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(Download COSMOS Demo and Prerequisites)
(Download COSMOS Test Web Application and Prerequisites)
(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This page provides instructions on how to install and run the COSMOS demo for i12.   
This page provides instructions on how to install and run the COSMOS Test Web Application for i13.   
== Objective of the Demo ==
== Objective of the COSMOS Tests Web Application==
The COSMOS Demo illustrates the main features of COSMOS.
The COSMOS Test Web application provides a means for testers to visually verify the widgets used in the COSMOS UI.  Testers can verify whether the widgets are rendered correctly and behave as expected.
== Installation ==  
== Installation ==  
Line 10: Line 10:
This section provides instructions for installing and running the demo program that is provided in the COSMOS i13 build.   
This section provides instructions for installing and running the demo program that is provided in the COSMOS i13 build.   
# Install [ Tomcat 5.5.26]. The directory where the Tomcat server is installed will be referred to as the <tomcat_install_dir> in this document.  
# Install [ Tomcat 5.5.26]. The directory where the Tomcat server is installed will be referred to as the <tomcat_install_dir> in this document.  
# Download Axis2 war file for Tomcat from this page:  Download the zip file for "WAR (Web Archive) Distribution". 
# Download [ DOJO].  
# Download [ DOJO].  
# From the [ COSMOS download page], click on the link of the latest candidate build for i13.  Download the zip file under the "Data Reporting Web Application" section.
# From the [ COSMOS download page], click on the link of the latest candidate build for i13.  Download the zip file under the "Data Reporting Web Application" section.
=== Installing COSMOS Web applications and Web Services ===
=== Installing COSMOS Test Web application ===
COSMOS comes with a program that helps install and configure the web applications and web services required for the demonstration.  The install program is located at <cosmos-demo>\bin.  Run configDemo.bat or to start the install program on Windows and Linux respectively. The install program assumes your <cosmos-demo> directory and the tomcat installation are on the same host.
# Copy the "COSMOSUITests" directory to the tomcat server webapps directory
# Next copy dojo 1.1 under apache-tomcat-5.5.26\webapps\COSMOSUITests
The configDemo program accepts 5 parameters.  They are:
The resulting file structure should be as follows
# tomcatDir: Apache Tomcat install directory <tomcat_install_dir>
# cosmosDir: COSMOS Demo install directory <cosmos-demo>
# birt: path to BIRT Runtime zip file (download from step 4 above)
# dojo: path to dojo zip file (download from step 5 above)
# axis2war: (optional) Path to the axis2.war file (downloaded from step 3 above)
You will see something like the following in a successful execution of the config program. 
Unzipping c:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.26\webapps_backup4\axis2.war to c:\
Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.26\webapps\axis2...
Installed axis2 on Apache Tomcat server.
Installed web application: COSMOSReportViewer
Installed web application: COSMOSUI
Unzipping c:\dev\ to c:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.26
Unzipped BIRT to COSMOSReportViewer
Copied BIRT web viewer example to COSMOSReportViewer
Unzipping c:\dev\ to c:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.26
Unzipped dojo to COSMOSUI.
Installed web service: AperiMdr
Installed web service: Broker
Installed web service: ExampleMdr
Installed web service: LoggingDataManager
Installed web service: ServiceFinder
Installed web service: SMLMDR
Installed web service: StatDataManager
Installed web service: TestFederatingCMDB
Copied axis jar files to COSMOSUI.
Copied axis jar files to COSMOSReportViewer.
Copied axis jar files to cosmos client.
Updated axis2.xml.
Updated services.xml for SML MDR.
Updated services.xml for statistical MDR.
Installed broker database to c:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.26\webapps\axis2
== COSMOS Command Line Client ==
== Running COSMOS Test Web Application ==
The COSMOS Demo comes with two clients - the command line client and the web user interface.  The command line client is mainly for managing COSMOS components.  The web client provides a web user interface for interacting with data managers. 
*Now open FireFox 2.0  or IE 6+ and type http://localhost:8080/COSMOSUITests/?page=testsYou should see the COSMOS UI Test Page.  This page provides several configured test pages that tests widgets and various data visualization componentsOne can click on a link to view the various widgets used in the COSMOS UI.  Testers would visually verify whether the widgets are rendered and behave correctly.
This section discusses the functions of the command line client.  Note that the command line client the interface for managing COSMOS components and can be used outside the scope of the demo. 
=== Getting EPR of COSMOS Web Services ===
Axis2 provides an administration web console for various administrative tasks.  One of them is to display service endpoint references (EPR) of web services deployed at the server.  This function is useful in the context of the command line client because some commands requires service EPR as input parameters. 
After starting Tomcat, browse to the Axis administration console at http://localhost:8080/axis2, assuming the Tomcat is running on port 8080.  Click on Administration, and log in with username "admin" and password "axis2".  These are the default settings and can be changed in axis2.xml. 
After logging in, click on the "Available Service Groups" link on the left navigator.  The "Available Service Groups" view shows a list of services groups.  A COSMOS data manager is a service group of a number of web services, including the data manager web service with target namespace 
