have to modify the id used to make sure the marker works like you want, as ids have to be unique for a given file.
== Other Facilities ==
=== Wrapping Java Services ===
It is sometimes useful to invoke some java code from inside an Acceleo template. The acceleo non-standard library provides a service invoke which allows just that. The invoked java service can be wrapped in an Acceleo query.
To add a breakpoint somewhere in a template, just double-click in the left margin on the line where you want to add the breakpoint. A nice bluish marker should appear, which should be very familiar to eclipse users.
To facilitate the creation of such a wrapper, proceed like this:
      Right-click on the package you want to create your Acceleo module in, and select New > Acceleo Module File
You can add conditions on breakpoints, so that execution will only stop at the breakpoint if a given condition is fulfilled. To put a condition on a breakpoint, just left-click on it once. A small window should appear where you can enter your condition (using OCL).
      In the wizard, enter the relevant information in the usual fields, then click on the Advanced >> button
      Check the Initialize Content checkbox
      Select Create a Java services wrapper in the listbox below
      Select the java file that contains the services to wrap
====Step By Step Execution====
      Click on the Finish button
To debug an Acceleo generation, two possibilities:
That's it!
* Right-click on your '''.mtl''' file, and select '''Debug As > Launch Acceleo Generation''';
An Acceleo module is created, with a query for each service found in the original java class.
=== Initializing a Project with an Example ===
It is often useful (actually, it is recommended) to use a bottom-up approach to develop Acceleo templates. So, before beginning to write templates, start by prototyping your target files, make sure they work as expected, and then you are ready to start generating them. An existing application can be used as a starting point to create an Acceleo module. By the way, it is a good idea to mimick the target's organization in the Acceleo module's organization: One generation module per kind of file to generate, each located in a package named after the target package's name.
At that time, you'd like to import the content of some files into a new template.
* If you have already run the generation you want to debug, click on the debug icon and select your generation. Eclipse may display a pop-up window to ask you whether you want to open the debug perspective:
Let's imagine you have written the following class sample in your bottom-up approach. (Of course, this is a stupid example, you'll have to work a bit more for this approach to prove useful!)
      Right-click on the package you want to create your Acceleo module in, and select New > Acceleo Module File
It is actually recommended to switch to the debug perspective, which is really more appropriate to debug executions.
      In the wizard, enter the relevant information in the usual fields, then click on the Advanced >> button
The debug perspective should be quite familiar to people used to the eclipse IDE. The '''Debug''' view (on the top left) displays the stack of the current execution. Clicking on any element of the stack will simulatenously display the corresponding Acceleo code in the edition area.
      Check the Initialize Content checkbox
The '''Variables''' view displays currently accessible variables. In the example below, the execution has met a breakpoint when computing <code>javaType()</code> for a class attibute, so the current input is a class attribute (of type Property in UML2). The '''Variables''' view tells us that the current attribute is called '''firstName'''.
      Select Copy example content in the listbox below (which should be selected by default)
      select the file that contains the example code
      Click on the Finish button
As usual, it is possible to:
* Step into a template (F5);
* Step over a template (F6);
* Step Return (F7), which means "go to the end of the current template";
* Resume execution (F8);
* Stop execution (Ctrl + F2).
An Acceleo module is created, and the content of the example java file is copied into this module's primary template.
The icons above the '''Debug''' view serve the same purpose.
Note: You may have noticed that error marker at the top left of the Acceleo editor area. This is due to the package containing the newly created module not being declared as exported by the plug-in. It is necessary to add relevant packages to the exported packages list in your plug-in's MANIFEST.MF file. Especially, templates that contain an @main annotation and are located in a package which is not exported are marked with an error marker to remind you that.
On each step, the debugger stops just before the evaluation, and just after, in which case it displays the produced text in a field called '''output''' in the '''Variables''' view.
Declaring the package as exported by the plug-in removes the error marker, all is well that ends well.
= Compilation =
Acceleo breakpoints can be temporarily deactivated, thanks to the '''Breakpoints''' view. Just uncheck the checkbox in front of a breakpoint to deactivate it. Here is an example of a deactivated breakpoint in this view:
Acceleo templates are compiled into models, materialized by .emtl files in the bin/ folder of Acceleo projects.
Of course, Acceleo complies to eclipse settings for compilation, which means that compiled files are placed in the default output folder as defined in the Java Build Path settings of the package (usually the bin/ folder).
== Compilation Compliance Mode ==
==Launching an Acceleo generation==
The Acceleo compiler can be set to be "strict" or "pragmatic", "pragmatic" being the default mode.
The "strict" mode is 100% compliant with the OMG specification and guarantees that the compiled generators will work in any MTL-compilant engine. In this case, non-standard libraries are not allowed.
<youtube width="712" height="556">_8u8k3J6E70</youtube>
The "pragmatic" mode is not 100% MTL-compliant since non-standard libary operations are allowed, but this makes it way easier to develop powerful modules.
===Launch Configuration===
This can be set project by project in each project's properties page:
In order to launch an Acceleo generator, you just have to right click on your main module and use the '''Run As''' menu. From there the '''Launch Configuration''' menu will open. If you already have created a launch configuration you can access the launch configuration menu from the '''Run  ->  Run Configurations...''' menu.
Just select the project and click Alt + Return, or right-click on it and select Properties.
Check the "Strict MTL Compliance" option to activate the strict mode, which is off by default.
In this menu, you will have access to the Acceleo Launch configuration. You just have to select the Acceleo generator project, then the Java launcher class generated by Acceleo (subclass of '''AbstractAcceleoGenerator'''), your input model and finally the output folder of the generation.
= Execution =
You can choose the runner of the generation, which will configure the condition under which the generation will be launched. Two launchers are available by default, the Acceleo Plugin launch will launch your Acceleo generator as an Eclipse plugin in your current Eclipse instance and the Java Application will launch your generator as a stand alone Java project without any dependencies with Eclipse (see the stand alone launch documentation for more details).
== Running an Acceleo Generation ==
There are several ways of launching a generation with Acceleo. We will now examine how to generate code inside eclipse, then outside of eclipse.
=== Launch Acceleo Application ===
Right-click on an Acceleo module (.mtl) file, then select Run As > Launch Acceleo Application.
This opens a wizard to create a launch configuration if such a configuration does not already exist for this file.
You can contribute new runners thanks to the <code>org.eclipse.acceleo.ide.ui.launching</code> extension point. You can also configure from there the activation of the profiling and the traceability (see profiler and traceability documentation).
If a launch configuration already exists, the generation is launched immediately.
===Ant, Maven, Java===
Note: If an invalid launch configuration exists for the selected Acceleo module, it is used even if it produces no result or an error. So, if nothing happened when following the preceding steps, try and check whether a launch configuration already exists for your template.
If you want to launch an Acceleo generator from Ant, Maven or programmatically from Java, have a look at the documentation on the stand alone launch (Java) and the integration of Acceleo in an existing workflow.
Now, let's examine what information must (or can) be provided to Acceleo launch configurations.
===Java Launcher API===
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=== Launch Configurations ===
Launch configurations for Acceleo can be created as described above, or by opening the Run Configurations window, and then right-clicking on the Acceleo Application category to the left, and selecting New or Duplicate.
An acceleo launch configuration requires:
When you are creating a module with a main template, Acceleo will generate a Java launcher class that you can use as a front end for the Acceleo APIs to launch your generation. This Java launcher class provides lot of options in order to customize the generation, let's have a look at those options.
      A project (which contains the java entry point to run)
====Module name and template name====
      A java class to run (contained in the above project)
Acceleo generates in the Java launcher class the name of the module and the name of the template(s) that should be used as the starting point of the generation. You can, after a modification of the <code>@generated</code> tag to a <code>@generated NOT</code> tag in the documentation any of those values. If you want to start the generation from any other template, you can do it. It is highly recommended to not touch those values since the Java class will stay synchronized with any modifications of the main module but the Acceleo API allows you to start a generation from any template.
      An input model
      An output folder (which will be the "root" from which to resolve relative paths of the files that are to be generated)
public static final String MODULE_FILE_NAME = "/org/obeonetwork/pim/uml2/gen/java/main/workflow";
public static final String[] TEMPLATE_NAMES = { "generateClass", "generateInterface", "generateEnumeration" };
Optionally, properties can be specified directly in the launch configuration. Here is what a ready launch configuration looks like:
Note: The "Arguments" tab shows that the model and target arguments are simply text arguments passed to the java class that handles the generation.
Note: Select "Contribute traceability information to Result View" to display the generated files in the Result View.
====The constructors====
==== Execution environment ====
You can find two constructors in the generated Java class
There are two ways to run an Acceleo generation in eclipse. This can be parameterized in the launch configuration, in the field "Runner":
The Acceleo Plug-in Application mode runs the generation inside eclipse. In this mode, The Acceleo engine uses eclipse APIs to manipulate resources. Besides, generated files are refreshed in eclipse at the end of the generation. In this mode, debugging stops on Acceleo module breakpoints, but not on java code breakpoints. The "Result view" is populated. In short, this is the recommended mode to use during the development process of Acceleo modules.
public Workflow(URI modelURI, File targetFolder, List<? extends Object> arguments) throws IOException {
      initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);
The Java Application mode runs the generation as if it were run outside of eclipse. In this mode, the Acceleo engine uses only core java features, such as for manipulating files. As for the generated files, they are not refreshed in eclipse, and the "Result" view is not populated: The generation is actually completely unaware of the running eclipse. Contrary to the previous mode, breakpoints located in java services called from your templates are taken into account, but breakpoints located in Acceleo templates are not. Consequently, this is the recommended mode for testing and validating Acceleo modules to make sure they behave as expected when run outside of eclipse.
=== The Generated API ===
public Workflow(EObject model, File targetFolder, List<? extends Object> arguments) throws IOException {
To help users, Acceleo creates an API that can launch an Acceleo template. This API can easily be customized to fit your specificities, if any.
      initialize(model, targetFolder, arguments);
It is important to note that Acceleo inspects modules for @main annotations in comments, and treats those templates specially. For every module containing at least one @main annotation, a java file is generated alongside it. This class contains whatever plumbing code is needed to run the generator.
Note: Templates marked with an @main annotation can be used to encapsulate the workflow logic of your generation.
The first constructor takes the URI of the model <code>URI modelURI = URI.createFileURI(args[0]);</code> while the second one let the user load the model by himself (you can use <code>org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.ModelUtils.load(...)</code> for help). If you want to plug an Acceleo generator to an existing tool, for example a model editor, you may want to try to launch the generation with the model that is already loaded by the tool instead of giving the uri of the model to the Acceleo generator and let Acceleo load one more time the model.
The generation can then be run by calling the main() method of the generated class, or instantiating it and calling doGenerate().
After that you can find the main method, the entry point of the stand alone generation and the <code>doGenerate()</code> method which is the method used to launch the generation. If you want to change a behavior just before or just after the generation, you can put your code in this method. If you want to change the way the generation is launched, you can choose not to delegate the generation to the parent.
API Meaning
Three constructors are generated by default:
    * One which receives:
          o The input model's URI;
          o The target folder (as a;
          o A list of arguments (as a java.util.List);
    * Another which receives the model's root element instead of the model's URI
    * A default one which just allows an easy instantiation, but requires one of the initialize methods to be called before generating anything.
main() A java entry point which can be used to launch a standalone generation (outside of eclipse).
====Generation listeners====
doGenerate() Launches the generation, using the given EMF progression monitor.