Click on the link of a web service will lead you to another page that displays the Service EPR of the web service and a list of supported operations.
Note that the service EPRs can also be found by clicking on the "Available Services" link on the left navigator, but the web services listed on this page are not grouped by data managers.
=== Start the COSMOS Command Line Client ===
Start the command line client by executing the cosmosClient.bat or located at <cosmos-demo>\cosmos-client for Windows or Linux respectively.  The script accepts the EPR of the broker as an optional parameter.  If the broker EPR is not provided, the default value is http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Broker. 
For example, you can start the command line client by executing the following command:
<cosmos-demo>\cosmos-client\cosmosClient.bat http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Broker
=== Setting COSMOS Security Information ===
COSMOS supports basic security authentication process and provides following command line options to enter security information.
COSMOS> Setsoapversion <1.1 or 1.2>
COSMOS> Setcredentials <username> <password>
To see the security information data, use the following command :
COSMOS> Settings
To display SoapVersion for a given Data Manager, use the following command:
COSMOS> GetSoapVersion <host> <name>
===Find all DataManagers using CosmosServiceFinder web service===
COSMOS provides a web service called servicefinder which can return a list of COSMOS data managers deployed on the same axis2 web service container as the service finder web service. A COSMOS data manager is an Axis2 service group that contains the COSMOS web service. 
Syntax of the command is:
COSMOS> FindDataManagers [EPR of serviceFinder web service]
The EPR of the serviceFinder web service can be retrieved from the Axis2 admin console.
===Register Data Managers with Broker===
The broker is an address registry of data managers.  The broker is the entry point for COSMOS clients to locate data managers. 
The command line client provides a command to register all COSMOS data managers that are deployed on an Axis2 web service container with the broker.  The syntax of the command is:
COSMOS> RegisterAllDataManagers [servicefinder EPR (optional)]
The registerAllDataManagers command will call the servicefinder web service to get a list of data managers and register all of them with the broker. 
The servicefinder EPR parameter is optional.  If it is not provided, the command will try to locate a service finder deployed on the same server as the broker.  The command will fail if the service finder web service cannot be located.
The command line client also provides a command to register individual COSMOS data managers that are deployed on an Axis2 web service container with the broker.  The syntax of the command is:
COSMOS> Register <DataManager name> [service finder EPR]
===Register ServiceGroups with Broker===
COSMOS command line client provides a way to register ServiceGroups that are deployed on an Axis2 web service container with the broker. The syntax of the command is:
COSMOS> RegisterServiceGroup <host> <name> <wsdl URL #1> [wsdl URL #2] ...
===Listing Data Managers Registered with Broker===
There is a command for listing out all data managers registered at the broker.  The command syntax is:
  COSMOS> GetDataManagers [service namespace (optional)]
The service namespace parameter is an optional parameter.  If it is not present, all data managers registered at the broker will be listed.  If a service namespace is provided, the command will only return data managers that supports a web service with a target namespace that equals to the given service namespace. 
For example, use the following command to find all data managers that support the CMDBf query service:
COSMOS> GetDataManagers
Also, for listing out data manager by datamanager id, use the following command
  COSMOS> GetDataManagerById <DataManager Id>
For example:  COSMOS> GetDataManagerById
For listing out data managers by it's RecordTypeNameSpace, use the following command:
COSMOS> GetDataManagersByRecordTypeNamespace <RecordTypeNamespace>
For example: COSMOS> GetDataManagersByRecordTypeNamespace
For listing information about Data Manager, use the following command:
COSMOS> GetDataManagerInfo <host> <name>
For example: COSMOS> GetDataManagerInfo localhost ExampleMdr
===Deregistering Data Managers from broker===
Deregister data managers from the broker with the following command:
COSMOS> Deregister <hostname> <DataManagerName>
<hostname> is the hostname of the server where the data manager is deployed.  <DataManagerName> is the name of the data manager.  These two value form a unique identifier of a data manager.  You can get these values from the output of the "broker getDataManagers" command.
To Deregister data manager by it's id, use the following command:
COSMOS> DeregisterById <DataManager Id>
For example: COSMOS> DeregisterById
===Changing Broker EPR===
COSMOS Command line client provides a way to change Broker EPR to point to different broker with the help of following command. The syntax of the command is :
COSMOS> ChangeBrokerEPR <new Broker EPR>
To see the modified broker EPR, use the following command:
COSMOS> PrintBrokerEPR
=== Executing CMDBf Queries using the command line client ===
The command line client provides a command for making CMDBf queries with MDRs.  At the COSMOS prompt, execute:
GraphQuery <DataManager Id> <query filename> [optional query result filename]
This command accepts 2 parameters.  <DataManager Id> is the unique id which maps to data manager that supports CMDBf query service. You can get this id from GetDataManagers command.  <query filename> is the path to a file that contains a CMDBf query.  The query files for the MDR in the demo are located in <cosmos-demo>\cosmos-client\cmdbfquery. The query files for each MDR are location in the corresponding subdirectory. 