getGenerationListeners() Entry point that allows users to provide listeners of generation events if needed.
getGenerationStrategy() Entry point that allows users to change the way files are generated. Files can be generating using a DefaultStrategy, a PreviewStrategy or a WorkspaceAwareStrategy, depending on what and where the generation must be run. Just return the right type of strategy, and refer to the generated javadoc for more details.
getModuleName() Returns the module name without file extension. The default implementation should be convenient in most cases.
getProperties() This method allows you to add properties or properties files that will subsequently be available during the generation.
getTemplateNames() Returns the list of templates to call during the generation process The default implementation should be convenient in most cases.
registerPackages() Allows you to register EMF packages depending on the metamodels you need in your generators. This is only useful when launching standalone generations. This will be necessary if you use UML for example. You need to register every EMF package URI that is necessary to load the models you use. Refer to the EMF documentation if the meaning of this section is unclear.
registerResourcefactories() Can be used to update the resource set's resource factopry registry with all needed factories. For advanced users only! This is only useful when launching standalone generations. This will be necessary if you use UML or any other metamodel that has its own resource factory. Refer to the EMF documentation if the meaning of this section is unclear.
==== Customizing Acceleo Generations with Properties ====
Next, you can see the method used to add a set of generation listeners. Generation listeners will be called for each event of the generation (a file has been generated, the generation is over, etc...). If you want to react to an event that occurs during the generation, this is where you should plug your code.
It is very convenient to use properties to parameterize portions of generators or even generation rules. For example, properties can be used to parameterize which elements need be generated, making it easy to regenerate only a subset of files if required. This can also be used for internationalization.
Properties must be provided via the getProperties() API, which returns a java.util.List<String> . The returned list must contain the qualified names of the resource bundles from which the properties will be read, without extensions.
For example, returning "org.eclipse.acceleo.module.sample.My" will have Acceleo looking for:
public List<IAcceleoTextGenerationListener> getGenerationListeners() {
    List<IAcceleoTextGenerationListener> listeners = super.getGenerationListeners();
        return listeners;
    * A class named org.eclipse.acceleo.module.sample.My that implements ResourceBundle;
    * A properties file named in the org/eclipse/acceleo/module/sample/ source folder;
    * Properties files named,, and so on depending on possible locales in the org/eclipse/acceleo/module/sample/ source folder.
The mechanism used by Acceleo is that of ResourceBundle, which is a standard and widespread java mechanism. Please refer to your JDK's javadoc for more information about resource bundles and properties files.
Note: The resource bundles (i.e. properties files) must be accessible by the class loader used, so the simplest way is to put them in the module's class path.
====Generation strategy====
==== Generation Strategies ====
The generation strategy allows you to customize the way the generated code should be handled. The default generation strategy will for example create a new file for each file generated but if you want to manipulate the generated code before it serialization, you can create a different generation strategy (be careful since you could create a de-synchronization between the generated code and the traceability informations).
For the time being, Acceleo proposes 3 generations strategies:
    * The DefaultStrategy generates files on disk gradually during the whole generation process;
    * The PreviewStrategy generates no file at all, but returns a java.util.Map<String, String> in which keys are the file names and values are generated code for these files;
    * The WorkspaceAwareStrategy generates in memory, then asks elipse whether output files can be overridden. (This is an SCM-friendly mode, which works well with, for instance, ClearCase).
Just use a new instance of the right strategy and return it in your implementation of the getGenerationStrategy() method.
public IAcceleoGenerationStrategy getGenerationStrategy() {
    return super.getGenerationStrategy();
Note: The generation strategy mechanism is API and you can create your own subclasses in the unlikely case that the three Acceleo proposes aren't sufficient for your needs.
=== Using the Result View ===
====Properties files====
As mentioned above, the Result View displays the result of the latest Acceleo generation run.
Note: You have to enable the traceability option in the run configuration main page by selecting Contribute traceability information to Result View.
Acceleo allows you to use Java properties files during the generation. In order to access those files during the generation, you have to add them to the list of properties files like this:
Let's suppose we have the following Acceleo module to generate a class:
Let's run this on a UML model that contains two classes User and Account. It generates two java files, and the Result view looks like this:
public List<String> getProperties() {
    return propertiesFiles;
As you can see, each generated file appears in its project and folder hierarchy.
Inside of each generated file, the model elements used to generate it appear first, followed by the Acceleo module used to generate it.
What is really useful with this view is the synchronization between the generated code, the model elements used, and the templates.
====Generation ID====
For example, double-clicking on model element in this view (say, on "User") automatically opens the corresponding generated code.
The Acceleo Java launcher can attribute a generation ID to a specific generation. In order to set the generation ID, you can use the method <code>setGenerationID</code>. The generation ID should be calculated from the <code>org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.utils.AcceleoLaunchingUtil</code> class. The Acceleo UI project calculate by default a generation ID and sets it in the Java launcher.
It is also possible to open the input UML model on this specific element, by right-clicking on it, then selecting Open Declaration.
The associated model element is then displayed in the editor:
Double-clicking on a template element in this view automatically displays the corresponding portion of generated code.
====Package registration====
Once again, right-click and select Open Declaration to open the associated Acceleo module, with the relevant portion of template highlighted.
Thanks to the Java launcher class, you can register some additional packages for your generation. This is particularly useful for stand alone generation since EMF will not discover and register the available packages for you.
When you click on a portion of generated code in the editor, the associated template is simultaneously selected in the Result view, and vice-versa.
It is recommended not register the packages that are in the workspace by yourself. The Acceleo builder will register them for you, if you want to launch your generation in stand alone, you have to do it yourself tough. If you are using the XMI resource serialization (Right Click on a '''project -> Properties -> Acceleo compiler'''), you should register the package with its logical URI like this:
Notice the little Acceleo markers in the left margin of the generated files: They indicated portions of text generated by different templates. When you hover these markers with the mouse, a tooltip appears to explain with which elements it is related in the model and in the templates. Clicking on it synchronizes the Result view with the related portion of generated text.
The Result view is very useful to understand where unexpected results in your generated code come from. By just selecting the unexpected text, you'll be able to know which model element and which template(s) created it.
public void registerPackages(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
    if (!isInWorkspace(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.class)) {
        resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI(), org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);
=== Standalone Execution ===
== Debugging an Acceleo Generation ==
=== Breakpoints ===
To add a breakpoint somewhere in a template, just double-click in the left margin on the line where you want to add the breakpoint. A nice bluish marker should appear, which should be very familiar to eclipse users.
You can add conditions on breakpoints, so that execution will only stop at the breakpoint if a given condition is fulfilled. To put a condition on a breakpoint, just left-click on it once. A small window should appear where you can enter your condition (using OCL).
If you are using the binary resource serialization and if your metamodel is in the workspace, you will have to register the package by using its path as a uri:
=== Step by Step Execution ===
public void registerPackages(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
    resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put("myProject/model/myMetamodel.ecore", org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);
To debug an Acceleo generation, two possibilities:
    * Right-click on your .mtl file, and select Debug As > Launch Acceleo Generation;
It is recommended to use xmi resource serialization for metamodel in the workspace. It is not recommended to register the package in the global package registry (<code>EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE</code>) since it can affect other EMF based tools. You should prefer using the package registry of the resource set.
    * If you have already run the generation you want to debug, click on the debug icon and select your generation.
Eclipse may display a pop-up window to ask you whether you want to open the debug perspective:
====Resource factories registration====
It is actually recommended to switch to the debug perspective, which is really more appropriate to debug executions.
In order to be able to read your model, EMF may need a specific resource factory if your models have an unknown extension for EMF (not '''ecore''' and not '''xmi'''). For example, to be able to read '''.uml''' models, you need to register the following factory:
The debug perspective should be quite familiar to people used to the eclipse IDE. The "Debug" view (on the top left) displays the stack of the current execution. Clicking on any element of the stack will simulatenously display the corresponding Acceleo code in the edition area.
The "Variables" view displays currently accessible variables. In the example below, the execution has met a breakpoint when computing javaType() for a class attibute, so the current input is a class attribute (of type Property in UML2). The "Variables" view tells us that the current attribute is called "firstName".
public void registerResourceFactories(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
  resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(UMLResource.FILE_EXTENSION, UMLResource.Factory.INSTANCE);
As usual, it is possible to:
The factory and the resource are generated by generated the code from the EMF ecore model.
    * Step into a template (F5);
===Stand Alone Launch===
    * Step over a template (F6);
    * Step Return (F7), which means "go to the end of the current template";
    * Resume execution (F8);
    * Stop execution (Ctrl + F2).
The icons above the "Debug" view serve the same purpose.
<youtube width="712" height="556">_4zrb_qgwio</youtube>
You can launch an Acceleo generator without any dependencies with Eclipse directly from the launch configuration by using the Java Application runner or by using the generated Java launcher class programmatically. When you are using the Acceleo runtime in stand alone, you have a bit more work to do since you will have to register the packages of your metamodel and the resource factories by yourself.
On each step, the debugger stops just before the evaluation, and just after, in which case it displays the produced text in a field called "output" in the "Variables" view.
Acceleo breakpoints can be temporarily deactivated, thanks to the "Breakpoints" view. Just uncheck the checkbox in front of a breakpoint to deactivate it. Here is an example of a deactivated breakpoint in this view:
In order to register your metamodel, you just have to follow the instructions on the <code>registerPackages</code> method.
Here is an example of package registration for the UML metamodel:
resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI(), org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);
== Profiling an Acceleo Generation ==
Acceleo ships with a built-in profiler which allows you to keep track of executions and see where time is consumed during a generation, thus making it easier to identify (and hopefully fix) bottlenecks.
=== Profile Configurations ===
If your models have a custom extension (other than ecore or xmi) you will have to register a resource factory in order to tell EMF how your file should be opened. Use the instructions available on the <code>registerResourceFactories</code> method.
The first thing to do to profile an Acceleo generation is to create a "Profile Configuration", which is as we will see very similar to a Launch Configuration.
To create a Profile Configuration, right-click on an Acceleo module file, and select Profile As > Profile Configurations....
Here is an example of resource factory registration for the '''.uml''' files:
A configuration page appears, which looks very much like the traditional launch configuration page. Actually, there is just one additional information to enter, which is the path to the profiling result file where Acceleo will store the profiling information of subsequent executions.
resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(UMLResource.FILE_EXTENSION, UMLResource.Factory.INSTANCE);
Profile files must have the file extension .mtlp. If you try another file extension, the configuration page displays an error message and the configuration cannot be saved.
==Deploying an Acceleo generator==
=== Acceleo Profile Files ===
<youtube width="712" height="556">18uMlfB6_VM</youtube>
Acceleo stores the result of a profiled execution in a file which extension is .mtlp. This file is actually just a serialized EMF model.
To profile an Accele generation, you have to launch it by right-clicking on the Acceleo module file and selecting Profile As > Launch Acceleo Application.