You can invoke queries on the Example MDR as follows (where <cosmos-demo> is the directory of the COSMOS demo and <hostname> is your machine name): 
COSMOS> GraphQuery <cosmos-demo>\cosmos-client\cmdbfQuery\ExampleMDR\all-students.txt
'' '''Hint:''' You can use the COSMOS UI Query Builder (described below) to construct complex queries, preview them, and cut/paste them into a file for later use with the command line client.''
== COSMOS Web User Interface ==
Once you have started the COSMOS components as described above, point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/COSMOSUI/?page=cosmos
=== Layout of the User Interface ===
The initial page of the COSMOS Web User Interface displays three main panesThe left pane shows a list of data managers that are registered with the broker.  The top right pane shows the details view that is initially blank.  The bottom right pane shows a properties view that is initially blank. 
=== Data Managers View ===
The pane on the left is the "Data Managers" view.  It lists all data managers registered at the broker.  There are initially six data managers that are registered with the broker. 
* A Statistical Data Manager that displays reports on some runtime statistics ("StatDataManager")
* A Logging Data Manager that displays reports on log files based on the Common Based Event format. ("LoggingDataManager")
* An Example Federating CMDB ("Sample Repository with Registration")
* An Example MDR that contains information related to students and teachers ("Sample Repository with Query")
* An Asset Repository that contains asset information that is modelled using the Service Modeling Language (SML) ("Resource Repository")
* An MDR for making queries on storage management data from Aperi using JDBC ("AperiMdr")
The end user can select a particular data manager to display properties associated with the data manager.  The properties are shown in the bottom right pane in the Properties view.
=== Security Properties ===
For all data managers registered at the broker, COSMOSUI provides a way to set security information with the help of properties dialog window.
* Select any Data Manager, say "Sample Repository with Query"
* On right click it shows popup menu with option as "Properties...",Click on it
* It then displays properties dialog window and enables user to enter Security information data
* Enter Username,Password and Soap Version details and click on Ok
* Again do a right click and select "Properties..." it will retrieve the saved data and allows user to modify it
=== Creating Query Folder ===
COSMOS UI supports creation of customer query folders for all MDR's and it can be created with the following steps:
* Right click the "Sample Repository with Query" node in the Data Managers paneSelect the "New Folder..." menu option.
* This will bring up a dialog box.  Enter "MyFolder" in the text box and click "Ok".
* A node containing a folder icon should show up under the "Sample Repository with Query" node.
COSMOS UI also supports renaming of existing folder by doing right click on any existing folder and selecting "Rename" option.
=== Creating Named Query ===
COSMOS UI supports creation of named Queries with the option of "Query Name:" under CMDBf Submit Query dialog window.
COSMOS UI also supports renaming of existing queries by right clicking on any existing CMDBf query and selecting "Rename Query" option.
=== Saving Queries ===
COSMOS UI provides option to save user defined queries with the help of Configuration parameters -RESPONSE_HISTORY_LIMIT and QUERY_SAVE.
Steps to Configure and enable option for saving Queries:
* Edit apache-tomcat-5.5.26\webapps\COSMOSUI\config\
* Set RESPONSE_HISTORY_LIMIT=5 and QUERY_SAVE= true as shown below:
# @name Response History Limit
# @description The graph response history limit size.  (-1 signifies unlimited)
# @name Auto Save Queries
# @description A flag that determines if the queries should be automatically saved on the server machine.
* Restart tomcat.
* Now create some named query on any of the MDR using Submit Query option.
* Open a new browser window and open COSMOSUI http://localhost:8080/COSMOSUI/
* The queries that were created and renamed should show up in the view.
* Also, query execution histories can be seen under "Response History..." option.
=== Query Properties ===
COSMOS UI provides an option to view CMDBf query properties under botton right section of page as "Query Document".
For Example,
* Expand the "Sample Repository with Query" node and click on the "Get All Students" node.
* The bottom right section of the page should show the following query document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at Contributors: IBM - Initial API and implementation-->
<!-- This query selects all students taught by the teacher with -->
<!-- the id: "staff01" -->
<s:query xmlns:s="">
<s:itemTemplate id="teacher">
<s:itemTemplate id="students">
<s:recordType namespace="" localName="student"/>
<s:relationshipTemplate id="reference">
<s:sourceTemplate ref="teacher"/>
<s:targetTemplate ref="students"/>
=== Graph Response Viewer ===
COSMOS UI provides CMDBf Graph Response Viewer to view the results of CMDBf query. Results can be viewed in two ways:
* Tabular View
* Hierarchical View
Steps to view the result of CMDBf Query :
* For Tabular View, right click on CMDBf query,select Open With >> Tabular View
* For Hierarchical View,right click on CMDBf query,select Open With >> Hierarchical View
=== Statistical Data Manager ===
Use the COSMOS UI to query the Statistical data manager for a list of data collection sessions and generate reports on statistical observation that have been previously collected and saved within a database.
==== Displaying statistical data sources ====
* Expand the "StatDataManager" node in the Data Managers pane to show a list of recorded statistical data sessionsNote that two data collection sessions have been recorded and saved.  The report of the statistical data is displayed in the details view.