In order to deploy an Acceleo generator as an Eclipse plugin, you can first create an Acceleo UI project to have a small UI integrated in Eclipse to launch your generator. Once your UI project is created, you can deploy your Acceleo plugin just like any other Eclipse plugin. For that you can start by creating an Eclipse plugin feature and an Eclipse plugin update site as shown in the video.
The generation is then executed, and the profile result file is created (or updated if it was already there).
==Working with an existing generator==
Let's take a closer look at it.
The above image shows the content of an mtlp file, and correspondances between the generated files or the Acceleo template elements and the profiled data.
When you have an existing generator, you may want to change the generated code, let's review how Acceleo can help you maintain an existing generator. There is one major problem with code generator, if you want to change the generated code the next generation will remove your changes.
For each generated file, there is one entry in the root node of the profile (see the main blue and green areas).
Inside of each generated file block, there is profiling information for each template instruction. The containment of profiled data follows the structure of executed templates. For example, a [for] instruction contains other template calls, so the profiled data has a node for the for which contains a node for each template call executed inside this for.
So, by looking at the profiling data, we know that the generation of the first file (the blue one) took 20ms, while the second file's generation took 11ms. For the first file, 60% of the generation time was used in the for loop that manages the class attributes.
If the language of the code that you are generating allows it, you should consider all the customization of the generated code as an extension of the generated code. For example, if you are generating a Java class, consider overriding the method instead of changing the generating code. It is the safest approach since you won't touch the generated code at all. This approach works well if you have a language that authorize extension of the generated code and if you can generate most of the code from the model (including a default body for your methods).
===Protected areas===
Sometimes you have to change directly the generated code, in order to do that safely you have to create in your generator a protected area. The protected area will be visible in the generated code and from there, you will be able to put code inside of the protected area as you can see it in the following video.
<youtube width="712" height="556">0ucAV7lPgLk</youtube>
Protected areas are identified by their unique marker. If a protected area is removed from the generator, the code inside of the protected area in the generated file will be removed an placed in a text file next to the generated file.
If you are generating a Java file, Acceleo features another mechanism to prevent the loss of the user code: JMerge. JMerge is a set of tags in the javadoc used to indicate if an element of a Java file has been generated or not. With a JMerge tag <code>@generated</code> you can indicate that this component has been generated and that it should be deleted and regenerated while a <code>@generated NOT</code> tag will indicate that all the content of the documented element has been changed by the user and it should not be overwritten by the new generation even outside of a protected area.
<youtube width="712" height="556">jaTpZBvS8yc</youtube>
===Dynamic Overriding===
Sometimes, you want to change the behavior of an existing generator. You can of course change the generated code by hand, or you can change the generator by statically overriding a part of its behavior but sometimes you don't want to touch the original generator. For example, imagine that you have an "UML to Java" generator and you want to customize it to have an "UML to real time Java" generator. You don't want to mess with your perfectly fine "UML to Java" generator. Acceleo features a mechanism to handle those problem, dynamic overriding. Dynamic overriding allows you, just like aspect oriented programming, to replace the behavior of a part of your generator by another generator without any modification to the original generator.
<youtube width="712" height="556">bk4HZdkNBJE</youtube>
In order to do that, you just have to create a new Acceleo project and to use the dynamic template extension point just like in the previous video. If you deploy then the original generator, you will have the original behavior but if you deploy the new generator with it, its dynamic modules will "patch" the original generator, dynamically changing its behavior.
==Integrating Acceleo in an existing workflow==
All the Acceleo projects are Eclipse plugin projects and as such they can easily be integrated in Eclipse but since the Acceleo runtime is also completely stand alone, you can freely use it without any dependencies with Eclipse. In order to integrate Acceleo in your project, you need to handle three problems: the compilation of your generator, its deployment and its launch.
===Compiling the generator===
You can handle the compilation of your Acceleo generator in four different ways.
First of all, the simplest solution is to let Acceleo compile it inside of Eclipse. For that, you just have to create your Acceleo project inside of Eclipse and to ensure that the automatic builder is activated (menu '''Project -> Building automatically''') or you can ask for the compilation of a specific project (menu '''Project -> build project'''). You can then find in the output folder of your project ('''bin''' by default) the compiled Acceleo modules ('''.emtl''' files).
Acceleo features two different kinds of Ant integration. When you are using Acceleo in Eclipse, we are maintaining a '''build.acceleo''' Ant file and a '''''' file that will allow the Eclipse Ant build system to compile your Acceleo modules. This mechanism will let Eclipse build your project from Ant.
If you want to use Ant outside of Eclipse, Acceleo can generate a dedicated Ant task for the compilation of your generator. In order to do that, you first need to add a dependency between your Acceleo project and the '''org.eclipse.acceleo.parser''' plugin. This dependency is not added by default since a regular Acceleo project would have its modules compiled by Eclipse. Once this dependency is added, you can right click on your project and use the '''configure''' menu to generate the Ant task for the compilation of your Acceleo modules. In this Ant task, you can tell Acceleo which packages should be registered for the compilation of your Acceleo modules. Those packages need to be accessible in the classpath of your Ant task. If they are in the dependencies of your Acceleo project, they should appear in the Ant task generated. Then you just have to launch the Ant task to see your Acceleo modules being compiled.
If you want to build your Acceleo modules with Maven, you first have to take a dependency to the Acceleo parser. Then you can use the "configure" menu to generate a Maven "pom.xml" file for your project. This pom.xml file is using Tycho. If you want to use a regular maven task, you just have to reference all the Jars neeed for the Acceleo compilation statically (the list of all the jars needed for the compilation can be found at the bottom of this page). If you want to reference those jars, just use the dependency tag for all the dependencies of the Acceleo project:
    <version>3.1.0.xxxxxx</version> <!-- use the qualifier of the jar file-->
If you choose to use the Tycho based maven task generated by Acceleo, you have to keep in mind that the Tycho architecture requires a parent project and children projects. The parent project should compute the dependencies and build the children projects. The Acceleo project is a child project for Tycho and its container will have the parent pom.xml file. If you have created a regular Acceleo project, you will therefore have a pom.xml file in the root of your workspace (not visible from Eclipse). It is recommended to create a parent folder containing the Acceleo project if you want to use a Tycho based architecture.
You can also handle the compilation of the Acceleo modules directly from Java by using the '''org.eclipse.acceleo.parser.compiler.AbstractAcceleoCompiler''' class. You just have to override the methods '''registerPackages''' and '''registerResourceFactories''' to register you metamodel and your resource factories if needed and then you can call the compilation like this:
public static void main(String['[]'/] args) {
    if (args.length < 3) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing parameters"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    AcceleoCompiler acceleoCompiler = new AcceleoCompiler();
    if (args.length == 4 && args['[3]'/] != null && !"".equals(args['[3]'/])) { //$NON-NLS-1$
    acceleoCompiler.doCompile(new BasicMonitor());
'''Note''': in this example, '''AcceleoCompiler''' is the subclass of '''AbstractAcceleoCompiler'''.
===Deploying the generator===
You can deploy an Acceleo generator in Eclipse very easily just like any Eclipse plugin, in order to learn more about this you can have a look at the deployment documentation.
====Stand Alone====
The Acceleo runtime being stand alone, you can export you Acceleo plugin as a jar and use it with the needed jar in any Java environment.
===Launching the generator===
Just like with the compilation, you have several options to launch an Acceleo generation.
You can first of all launch your generation from Eclipse with the integrated launch configuration. With this launch configuration you can launch the Acceleo generator in the Eclipse instance or in stand alone.
Acceleo generates two Ant tasks to handle the launch of the generation in the '''tasks''' folder.
If you want to launch an Acceleo generation with maven, you just have to put the needed jar in your dependencies (see the dependencies needed at the bottom of this page) and then call the main method of the Java launcher class like this:
              <!-- Calls the Acceleo launcher class to launch the generation. -->
                <argument>${basedir}/model/myModel.uml</argument> <!-- input model -->
                <argument>${basedir}/src-gen</argument>  <!-- output folder -->
                <argument>${basedir}/properties/</argument>  <!-- path of properties files -->
You can launch an Acceleo generation programmatically with the generated Java launcher class. In order to do this, you have to manually register your packages in the Java launcher just like with the stand alone Java launch and then you can call the generation.
===Dependencies of an Acceleo project===
One of the common problem to handle with the compilation, the deployment and the launch of a project is to make sure that all the dependencies of the project are found. You can find here the list of all the dependencies used by Acceleo for the compilation of an Acceleo project and for the execution.
====Launch (stand alone runtime)====
===Building an Acceleo generator with Maven and Tycho===
In order to build an Acceleo generator with Tycho, there are four steps to realize.
* add a dependency to the parser
* generate the pom.xml files
* register the metamodel used by your generator
* and then launch the build
Now let’s have a look in details at those steps.
The first thing that you have to do is to add an optional dependency with the Acceleo parser in your '''MANIFEST.MF''' file.
Then, you can use the new action to generate the '''pom.xml''' files necessary to the build. This action can be found by right-clicking an Acceleo project in the '''Configure''' menu.
= Deployment =
== Exporting Generator Projects as Plug-ins ==
Acceleo Projects are eclipse plug-in projects. As such, they need to be exported as plug-ins in order to be deployed or made available to others.
To do this, just right-click in the package explorer view, click on Export... and select Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments.
This action will generate two '''pom.xml''' files and a Java class. The first '''pom.xml''' file is located in your project and it contains all the necessary settings to build your project. The second '''pom.xml''' files is located in the folder containing you project (by default, the root of your workspace). This file contains all the settings for a Tycho-based build with the update sites for Eclipse Indigo and Acceleo.
The following wizard page appears:
Click Next > and select the projects to export as deployable plug-ins. Projects that were selected in the package explorer are already selected. Enter the destination of export which can be a directory, an archive file or an eclipse host repository.
Click on Finish, and the selected projects are exported in the chosen destination.
The Java class generated will be used for the compilation of the Acceleo modules. This class is necessary in order to give you the opportunity to register your metamodel.
This looks like the usual way of exporting plug-ins, and it actually is, but behind the scenes, Acceleo has a few special treatments to run during the export to make sure the plug-ins will run smoothly after deployment.
Note: You must select a coherent set of projects for the export to work right. Especially if you want to export a project that depends on others, the dependent projects must be selected too.
As usual with plug-ins, they can be aggregated in features, themselves possibly bundled in update sites. For more information about plug-in deployment, refer to the eclipse PDE documentation.
Prior to the launch, you should check that all the necessary source folders are in the '''''' file since it will be used to compute the files to build.
As described in section Creating an Acceleo UI Project, Acceleo provides facilities to create an eclipse plug-in that makes it possible to run your generators via an eclipse action that appears in a pop-up menu.
These projects can be exported, bundled, or deployed like any other plug-in.
After that, you can type a simple '''mvn clean package''' in a terminal opened at the root of your Acceleo project and then witness the magic of Maven and Tycho.
== Miscellaneous ==
It is important to understand that, because of limitations of older versions of OCL that ship with older versions of eclipse, Acceleo modules may compile well in eclipse 3.6 but not in eclipse 3.5 or 3.4.
There is a topic about this on the Acceleo wiki site, paragraph "Compatibility".
In some cases, Acceleo modules compiled on eclipse 3.5 will work in eclipse 3.4 even if they would not compile in eclipse 3.4!
It’s a bit long the first time you are launching it since Maven and Tycho will download half of the internet but once it’s done, behold the awesomeness of a Tycho based build of your Acceleo generator.
You can of course complete your Acceleo project by creating an Acceleo UI project and their matching feature and an update site in order to distribute easily your generator to your final customers. Thanks to the update site, they will be able to integrate your generator in their environment very easily.
You can find an example of this new build system in the open source [ UML to Java generator] available on Github.