* By selecting a data collection session under the StatDataManager node in the Data Managers pane, the properties of the selected data collection session is displayed in the Properties pane. 
==== Generating the statistical data reports ====
* Generate a report on the collected data by right-clicking the session they want to generate the report on.  A popup menu with a "Statistical Report" will be displayed.  Click on the "Statistical Report" option to generate the statistical report, that will be displayed in the "Details" pane.
=== Logging Data Manager ===
The CBE data manager manages a set of log files that have been previously collected.  The user can use the COSMOS UI to query the CBE data manager for a list of log files and generate reports on the log data.
The user can expand the "LoggingDataManager" node in the left pane to show a list of log files managed by the data manager.  When a log file is selected, the properties view shows the properties of the log file.
To generate a report on a log file, right click on the node under "LoggingDataManager" that corresponds to the log file.  A menu option will be displayed with the "Top 10 Log Report" option.  Select the "Top 10 Log Report" menu option and the report will be generated in the "Details" pane in the top right pane.
=== SML MDR (Resource Repository) ===
The SML MDR manages a repository that contains asset data that is modeled using the Service Modeling Language.  The repository contains asset information about a rack unit that has a set of mounted CPUs connected by cables and switches.  Users can construct a CMDBf query to acquire asset information on these resources.
To submit a query on the SML Repository, right click on "Resource Repository" from the "Data Managers" view.  A pop-up menu should be shown with a "Submit Query..." and "Submit Query as Text" options.  Click on any of the option to bring up a dialog box that will allow the user to enter a CMDBf query.  You may submit any well-formed CMDBf queries here.  For illustration purpose, submit the following CMDBf query, which will get information on a cable. 
<pre source="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:query xmlns:s="">
<s:itemTemplate id="cableTemplate">
Enter the above CMDBf query in the dialog box and click the "Submit" button.  The graph response viewer should be shown in the details pane.
You should see one row in the table under the "Node and Edges" section.  Click on the cell under the "Source" column.  The Records section of the view will show information about the cable.  Note that the asset information is displayed as a SML structure as follows:
<s:cable name="0001" xmlns:conn="connection" xmlns:ft="facetModel"    xmlns:it="http://www.cosmos.rm/dataCenter/core"   
xmlns:pm="propertyModel" xmlns:s="cable"    xmlns:sml="" xmlns:xsi=""> 
<it:facets>        <it:facet>            <it:properties>                <pm:connector format="RJ45"/>            </it:properties>        </it:facet>       
<it:facet>            <ft:location>                <it:properties>                    <ft:position coordinate="in use"/>                </it:properties>           
</ft:location>        </it:facet>        <it:facet>            <it:properties>                <conn:connection>                   
<conn:source sml:ref="true">                        <sml:uri>
</sml:uri>                    </conn:source>                    <conn:target sml:ref="true">                        <sml:uri>
</sml:uri>                </conn:target>                </conn:connection>            </it:properties>        </it:facet>   
=== Example MDR (Sample Repository with Query) ===
The Example MDR manages a repository containing information on a set of students and teachers.  The repository contains information such as the student's name, teacher's name and which students are taught by a particular teacher.  Users can construct a CMDBf query to acquire the student or teacher information.
==== To submit a query ====
To submit a query on the Example MDR right click the "Sample Repository with Query" from the "Data Manager" view.  A pop-up menu should be shown with a "Submit Query..." option. Click on the menu option.  This will bring up a query builder dialog box that will allow the user to construct a CMDBf query.  Let us build the following CMDBf query using the query builder.  This query will get a list of students.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:query xmlns:s="">
<s:itemTemplate id="items">
<s:recordType namespace="" localName="student"/>
The query builder is composed of three panes.  The top level pane allows the user to create itemTemplate and relationshipTemplate nodes.  Right click the "query" node in the top pane and select 'Add Item'.
This will bring up a second dialog box that allows the user to enter the template id.  Enter the word 'items' in the text box.
Notice that we constructed the following 'itemTemplate' node in the CMDBf query as illustrated in the XML shown in the previous step. 
<pre><s:itemTemplate id="items"></pre>
Select the 'itemTemplate' node in the bottom left pane to view the properties on the element.  If we look at the XML structure of the CMDBf query we can notice that the query contains a 'recordContraint' element under the itemTemplate.  Therefore, we need to add a recordConstraint element under the 'itemTemplate' node by right clicking the 'itemTemplate' node and selecting the 'add recordConstraint' menu option.
Next we need to add a 'recordType' element under the 'recordConstraint' node.  This time we right click the 'recordConstraint' node in the bottom left pane and select the 'add recordType' menu option.
Now we need to set the localName on the recordType element to 'student'.  Click on the cell next to the 'localName' cell in the bottom right table.  This will allow you to edit the attribute value.  Enter the word 'student' in the text box and click enter.