Latest revision as of 09:38, 22 February 2018


Installing Acceleo

If you have an existing Eclipse installation and simply wish to install Acceleo in it, you have two possibilities:

For those of you who need to retrieve the source code of Acceleo, it is available on Git

Note: Whatever the installation procedure you choose, examples are available from the menu right-click => New => Examples => Acceleo Plug-ins.

The Acceleo language

Acceleo 3 is an implementation of the MOFM2T specification defined by the OMG. The Acceleo language, named as MTL by the OMG, is composed of two main types of structures (templates and queries) inside of a module. In Acceleo, you can create expressions using a subset of OCL in order query the input models.


An Acceleo module is a ".mtl" file, which contains templates (to generate code) and/or queries (to extract information from the manipulated models). The file must start with the module declaration in the form:

[module <module_name>('metamodel_URI_1', 'metamodel_URI_2')]

A module can extend another module, in which case its templates will be able to override its parent's "public" and "protected" templates. It will also have access to its parent's public and protected templates and queries. A module can also import another module to access its public templates and queries.


An Acceleo module generally depends on other modules for its execution. Consequently, Acceleo modules explicitly declare the modules they depend on via import declarations.

The syntax is the following:

import qualified::name::of::imported::module


The content assistant (Ctrl + Space) will propose you all accessible modules. Select the module you want to import and its qualified name will be inserted.


Note: It is possible to use a non-qualified name in an import, but this is not recommended since it can easily lead to bugs that are hard to understand in case of name conflicts between Acceleo modules.

The content assistant can be invoked to generate an import tag: just enter import, then Ctrl + Space, and the completion proposes "import" and generates an [import... /] tag.

Static Overriding

Acceleo allows you to override a part of the behavior of another module by extending it and by overriding some of its templates (all templates except those without with a private visibility). It can be very useful to re-use some common part of a module and to create common parents to several modules just like in object oriented programming.


Templates are sets of Acceleo statements used to generate text. They are delimited by [template...][/template] tags.


To create a new template, just place the cursor in an Acceleo module file at a relevant position (i.e. one where it is possible to insert a template!) and hit Ctrl + Space. The content assistant proposes, among other things, to create a new template. It's also possible to type template, Ctrl + Space, then Return, and a new template is created:


You can fill-in its name, parameter name, and parameter type. Just hit Tab to pass from an element to the next.


Templates can also have optional elements:

  • Overriding (which will be detailed in The Overrides View);
  • Pre-conditions (or guard conditions);
  • Post-treatments;
  • Variable initializations.

Once again, the content assistant can help you here. just hit Ctrl + Space before the final ] of your template declaration, and see what it proposes.



Imagine you want to implement different behavior for a template depending on certain conditions.

One way to do that would be to use if blocks to distinguish between those cases. Another, more elegant, way is to use pre-conditions. Let's say that you want to generate different code for associations whether or not they are declared ordered.


The above example shows the ? (condition) syntax that tells Acceleo that the template must only be run if the pre-condition is satisfied.


  • The order of declaration of templates in a module is important: The first template for which the guard condition evaluates to true will be executed. No guard condition on a template is exactly equivalent to ? (true).
  • Pre-conditions also exist on for blocks.


It is often useful, especially for code formatting, to apply certain treatments on the text generated by a template before actually writing it to the output file.

For instance, trimming the result of a template is really very useful to make sure of your formatting while keeping a readable formatting for your templates.

Let's see an example to make things clear:


In the above example, without the post-treatment post (trim()), the template invocation would write the name followed by a carriage return. With the post-treatment, whenever the template is called, it will just write the expected name, without a carriage return, which is probably what you need.

The most common uses of post-treatments is output code formatting, thanks to post (trim()). It's up to you to figure out what else you will use it for!

Variable Initialization

Templates (and other blocks as well) can define some variables and initialize them directly in their main syntactic block.


You can declare 0, 1, or several variables. If you declare several variables, it may be opportune to format the template this way:


Note: Variable initilization also exists on for blocks.


Queries are used to extract information from the model. Queries return values, or collections of values. They use OCL, enclosed in a [query ... /] tag.

Queries are specified to always return the same value each time they are invoked with the same arguments.


Wrapping Java Services

It is sometimes useful to invoke some java code from inside an Acceleo template. The acceleo non-standard library provides a service invoke which allows just that. The invoked java service can be wrapped in an Acceleo query.

To facilitate the creation of such a wrapper, proceed like this:

  • Right-click on the package you want to create your Acceleo module in, and select New > Acceleo Module File


  • In the wizard, enter the relevant information in the usual fields, then click on the Advanced >> button
  • Check the Initialize Content checkbox
  • Select Create a Java services wrapper in the listbox below


  • Select the java file that contains the services to wrap


  • Click on the Finish button


That's it!

An Acceleo module is created, with a query for each service found in the original java class.


Language Elements

File Tags

File tags are used to tell the Acceleo engine it must generate the content of the [file ...] tag in an actual file.

The syntax is the following:

[file(<uri_expression>, <append_mode>, <output_encoding>)] (...) [/file]

  • <uri_expression> denotes the output file name;
  • <append_mode> (optional) indicates whether the output text must be appended to the file or replace its content;
  • <output_encoding> (optional) indicates the encoding to use for the output file. This encoding need not be the same as the module's encoding.

Note: A template that contains a [file] tag does not necessarily have an annotation @main. @main annotations are used to indicate to the Acceleo eclipse plug-in that a java class must be generated to encapsulate the code required to run a generation. @main annotations can be placed on templates which have no [file] tag, but such templates must eventually call one or more templates that do have [file] tags if you want to get a result!

Please refer to the official MTL Specification for more details.

For Loops

For loops in Acceleo can be expressed with two syntaxes:

  • The full syntax (conformant with the MTL specification): [for (i : E | e)]...[/for]
  • The light syntax: [for (<iterable_expression>)]...[/for]

Note: When using the light syntax, an implicit variable i is created, which contains the index of current iteration, starting at 1.

Content assistant can be very helpful to make sure you use the right syntax. For example, imagine that you want to insert a for loop, but you don't remember for sure the Acceleo syntax for these loops.

Just type for in the editor, then Ctrl + Space. Acceleo proposes the for loop to be automatically inserted.


Hit Return to confirm that you actually want to insert a for loop:


You can now enter:

  • The iterator variable name;
  • The iterator type;
  • The iterable expression.

Just hit the Tab key to jump from one element to the next, as usual with eclipse code templates.

Here is an example of a for loop to generate some code for each attribute of a UML class:


Finally, it is useful to know that it is possible to specify behavior to be run before, between, or after each iteration of a for loop.

The content assistant proposes the corresponding options when invoked in the declaration of a for loop, as can be seen on the picture below.


The syntactic structure are respectively before(), separator()<c/ode>, and <code>after().


[for (Sequence{1, 2, 3}) before ('sequence: ') separator (', ') after (';')][self/][/for]

Will generate the following text:

sequence: 1, 2, 3;

If Conditions

If conditions are written like this: [if (condition)]...[/if]

You can enter if, hit Ctrl + Space, then Return, and the Acceleo editor will insert the right syntax so you just have to enter the condition expression.

And that's all there is to it!

Let Blocks

It is important to understand that variables in Acceleo are final, which means that their value cannot be changed after they have been initialized.

Please also note that the Acceleo let hasn't got the same semantics nor the same behavior as the OCL let

The syntax is the following: [let (variableName : VariableType = expression)]...[/let]

Where variableName is the variable's name and VariableType the variable's type, and expression is an expression which value will be assigned to the variable if its type corresponds (Acceleo let blocks are equivalent to if (expression.oclIsKindOf(VariableType)).

Variables only exist inside of a let block. Their lifetime consequently cannot exceed that of their template. They are only visible inside of the let block, which means that templates called within this block cannot "see" them. If you need a sub-template to access a variable, you have to pass it as an argument.

Variables are especially useful to store a value and prevent computing it several times in a row.

You can enter let, hit Ctrl + Space, then Return, and the Acceleo editor will insert the right syntax so you just have to enter the variable name and type.


Comments are entered in [comment/] blocks, and appear in some shade of green. The [comment/] tag can be self closed:

[comment Here is some comment of utter importance/]

But you can also surround a block of text between comment tags:

[comment]Here is some commented text, which cannot contain a right bracket character.[/comment]

Such comments are part of the official MTL specification. They cannot be placed inside OCL code, such as queries for instance. They cannot be placed in the middle of an Acceleo statement either.

It is possible to comment some portion of code or text of an Acceleo module with the Ctrl + / shortcut, or by right-clicking on the selected text and then Source > Comment.

The behavior depends on what is selected:

  • If nothing is selected, the current line (not the line you right-clicked on, but the line where the cursor is located) is surrounded with [comment]...[/comment] tags.
  • If some text is selected, it is surrounded with [comment]...[/comment]tags, whether it spans multiple lines or not.

Main Modules and Launcher class

"Main" Acceleo modules are entry points, that is to say modules which are used to describe, in some way, the generation workflow.

Such modules can be created from standard acceleo modules, they just have to contain the @main annotation.

They do not necessary have to contain [file] tags: Main modules are the executable modules, they need not be modules that actually generate files.

Nevertheless, Acceleo proposes a facility to create main modules. Right-click in the package explorer, if possible on the package in which you want to create a new main module though this is not necessary. Select New > Other... (or Ctrl + N). Select Acceleo Main Module File in the acceleo Model to Text category.


Click on Next >. Enter the name of the module to create (without the .mtl extension) and the folder in which it must be created, if the proposed folder is inconvenient.


Click on Next >. Select the templates that this main module will call to actually generate files.


Click on Finish. A new Acceleo module is created, which contains the @main annotation and consequently has a generated java file attached. This module imports the modules that have been selected in the preceding wizard page, and just calls them one after the other.


You can now freely edit the content of this module to implement the workflow you need. The created file is just an accelerator to initialize this task. It will be sufficient in most cases but can be modified at will.


The main template will be called on all the elements of the model with the given type. The beginning of the execution of the main template initialized the generation. As such, if you have a main template defined on a UML Class, this template will be called for all your classes but it also mean that the generator will be initialized for each call to this main template so, for example, the cache of the queries will be cleared after each call. It is recommended to define the main module on the root of your metamodel and then to navigate manually in your model to call all the other templates. On a UML model, you would improve performances by defining your generator on the root concept Model instead of Class.

Creation of an Acceleo project

Acceleo Projects

Acceleo projects are eclipse projects associated with the Acceleo nature. Such projects contain Acceleo modules, java code, and anything required for the needs of the code generation to achieve.

Note: It is recommended to use a naming that respects the eclipse plug-ins naming conventions. Of course, the name prefix has to be adapted to your specific context, but remember that using a naming convention that prevents naming conflicts is a good idea.

Creating An Acceleo Project "From Scratch"

The aim of an Acceleo project is to generate text from a model (or from a set of models). For this tutorial, we will create a new Acceleo module for generating java beans from a UML model.


To create a new Acceleo project, right click on the package explorer view then select New->Acceleo Project.


  • Choose a correct plug-in name for the project, then click on next. This wizard page allows you to initialize the project by creating one or several Acceleo module files.
  • Select the folder in which you want to create the new module file.
  • Fill in the module name
  • Optionally, you can select an existing file which will be copied into the new module file. This could be useful to create a module from an existing "target" file.
  • Then, select the metamodel from which your generation file will take its types (in this example, UML)
  • Finally, choose the metaclass that will be used to generate the file (in this example, Class). This can be modified later at any time directly in the module files.

Note: Other options are available to initialize the new module with existing content. These options will be discussed later.


You can create more than one module file in this project by using the Add button on the left.

Clicking on Finish will create the module file(s), and some files automatically generated from it (more on these below).


Transforming An Existing Project Into An Acceleo Project

Acceleo provides a facility to convert an existing project into an Acceleo project. Technically, this means that the Acceleo nature will be added to the project's natures.

This can be achieved by right-clicking in the package explorer, then selecting New > Convert to an Acceleo Project.


Select the project(s) that must be turned into Acceleo project(s), and click on Finish.


Note: The Acceleo nature can be removed from an Acceleo project simply by right-clicking on the project and selecting Acceleo > Remove Acceleo Nature.


Installing An Example Acceleo Project

Acceleo provides several example projects which you can use to get started and take a look at how to organize generator projects.

To install one of these examples in your workspace, right-click in the package explorer and select New > Other.... Go to the Examples folder, then to Acceleo Plug-ins and select the example to import into your workspace. Each example has a small description displayed at the top of the window.


Click on Finish, and one or several new projects appear in your workspace.

These example are really useful to start with Acceleo, so don't hesitate to import them, examine them, and modify them!

Creating An Acceleo UI Project

This action can only be performed on an existing Acceleo project.

It allows you to create and initialize a plug-in project that will contain everything needed to launch the Acceleo generations of your project through actions available in pop-up menus, integrated in eclipse. This facilitates a lot the deployment of Acceleo generators in the eclipse platform. The created UI plug-in project is configured to create a popup menu on files with a given extension and to generate files in a folder found by evaluating a java expression, which can be customized.

To perform this, just right-click on your Acceleo project, then select Acceleo > Create Acceleo UI Launcher Project.


This will start a wizard that will guide you through the creation process. First, enter the target UI plug-in project name.


Then, select the projects this UI plug-in will depend on. In our example, we only depend on our Acceleo generator project, but in real life, an UI project could require several Acceleo projects, plus optionally other projects depending on your working environment.


The wizard now requires the following information:

  • The generator name (this name will be displayed to users in the UI);
  • The model filename filter, which indicates on which file extensions the popup menu will appear;
  • The java code that is responsible to find the target folder and assign it to a target variable of type IContainer. By default, the wizard proposes some code which uses the src-gen folder in the project that contains the model chosen by the user.


Click on Finish.

A new plug-in project is then created in the workspace with the previously entered information. This plug-in can be maintained as any other plug-in project in Eclipse.


To see this plug-in in action, just open the plug-in's MANIFEST.MF, and click on the Launch an Eclipse application link in the Testing paragraph.


A new action appears in the pop-up menu when right-clicking on files whose name matches the name filter declared in the extension described in the plugin.xml file of the UI plug-in.


By default, the generated UI plug-in matches any file.

The menu where the generation action appears and everything else can be adapted to your needs via the eclipse extension mechanism. For example, the name filter for which this action will be proposed can be modified like this:

  • Open the MANIFEST.MF file;
  • Go to the Extensions tab;
  • Modify the nameFilter field of the popupMenus extension.


For more information about the Eclipse extension mechanism, please refer to the eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) documentation.

The Acceleo Tooling

The goal of the Acceleo project has always been to create a tooling that will help the user to create, maintain and deploy very easily a complete code generator. As such, we can separate the Acceleo tooling in three categories that will enter in action during the different steps of the live cycle of a code generation project.

When starting a new code generation project, you can create an Acceleo project from scratch and start directly to work on your generation. If you are familiar with Acceleo and with the code that should be generated, you won't have any problem with this approach but if you are new to code generation, we advise you to try another approach.

In order to ease the creation of a code generation project, Acceleo features a new project wizard that allow you to start an Acceleo project from an existing prototype. As such, you can create a small working prototype of the code that should be generated and then you use it to initialize your Acceleo project. In a few clicks you will be able to have a code generator that will allow you to generate your initial prototype.

After the creation of this basic code generator, you need to improve your generator. In order to this, you can use all the features of the Acceleo editor. The Acceleo editor will guide you with basic features like code completion and static typing (with real time error detection and quick fixes). Advanced features are also integrated. From the quick replacement to transform a static piece of code to a generic one, to the refactoring options to extract a piece of code in a new template or to rename a template and all its occurrences, Acceleo will help you during all the steps of the creation of your generator.

When you are satisfied with your generator, you will want to test it. Acceleo is integrated in the Eclipse platform and it provides a launch configuration to quickly start a generation. If you want to integrate Acceleo in another Eclipse plugin, you can use the Java launcher class that is generated by Acceleo. We can also create a UI for your generator in order to integrate your generator in another Eclipse in a few clicks.

If you have an existing workflow and if you want to use Acceleo in this workflow, you can use the Java class generated by Acceleo or the Ant task or the Maven pom.xml to compile your Acceleo modules. After that you can call the Acceleo launcher class to launch the generation. If you don't want to have any dependencies with Eclipse, you can also embed an Acceleo generator in your own product since the Acceleo runtime can be used in stand alone without any dependencies with Eclipse.