At this point we constructed the CMDBf query and we are ready to submit the query to the Example MDR.  We can click the "Preview XML" button to look at the CMDBf query we constructed. 
Click the 'Submit' button.
The graph response viewer should be shown in the details pane in the top right pane as shown below.  The view will show a list of three students.
Click on the "Source" cell in the "Nodes and Edges" section of the view.  The Record section of the view should show the information on a particular student.  Note that the student information is displayed as a XML structure as follows:
  <identity firstName="Mike" id="03" lastName="Lee"/>
COSMOS UI also provides additional option to submit query as textual data using "Submit Query as Text" option
=== Using the Registration Example CMDBf (Sample Repository with Registration) ===
==== To register configuration items with the test Federating CMDB ====
* start the COSMOS UI
* right-click on the "Sample Repository with Registration" Data Manager
* select "Register Configuration Items..." on the popup menu
* In the "Register MDR Configuration Items" window, select the "Example MDR"
* Press the "Register" button
* A list of configuration items will be displayed showing status results
==== To Deregister configuration items from the test Federating CMDB ====
* start the COSMOS UI
* right-click on the "Sample Repository with Registration" Data Manager
* select "Deregister Configuration Items..." on the popup menu
* In the "Deregister MDR Configuration Items" window, select the "Example MDR"
* Press the "Deregister" button
* A list of configuration items will be displayed showing status results
=== Using the Aperi MDR (Storage Repository) ===
Before you can use the Aperi MDR, make sure that you have started the Aperi Derby database. For example: type "start derby" from the <Aperi install directory>\db directory.
The Aperi MDR contains the following configuration items:
* StoragePool
* StorageSystem
* StorageVolume
* Disk
* HostPort
The Aperi MDR contains the following relationships:
* StorageSystemStoragePools (Storage Pools associated with a Storage System)
* StoragePoolStorageVolumes (Storage Volumes associated with a Storage Pool)
* StorageSystemStorageVolumes (Storage Volumes associated with a Storage System)
* StorageSystemDisks (Disks associated with a Storage System)
* StorageSystemHostPorts (Host Ports associated with a Storage System)
==== To submit a query ====
There are several ways to submit a query to the Aperi MDR:
* Use a web service client application
* Write a COSMOS client application (refer to the COSMOS User Guide for details)
* Use the COSMOS UI Query Builder to construct and execute the query
* Use the COSMOS UI "Submit Query as Text" option to execute the query
* Use the COSMOS client application to execute a query from a file
==== Query usage and samples ====
The Aperi MDR supports instance id constraints and record constraints (with record types and/or property value constraints).
The configuration item name is specified as the localName attribute of a recordType element in a recordConstraint.
The property name is specified as the localName attribute of a propertyValue element in a recordConstraint. 
The relationship name is specified as the localName attribute of a recordType element in a recordConstraint.
The queryService metadata (in the WSDL) lists the supported property value operators in the query capabilities.
For example, to query all the StorageSystem configuration items:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<s:query xmlns:s="">
  <s:itemTemplate id="items" suppressFromResult="false">
        <s:recordType namespace="" localName="StorageSystem" />
You can further constrain the query using the graphQuery operators of a propertyValue element of a recordConstraint.
For example, to query all the StorageSystem configuration items with a display_name value beginning with "DS", use the "like" operator:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:query xmlns:s="">
  <s:itemTemplate id="items" suppressFromResult="false" >
      <s:recordConstraint >
        <s:recordType namespace="" localName="StorageSystem" >
        <s:propertyValue namespace="StorageSystem" localName="display_name" >
            <s:like negate="false" caseSensitive="false" >DS%</s:like >
You can also query for an particular instance of a configuration item by specifying the localId of an instanceId element in an instanceIdConstraint.
For example, to query for the StorageSystem configuration item with localId "StorageSystem=2307":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:query xmlns:s="">
  <s:itemTemplate id="items" suppressFromResult="false" >
      <s:instanceIdConstraint >
You can query for a specific relationship between two configuration items by specifying the relationship template and two item templates with constraints.
For example, to query the relationship between the StorageSystem with Subsystem_ID equal to "2307" and the StoragePool instance of "StoragePool=2660":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:query xmlns:s="">
  <s:itemTemplate id="subsys" suppressFromResult="false" >
      <s:recordConstraint >
        <s:recordType namespace="" localName="StorageSystem" >
        <s:propertyValue namespace="StorageSystem" localName="Subsystem_ID" >
            <s:equal negate="false" caseSensitive="false" >2307</s:equal >
  <s:itemTemplate id="pool" suppressFromResult="false" >
      <s:recordConstraint >
        <s:recordType namespace="" localName="StoragePool" >
      <s:instanceIdConstraint >
  <s:relationshipTemplate id="hasPool" suppressFromResult="false" >
      <s:sourceTemplate ref="subsys" minimum="0" maximum="0" >
      <s:targetTemplate ref="pool" minimum="0" maximum="0" >
      <s:recordConstraint >
        <s:recordType namespace="" localName="StorageSystemStoragePools" >
[[Category: COSMOS]]