Now that you have your Acceleo generator, you may want to deploy it for your customers. Acceleo can help you build your generator with Java, Ant or Maven and since all Acceleo projects are Eclipse plugin projects you can also use the Eclipse build system to quickly create an Eclipse update site for your generator.

Now that you have your generator deployed, you may want to improve it by customizing a part of the generation. Acceleo features several ways to customize a generator and its generated code. You can create protected areas to ensure that the end user will be able to modify the generated code and if you are generating Java you can even go further with JMerge tags. If you want to change a part of the behavior of a generator you can also use static overriding to override a specific part of an existing generator. Now, if you don't want to change at all the original generator, you can also use dynamic overriding to customize an existing generator without having to touch the original generator just like with aspect oriented programming.

The Acceleo Editor


The module editor provides the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting;
  • Content assistant (Ctrl + Space);
  • Error detection;
  • Quick fixes (Ctrl + Shift + 1);
  • Outlines;
  • Quick outline (Ctrl + O);
  • Code folding;
  • Open declaration (either with Ctrl + Left Click or F3);
  • Search references (Ctrl + Shift + G);
  • Refactorings.

Note: Read also the complete feature list of Acceleo Editor

Syntax Highlighting

The editor uses specific colors for Acceleo templates:

  • red is used for template tags;
  • purple is used for other tags (queries, modules, imports, ...);
  • blue is used for dynamic expressions in templates or other places;
  • green is used for comments and String literals;
  • black is used for static text or query bodies.


You can change the colors used by the Acceleo editor thanks to a preferences menu accessible in the Windows -> Preferences menu.

Content assistant

The content assistant is traditionally invoked with Ctrl + Space. We have already met it several times in this guide. It proposes a choice of all elements that make sense at the place of invocation. It is available everywhere, so don't hesitate to hit Ctrl + Space anywhere!

Example of content assistant on a type:


On a metamodel:


Content assistant is also very useful in a multitude of situations. We will give some examples, simply remember to hit Ctrl + Space whenever you want, it will probably help you a lot!

Here is a view of all options you get when hitting Ctrl + Space in a template:


And here is the options proposed out of a template, when hitting Ctrl + Space directly in an Acceleo module file:


Real Time Errors Detection

Error Markers

Obviously, Acceleo displays error markers when errors are detected. Error markers also appear in the eclipse Problems view, as usual. Files with errors also appear with an error decorator.

Just hover the marker in the editor margin with the mouse to get a tooltip to appear with an explanation of the problem.


Acceleo displays error markers whenever a module file cannot be compiled, whatever the reason. But more, Acceleo also displays error markers when it finds inconsistencies between a module and other elements, such as the containing plug-in's MANIFEST.MF file. For instance, if a module's main file is located in a package which is not exported by its plug-in, an error marker is added because the main file cannot be run if the plug-in does not export its package.

Errors appear in the Problems view (generally displayed at the bottom of the perspective), and double-clicking on an error in this view directly takes you to the file where it is located.


In the example above, the [javaName()] tag is never closed. Just replace it with [javaName()/] (notice the slash to close the tag) and the error disappears.

Quick Fixes

Quick fixes are available with the shortcut Ctrl + 1.

Currently, quick fixes propose to create a supposedly missing template or query, before or after the current template.

In the following example, we just write the call to a template that does not exist yet, and use the quick fix to create it immediately.


Another quick fix available creates a new query that wraps a java service, as described in the Wrapping Java Services section.

Imagine you have java methods called service1, service2, service3 (which of course are not recommended names!) in a class that you can access from your Acceleo project (it is either directly in your project, or imported). Enter service in your template and save it. A red marker appears since it does not compile.

Hit Ctrl + 1, and select Create Java service wrapper.


Acceleo looks for a method starting by service in the accessible classes and creates queries for each of them, inserting them at the end of your module file.



The dynamic outline

The traditional eclipse outline view is used by Acceleo to display the module's structure. imports, templates, queries can be seen there, and double-clicking on any of them places the cursor at the corresponding position in the module (in the editor).


The quick outline

The quick outline, which can be displayed using Ctrl + O, displays just the necessary information to access any element in the current module. So, hitting Ctrl + O displays a pop-up with a list of templates and queries.


A text field at the top allows you to quickly filter the content in order to easily find what you are looking for.

One of the great benefits of modern IDE tooling is the capacity to easily navigate in code from elements to their declarations and, vice-versa, from declarations to usages.

These features are available in Acceleo.

Code Folding

Templates and comments can be folded thanks to a marker located in the left margin in front of each of these elements.


Open Declaration

The traditional shortcut F3 is supported by Acceleo, along with Ctrl + click, which both take you to the declaration of the selected or clicked element. This is supported for all kinds of elements: templates, queries, metamodels, metamodel elements, EOperations, etc.

This can also be achieved by right-clicking on an element, then Open Declaration.

Search References

Conversely, it is possible to get all the elements that refer to a given element. The shortcut is 'Ctrl + Shift + G', but it can also be achieved by right-clicking on the element then 'Search References'.

The relevant elements are displayed in the Search view.

Quick Replacement

Here is a very useful trick in Acceleo. Rapid text replacement allows you to quickly replace all occurrence of a chosen piece of text by some template invocation. Case differences are inferred generating toUpper() or toUpperFirst() depending on what's needed.

Here is an example:


In a classical bottom-up approach, you have written your code first, and you now implement the Acceleo template from this code. What you want to do here is to replace all occurrences of att1 by a dynamic behavior, i.e. by a template call.

The easiest way to do this is to select one of the att1 in the editor, and invoke the content assistant by hitting Ctrl + Space.


The completion assistant proposes to replace all occurrences of the selected text by a template call. A preview of the result is displayed in a tooltip close to the completion window.

When you accept this option, all occurrences are replaced and you can immediately enter the template invocation needed, which is simultaneously replaced in all relevant locations.


All occurrences of att1 have been replaced by [javaName()/] (because javaName() is what was entered manually), but Att1 has been replaced by [javaName.toUpperFirst()/].

The next thing you'd want to do in the above example is to replace all occurrences of int by something like [javaType()/], and implement the javaType template to write the java type of the class attributes.


Just proceed the same way and you're done. No risk to forget any occurrence of your type anymore!


Rapid If/For blocks

You will probably not use this feature every day, but it is important to know that it exists because it can bring you comfort from time to time.

For example, you might have multiple widget types : Text, Spinner, Button,... and, starting from an example, want to customize the generation module for each of these widgets.

The example below shows a sample of a place where we want to implement a behavior for each widget:


Once the action executed, we end up with this:


Of course, this means we still need to change the conditions of these if statements; but it simplifies the transformation of the template into what we need:




The renaming functionality is accessible via Alt + Shift + R, as usual in Eclipse. This allows templates and variables to be renamed in a coherent manner: all references to the renamed element are updated to use the new name, as expected.

Note that when selecting an element in the editor, all the occurrences of the same element are highlighted, which makes it very easy to find where a given template is being used.

When hitting Alt + Shift + R, a window appears where the new name must be entered. Names already in use are forbidden.

From here, it is possible to preview the changes that will be made by clicking on the Preview > button, or to make the changes immediately by clicking on OK.


The preview displays the files that will be modified and for each of them the changes that are to be applied to their content.


The left side of the preview displays the current state of the module, and the right side displays the future state of the module after the renaming takes place.

Extract as Template

When you develop Acceleo templates, you will sooner or later (and probably sooner than later) wish to extract a piece of code into a template in order to prevent the copy/paste syndrom.

Well, don't worry : you can do it with no effort!

Just select the piece of text you want to extract in another template, and right-click then choose Refactor > Extract Template (or just hit Alt + Shift + T).


The selected text is then extracted in another template. Note that the selected text needs to be consistent : you cannot of course extract text that partially spans blocks of code and get an adequate result.


Transform to Protected Area

Similarly, it is very useful to mark some code area as protected. For example, in the following code, it may be useful to protect the imports area in order to keep imports required by user code after each regeneration.


Rather than manually entering the [protected /] blocks, you can just select the portion of code to protect, right-click on it then choose Source > As Protected Area... (or use the Alt + Shift + P shortcut).


The selected text is then surrounded with [protected/] markers, with an automatically inferred id.


Don't forget to add the comment markers at the beginning of the protected lines. Since such comment markers depend on your target language, Acceleo cannot infer them (we use java for this document's examples).


Note: You may have to modify the id used to make sure the marker works like you want, as ids have to be unique for a given file.

The Acceleo Perspective

The Acceleo perspective contains three different views used to help you during the creation of your Acceleo project.

The Result view

The Result view displays the traceability information computed by the Acceleo generation engine. In order to activate the computation of the traceability information, you need to change your launch configuration. You can also change the activation state of the traceability information programmatically with the org.eclipse.acceleo.common.preference.AcceleoPreferences class.

The Override view

The override view allows you to see all the Acceleo modules in your workspace and in your plugins (it can slow down your Eclipse so it is not recommended to have this view activated all the time). From there you can quickly select a specific template and then you can use the completion mechanism (Ctrl + Space) to override it in your current module.

This view presents you with every Acceleo element that is accessible in your workbench (no matter your current project's dependencies). You can select one or several elements (use the checkboxes) and override them.

Note: If the meaning of "override" is not clear, you may want to refer to the official MTL Specification.

Templates displayed in this view can be anywhere in your workspace or in your plug-ins.

So, this view can be used for:

  • Selecting templates you want to override (which is its main purpose);
  • Navigating to templates in your plug-ins to see their implementation without having to explicitly import their plug-in(s) in your workspace.
  • To override one or several existing templates, just select them in this view by checking their checkboxes. Then, edit the module in which you will override the templates, place the cursor where you want to insert the overriding templates, and hit Ctrl + Space.


Select the first choice (Selected Overrides) and hit Return. The overriding templates are then created. Note that by default, their implementation is initialized with their original implementation.


Note: A marker indicates whether a given project is accessible from yours. If this is the case, a green marker indicates everything is fine. Otherwise, a red marker indicates that you need to import the project in yours to be able to override a template it contains. For example, in the screenshot below, org.eclipse.acceleo.module.other.sample needs be imported in your current project before you can successfully override one of its templates.