Latest revision as of 13:27, 14 August 2008

This page provides instructions on how to install and run the COSMOS Test Web Application for i13.

Objective of the COSMOS Tests Web Application

The COSMOS Test Web application provides a means for testers to visually verify the widgets used in the COSMOS UI. Testers can verify whether the widgets are rendered correctly and behave as expected.


Download COSMOS Test Web Application and Prerequisites

This section provides instructions for installing and running the demo program that is provided in the COSMOS i13 build.

  1. Install Tomcat 5.5.26. The directory where the Tomcat server is installed will be referred to as the <tomcat_install_dir> in this document.
  2. Download DOJO.
  3. From the COSMOS download page, click on the link of the latest candidate build for i13. Download the zip file under the "Data Reporting Web Application" section.

Installing COSMOS Test Web application

  1. Copy the "COSMOSUITests" directory to the tomcat server webapps directory
  2. Next copy dojo 1.1 under apache-tomcat-5.5.26\webapps\COSMOSUITests

The resulting file structure should be as follows


Running COSMOS Test Web Application

  • Now open FireFox 2.0 or IE 6+ and type http://localhost:8080/COSMOSUITests/?page=tests. You should see the COSMOS UI Test Page. This page provides several configured test pages that tests widgets and various data visualization components. One can click on a link to view the various widgets used in the COSMOS UI. Testers would visually verify whether the widgets are rendered and behave correctly.

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