Nevertheless, you can declare the overriding, it will just not compile while you have not imported the relevant project (which is done in the MANIFEST.MF file of your Acceleo project).

The Generation Pattern view

The generation pattern view allows you to use some design pattern for code generation very easily. One common example is the use of polymorphism that can be achieved very easily with this view. You can also contribute your own design patterns to Acceleo thanks to an extension point as you can see it in the following video.

Generation patterns have been introduced in acceleo because we noticed that something that happens really often when developing code generators is the need to implement some behavior on an interface and all or part of its subtypes.

For example, let's imagine you are implementing a java generator from UML. What you want is to have a template called javaName which will generate the name of any classifier, with some default behavior and some specific behavior on classes and interfaces.

This is where the Generation Patterns view comes into play:

  • Locate the cursor in the template, at the position where you want to insert your javaName template;
  • In the Generation patterns view, select [template] for all selected types in the top part
  • Select the types for which you want to create javaName templates for.

Note: the bottom part of the Generation Patterns view presents a hierarchical view of the metamodel you are using. Each node represents a type of the metamodel and contains all of its subtypes. So, one type can appear several times in this view, one time for each of its super-classes or super-interfaces. When you select a node (by checking the combo-box before it), all its descendants are also selected by default, but you can uncheck those you don't need.


Once you have selected the types you need, go back to the editor and activate the completion by hitting Ctrl+Space. The first choice should be [template]for all selected types, select it.


New templates are then inserted into you Acceleo module. They are called name by default but you can immediately rename them by just entering the name you want. All templates will be renamed simultaneously.


Here, Acceleo has done his job, now it's time for you to do yours: implement these newly created templates

The Acceleo Profiler

Acceleo ships with a built-in profiler which allows you to keep track of executions and see where time is consumed during a generation, thus making it easier to identify (and hopefully fix) bottlenecks.

Launching a generation with the profiler

The first thing to do to profile an Acceleo generation is to create a Profile Configuration, which is as we will see very similar to a Launch Configuration. To create a Profile Configuration, right-click on an Acceleo module file, and select Profile As > Profile Configurations....


A configuration page appears, which looks very much like the traditional launch configuration page. You can also launch the profiling from a regular launch configuration page but ticking the activate the profiling button.

There is just one additional information to enter, which is the path to the profiling result file where Acceleo will store the profiling information of subsequent executions. Profile files must have the file extension .mtlp. If you try another file extension, the configuration page displays an error message and the configuration cannot be saved.

Acceleo Profile Files

Acceleo stores the result of a profiled execution in a file which extension is .mtlp. This file is actually just a serialized EMF model.

To profile an Accele generation, you have to launch it by right-clicking on the Acceleo module file and selecting Profile As > Launch Acceleo Application.


The generation is then executed, and the profile result file is created (or updated if it was already there).

Let's take a closer look at it.


The above image shows the content of an mtlp file, and correspondances between the generated files or the Acceleo template elements and the profiled data.

For each generated file, there is one entry in the root node of the profile (see the main blue and green areas).

Inside of each generated file block, there is profiling information for each template instruction. The containment of profiled data follows the structure of executed templates. For example, a [for ... ] instruction contains other template calls, so the profiled data has a node for the for which contains a node for each template call executed inside this for.

So, by looking at the profiling data, we know that the generation of the first file (the blue one) took 20ms, while the second file's generation took 11ms. For the first file, 60% of the generation time was used in the for loop that manages the class attributes.

The Acceleo Debugger


To add a breakpoint somewhere in a template, just double-click in the left margin on the line where you want to add the breakpoint. A nice bluish marker should appear, which should be very familiar to eclipse users.


You can add conditions on breakpoints, so that execution will only stop at the breakpoint if a given condition is fulfilled. To put a condition on a breakpoint, just left-click on it once. A small window should appear where you can enter your condition (using OCL).


Step By Step Execution

To debug an Acceleo generation, two possibilities:

  • Right-click on your .mtl file, and select Debug As > Launch Acceleo Generation;


  • If you have already run the generation you want to debug, click on the debug icon and select your generation. Eclipse may display a pop-up window to ask you whether you want to open the debug perspective:


It is actually recommended to switch to the debug perspective, which is really more appropriate to debug executions.

The debug perspective should be quite familiar to people used to the eclipse IDE. The Debug view (on the top left) displays the stack of the current execution. Clicking on any element of the stack will simulatenously display the corresponding Acceleo code in the edition area.

The Variables view displays currently accessible variables. In the example below, the execution has met a breakpoint when computing javaType() for a class attibute, so the current input is a class attribute (of type Property in UML2). The Variables view tells us that the current attribute is called firstName.


As usual, it is possible to:

  • Step into a template (F5);
  • Step over a template (F6);
  • Step Return (F7), which means "go to the end of the current template";
  • Resume execution (F8);
  • Stop execution (Ctrl + F2).

The icons above the Debug view serve the same purpose.

On each step, the debugger stops just before the evaluation, and just after, in which case it displays the produced text in a field called output in the Variables view.


Acceleo breakpoints can be temporarily deactivated, thanks to the Breakpoints view. Just uncheck the checkbox in front of a breakpoint to deactivate it. Here is an example of a deactivated breakpoint in this view:


Launching an Acceleo generation

Launch Configuration

In order to launch an Acceleo generator, you just have to right click on your main module and use the Run As menu. From there the Launch Configuration menu will open. If you already have created a launch configuration you can access the launch configuration menu from the Run -> Run Configurations... menu.

In this menu, you will have access to the Acceleo Launch configuration. You just have to select the Acceleo generator project, then the Java launcher class generated by Acceleo (subclass of AbstractAcceleoGenerator), your input model and finally the output folder of the generation.

You can choose the runner of the generation, which will configure the condition under which the generation will be launched. Two launchers are available by default, the Acceleo Plugin launch will launch your Acceleo generator as an Eclipse plugin in your current Eclipse instance and the Java Application will launch your generator as a stand alone Java project without any dependencies with Eclipse (see the stand alone launch documentation for more details).

You can contribute new runners thanks to the org.eclipse.acceleo.ide.ui.launching extension point. You can also configure from there the activation of the profiling and the traceability (see profiler and traceability documentation).

Ant, Maven, Java

If you want to launch an Acceleo generator from Ant, Maven or programmatically from Java, have a look at the documentation on the stand alone launch (Java) and the integration of Acceleo in an existing workflow.

Java Launcher API


When you are creating a module with a main template, Acceleo will generate a Java launcher class that you can use as a front end for the Acceleo APIs to launch your generation. This Java launcher class provides lot of options in order to customize the generation, let's have a look at those options.

Module name and template name

Acceleo generates in the Java launcher class the name of the module and the name of the template(s) that should be used as the starting point of the generation. You can, after a modification of the @generated tag to a @generated NOT tag in the documentation any of those values. If you want to start the generation from any other template, you can do it. It is highly recommended to not touch those values since the Java class will stay synchronized with any modifications of the main module but the Acceleo API allows you to start a generation from any template.

public static final String MODULE_FILE_NAME = "/org/obeonetwork/pim/uml2/gen/java/main/workflow";
public static final String[] TEMPLATE_NAMES = { "generateClass", "generateInterface", "generateEnumeration" };

The constructors

You can find two constructors in the generated Java class

public Workflow(URI modelURI, File targetFolder, List<? extends Object> arguments) throws IOException {
     initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);

public Workflow(EObject model, File targetFolder, List<? extends Object> arguments) throws IOException {
     initialize(model, targetFolder, arguments);

The first constructor takes the URI of the model URI modelURI = URI.createFileURI(args[0]); while the second one let the user load the model by himself (you can use org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.ModelUtils.load(...) for help). If you want to plug an Acceleo generator to an existing tool, for example a model editor, you may want to try to launch the generation with the model that is already loaded by the tool instead of giving the uri of the model to the Acceleo generator and let Acceleo load one more time the model.

After that you can find the main method, the entry point of the stand alone generation and the doGenerate() method which is the method used to launch the generation. If you want to change a behavior just before or just after the generation, you can put your code in this method. If you want to change the way the generation is launched, you can choose not to delegate the generation to the parent.

Generation listeners

Next, you can see the method used to add a set of generation listeners. Generation listeners will be called for each event of the generation (a file has been generated, the generation is over, etc...). If you want to react to an event that occurs during the generation, this is where you should plug your code.

public List<IAcceleoTextGenerationListener> getGenerationListeners() {
    List<IAcceleoTextGenerationListener> listeners = super.getGenerationListeners();
        return listeners;

Generation strategy

The generation strategy allows you to customize the way the generated code should be handled. The default generation strategy will for example create a new file for each file generated but if you want to manipulate the generated code before it serialization, you can create a different generation strategy (be careful since you could create a de-synchronization between the generated code and the traceability informations).

public IAcceleoGenerationStrategy getGenerationStrategy() {
    return super.getGenerationStrategy();

Properties files

Acceleo allows you to use Java properties files during the generation. In order to access those files during the generation, you have to add them to the list of properties files like this:

public List<String> getProperties() {
    return propertiesFiles;

Generation ID

The Acceleo Java launcher can attribute a generation ID to a specific generation. In order to set the generation ID, you can use the method setGenerationID. The generation ID should be calculated from the org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.utils.AcceleoLaunchingUtil class. The Acceleo UI project calculate by default a generation ID and sets it in the Java launcher.

Package registration

Thanks to the Java launcher class, you can register some additional packages for your generation. This is particularly useful for stand alone generation since EMF will not discover and register the available packages for you.

It is recommended not register the packages that are in the workspace by yourself. The Acceleo builder will register them for you, if you want to launch your generation in stand alone, you have to do it yourself tough. If you are using the XMI resource serialization (Right Click on a project -> Properties -> Acceleo compiler), you should register the package with its logical URI like this:

public void registerPackages(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
    if (!isInWorkspace(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.class)) {
        resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI(), org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);

If you are using the binary resource serialization and if your metamodel is in the workspace, you will have to register the package by using its path as a uri:

public void registerPackages(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
    resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put("myProject/model/myMetamodel.ecore", org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);

It is recommended to use xmi resource serialization for metamodel in the workspace. It is not recommended to register the package in the global package registry (EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE) since it can affect other EMF based tools. You should prefer using the package registry of the resource set.

Resource factories registration

In order to be able to read your model, EMF may need a specific resource factory if your models have an unknown extension for EMF (not ecore and not xmi). For example, to be able to read .uml models, you need to register the following factory:

public void registerResourceFactories(ResourceSet resourceSet) {
 resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(UMLResource.FILE_EXTENSION, UMLResource.Factory.INSTANCE);

The factory and the resource are generated by generated the code from the EMF ecore model.

Stand Alone Launch

You can launch an Acceleo generator without any dependencies with Eclipse directly from the launch configuration by using the Java Application runner or by using the generated Java launcher class programmatically. When you are using the Acceleo runtime in stand alone, you have a bit more work to do since you will have to register the packages of your metamodel and the resource factories by yourself.

In order to register your metamodel, you just have to follow the instructions on the registerPackages method.

Here is an example of package registration for the UML metamodel:

resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI(), org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.eINSTANCE);

If your models have a custom extension (other than ecore or xmi) you will have to register a resource factory in order to tell EMF how your file should be opened. Use the instructions available on the registerResourceFactories method.

Here is an example of resource factory registration for the .uml files:

resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(UMLResource.FILE_EXTENSION, UMLResource.Factory.INSTANCE);

Deploying an Acceleo generator

In order to deploy an Acceleo generator as an Eclipse plugin, you can first create an Acceleo UI project to have a small UI integrated in Eclipse to launch your generator. Once your UI project is created, you can deploy your Acceleo plugin just like any other Eclipse plugin. For that you can start by creating an Eclipse plugin feature and an Eclipse plugin update site as shown in the video.

Working with an existing generator

When you have an existing generator, you may want to change the generated code, let's review how Acceleo can help you maintain an existing generator. There is one major problem with code generator, if you want to change the generated code the next generation will remove your changes.


If the language of the code that you are generating allows it, you should consider all the customization of the generated code as an extension of the generated code. For example, if you are generating a Java class, consider overriding the method instead of changing the generating code. It is the safest approach since you won't touch the generated code at all. This approach works well if you have a language that authorize extension of the generated code and if you can generate most of the code from the model (including a default body for your methods).

Protected areas

Sometimes you have to change directly the generated code, in order to do that safely you have to create in your generator a protected area. The protected area will be visible in the generated code and from there, you will be able to put code inside of the protected area as you can see it in the following video.

Protected areas are identified by their unique marker. If a protected area is removed from the generator, the code inside of the protected area in the generated file will be removed an placed in a text file next to the generated file.


If you are generating a Java file, Acceleo features another mechanism to prevent the loss of the user code: JMerge. JMerge is a set of tags in the javadoc used to indicate if an element of a Java file has been generated or not. With a JMerge tag @generated you can indicate that this component has been generated and that it should be deleted and regenerated while a @generated NOT tag will indicate that all the content of the documented element has been changed by the user and it should not be overwritten by the new generation even outside of a protected area.

Dynamic Overriding

Sometimes, you want to change the behavior of an existing generator. You can of course change the generated code by hand, or you can change the generator by statically overriding a part of its behavior but sometimes you don't want to touch the original generator. For example, imagine that you have an "UML to Java" generator and you want to customize it to have an "UML to real time Java" generator. You don't want to mess with your perfectly fine "UML to Java" generator. Acceleo features a mechanism to handle those problem, dynamic overriding. Dynamic overriding allows you, just like aspect oriented programming, to replace the behavior of a part of your generator by another generator without any modification to the original generator.

In order to do that, you just have to create a new Acceleo project and to use the dynamic template extension point just like in the previous video. If you deploy then the original generator, you will have the original behavior but if you deploy the new generator with it, its dynamic modules will "patch" the original generator, dynamically changing its behavior.

Integrating Acceleo in an existing workflow

All the Acceleo projects are Eclipse plugin projects and as such they can easily be integrated in Eclipse but since the Acceleo runtime is also completely stand alone, you can freely use it without any dependencies with Eclipse. In order to integrate Acceleo in your project, you need to handle three problems: the compilation of your generator, its deployment and its launch.

Compiling the generator

You can handle the compilation of your Acceleo generator in four different ways.


First of all, the simplest solution is to let Acceleo compile it inside of Eclipse. For that, you just have to create your Acceleo project inside of Eclipse and to ensure that the automatic builder is activated (menu Project -> Building automatically) or you can ask for the compilation of a specific project (menu Project -> build project). You can then find in the output folder of your project (bin by default) the compiled Acceleo modules (.emtl files).


Acceleo features two different kinds of Ant integration. When you are using Acceleo in Eclipse, we are maintaining a build.acceleo Ant file and a file that will allow the Eclipse Ant build system to compile your Acceleo modules. This mechanism will let Eclipse build your project from Ant.

If you want to use Ant outside of Eclipse, Acceleo can generate a dedicated Ant task for the compilation of your generator. In order to do that, you first need to add a dependency between your Acceleo project and the org.eclipse.acceleo.parser plugin. This dependency is not added by default since a regular Acceleo project would have its modules compiled by Eclipse. Once this dependency is added, you can right click on your project and use the configure menu to generate the Ant task for the compilation of your Acceleo modules. In this Ant task, you can tell Acceleo which packages should be registered for the compilation of your Acceleo modules. Those packages need to be accessible in the classpath of your Ant task. If they are in the dependencies of your Acceleo project, they should appear in the Ant task generated. Then you just have to launch the Ant task to see your Acceleo modules being compiled.


If you want to build your Acceleo modules with Maven, you first have to take a dependency to the Acceleo parser. Then you can use the "configure" menu to generate a Maven "pom.xml" file for your project. This pom.xml file is using Tycho. If you want to use a regular maven task, you just have to reference all the Jars neeed for the Acceleo compilation statically (the list of all the jars needed for the compilation can be found at the bottom of this page). If you want to reference those jars, just use the dependency tag for all the dependencies of the Acceleo project:


If you choose to use the Tycho based maven task generated by Acceleo, you have to keep in mind that the Tycho architecture requires a parent project and children projects. The parent project should compute the dependencies and build the children projects. The Acceleo project is a child project for Tycho and its container will have the parent pom.xml file. If you have created a regular Acceleo project, you will therefore have a pom.xml file in the root of your workspace (not visible from Eclipse). It is recommended to create a parent folder containing the Acceleo project if you want to use a Tycho based architecture.


You can also handle the compilation of the Acceleo modules directly from Java by using the org.eclipse.acceleo.parser.compiler.AbstractAcceleoCompiler class. You just have to override the methods registerPackages and registerResourceFactories to register you metamodel and your resource factories if needed and then you can call the compilation like this:

public static void main(String['[]'/] args) {
   if (args.length < 3) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing parameters"); //$NON-NLS-1$
   AcceleoCompiler acceleoCompiler = new AcceleoCompiler();
   if (args.length == 4 && args['[3]'/] != null && !"".equals(args['[3]'/])) { //$NON-NLS-1$
   acceleoCompiler.doCompile(new BasicMonitor());

Note: in this example, AcceleoCompiler is the subclass of AbstractAcceleoCompiler.

Deploying the generator


You can deploy an Acceleo generator in Eclipse very easily just like any Eclipse plugin, in order to learn more about this you can have a look at the deployment documentation.

Stand Alone

The Acceleo runtime being stand alone, you can export you Acceleo plugin as a jar and use it with the needed jar in any Java environment.

Launching the generator

Just like with the compilation, you have several options to launch an Acceleo generation.


You can first of all launch your generation from Eclipse with the integrated launch configuration. With this launch configuration you can launch the Acceleo generator in the Eclipse instance or in stand alone.


Acceleo generates two Ant tasks to handle the launch of the generation in the tasks folder.


If you want to launch an Acceleo generation with maven, you just have to put the needed jar in your dependencies (see the dependencies needed at the bottom of this page) and then call the main method of the Java launcher class like this:



You can launch an Acceleo generation programmatically with the generated Java launcher class. In order to do this, you have to manually register your packages in the Java launcher just like with the stand alone Java launch and then you can call the generation.

Dependencies of an Acceleo project

One of the common problem to handle with the compilation, the deployment and the launch of a project is to make sure that all the dependencies of the project are found. You can find here the list of all the dependencies used by Acceleo for the compilation of an Acceleo project and for the execution.



Launch (stand alone runtime)


Building an Acceleo generator with Maven and Tycho

In order to build an Acceleo generator with Tycho, there are four steps to realize.

  • add a dependency to the parser
  • generate the pom.xml files
  • register the metamodel used by your generator
  • and then launch the build

Now let’s have a look in details at those steps.

The first thing that you have to do is to add an optional dependency with the Acceleo parser in your MANIFEST.MF file.

Parser Dependency.png

Then, you can use the new action to generate the pom.xml files necessary to the build. This action can be found by right-clicking an Acceleo project in the Configure menu.

Generate Pom.png

This action will generate two pom.xml files and a Java class. The first pom.xml file is located in your project and it contains all the necessary settings to build your project. The second pom.xml files is located in the folder containing you project (by default, the root of your workspace). This file contains all the settings for a Tycho-based build with the update sites for Eclipse Indigo and Acceleo.

Java Class and Pom.png

The Java class generated will be used for the compilation of the Acceleo modules. This class is necessary in order to give you the opportunity to register your metamodel.

Register Packages.png

Prior to the launch, you should check that all the necessary source folders are in the file since it will be used to compute the files to build.

Build Properties.png

After that, you can type a simple mvn clean package in a terminal opened at the root of your Acceleo project and then witness the magic of Maven and Tycho.

Full Build.png

It’s a bit long the first time you are launching it since Maven and Tycho will download half of the internet but once it’s done, behold the awesomeness of a Tycho based build of your Acceleo generator.

You can of course complete your Acceleo project by creating an Acceleo UI project and their matching feature and an update site in order to distribute easily your generator to your final customers. Thanks to the update site, they will be able to integrate your generator in their environment very easily.

Generation Viewpoint.png

You can find an example of this new build system in the open source UML to Java generator available on Github.

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