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(openMobility Telco (Dec, 17 2019))
(openMobility Telco (Dec, 17 2019))
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* Frida Reichenberg
* Frida Reichenberg
* Philippe Krief (Eclipse)
* Philippe Krief (Eclipse)
* Jorge Eloy Luzuriaga (University Valencia)
=== News from (Currently) Associated Projects ===
=== News from (Currently) Associated Projects ===

Revision as of 08:39, 17 December 2019


openMobility Telco (Dec, 17 2019)


  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Christoph Sommer
  • Karl Schrab (FOKUS)
  • Jiao Li (Bosch)
  • Zoltan Baksa (Bosch)
  • Michele Segata (Uni of Trento)
  • Lara Codeca (Dublin Trinity College)
  • Frida Reichenberg
  • Philippe Krief (Eclipse)
  • Jorge Eloy Luzuriaga (University Valencia)

News from (Currently) Associated Projects

Eclipse SUMO

  • SUMO 1.4 release
    • rather bugfix release, a lot of improvements in netedit for demand editing, ...
    • some preliminary work on parallelization / parallel execution of multicore cpus
  • SUMO User Conference - Call for papers has been published here
    • Deadline for submissions: Friday, Jan 17th, 2020

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

Eclipse MOSAIC (ex. MUSTANG)

  • Name changed to MOSAIC because of a trademark issues
  • Initial contribution planned for Q2 / 2020
  • No decision on Phabmacs yet
  • Discussion about Carla Simulator and SUMO
    • Michele knows about a bachelor thesis describing a simulator coupling of SUMO and Carla

Other News

  • ASAM International Conference 2019
    • OpenScenario Player: esMini
    • Potentially a reference implementation for openScenario?
    • Frida offers to ask Emil Knabe (Volvocars) for a telco about esMini
  • Article for Eclipse Newsletter about SUMO and openMobility in finalization
  • Eclipse Foundation considers a move to Europe
  • Changes in the personel of the Eclipse Foundation

“Real Work”

User Stories

  • Focus on user story 1
  • Michael presents the current state of the tools/tileGet python script
  • The scripts downloads a set of tiles from three possible tile-servers and creates a settings.xml file to use with the SUMO GUI to display background image

Any other Business

  • Charter changes to prolong incubation period have been sent to the Eclipse Foundation

Next telco

  • Tue, Jan 28th, 2pm-3pm Berlin time

openMobility Telco (Nov, 19 2019)


  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Zoltan Baksa (Bosch)
  • Christoph Sommer
  • Frida Reichenberg (RISE)
    • Research institute on mobility
  • Soheila Dehghanzadeh (Denso)
  • Jakob Kaths (Vector)
  • Karl Schrab (FOKUS)
  • Max Neubauer (FOKUS)
  • Robert Protzmann (FOKUS)
  • Jiao Li (Bosch)
  • Vincent Latzko (TU Dresden)
  • Jorge Eloy Luzuriaga (University Valencia)

News from (Currently) Associated Projects

Eclipse SUMO

  • Next SUMO release is planned for Dec 10
  • SUMO User Conference - Call for papers has been published here
    • Deadline for submissions: Friday, Jan 17th, 2020

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

Eclipse Mustang (VSimRTI)

Other News

  • AVL joined the openMobility Working Group
  • Visit of the Oak Ridge National Labs
    • SUMO on the Summit supercomputer
  • OpenSource Summit in Lyon
    • Contact to Urban Computing Foundation
  • Other potential new members for the openMobility Working Group
    • Contact to Tata (India)
    • Contact to AAI
      • may provide external CF models
      • FOKUS also met them

“Real Work”

User Stories

  • Focus on user story 1
  • Goal is to have a running version of this feature in the next release
  • Track the implementation in SUMO here

Any other Business

  • Any changes to the charter for next year?
    • Extension of the incubation period for 2020? Remove incubation period completely?
    • FOKUS, Bosch, Vector: extend to at least 2020
    • find more members, secure financial support
    • currently no further charter changes needed
  • Possible EU 2020 project to get additional funding for our joint work
    • Next telco: Fri, Nov 22 10-11 Berlin-time Lync link
    • FOKUS is contacting Berlin partners (maybe too short notice)
  • ASAM International Conference in December in Dresden Dec 10 - Dec 11
  • SUMO User Conference in Berlin, incl. openMobility meet-up: May 11, 2020

Next telco

  • Would it be possible to have a telco at 5pm Berlin time to allow participation of possible members in North America?
    • Possible if plannable ahead of time

openMobility Meeting (Oct, 21 2019)


  • Aakash Sehgal (AVL)
  • Zoltan Baksa (Bosch)
  • Jiao Li (Bosch)
  • Andras Zsamboki (Bosch)
  • Robert Protzmann (FOKUS)
  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Jakob Kaths (Vector)

How we could benefit from the other Eclipse Working Groups

How we generate a business proposition

  • Bosch needs more added value
  • Powertrain simulation (Jiao Li)
    • List of possible tools is still open
    • also internal software available
  • another application: simulation for whole cities for emission evaluation
    • better driver behavior models (trajectories, lane change etc.)
  • Zoltan already found several applications in different departments at Bosch
  • AVL proposes a common demonstrator / show case where all openMobility members participate

User Stories

openMobility Telco (Oct, 1 2019)


  • Aakash Sehgal (AVL)
  • Zoltan Baksa (Bosch)
  • Robert Protzmann (FOKUS)
  • Karl Schrab (FOKUS)
  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Jakob Kaths (Vector)

Approving of previous meeting minutes

  • Meeting minutes from last telco are approved without any modification

News from (Currently) Associated Projects

Eclipse SUMO

  • Gradution Review
  • in November there will be some work towards improving the performance of SUMO on multiple processors / cores

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

Eclipse Mustang (VSimRTI)

  • After discussion with Ralph the Eclipse Project proposal is now officially at the Eclipse Foundation
  • Project creation review is probably complete within the next week
  • Current work on gathering the licenses for each library
  • Discussion with Christoph Sommer and Fraunhofer FOKUS took place - possible license issues with GPL and EPL

Other News

“Real Work”

User Stories

  • Vector: voting by adding a thumbs-up (+1) to the most important stories for each partner
  • Discussion and priorization at the EclipseCon - generate specific SUMO issues to address this user story

Any other Business

  • There will be openMobility flyers from the Eclipse Foundation
  • Meetup with PR people from Eclipse to discuss PR events, ... for 2020

openMobility Telco (Sep, 17 2019)


  • Jiao Li (Bosch)
  • Zoltan Baksa (Bosch)
  • Robert Protzmann (FOKUS)
  • Karl Schrab (FOKUS)
  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Jakob Kaths (Vector)
  • Lara Codeca (Trinity College)

Approving of previous meeting minutes

  • Meeting minutes from last telco are approved without any modification

News from (Currently) Associated Projects

Eclipse SUMO

  • New Eclipse SUMO Documentation:
  • Old Wiki is still available, but in read-only mode:
  • Documentation for contributed tools as part of the SUMO documentation is possible via pull request
  • Automated Source Code documentation (Doxygen for C++ and pyDoc for python and javadoc for java files) are still accessible under the previous urls
  • Preliminary draft of the new Eclipse SUMO homepage:
  • DLR would be happy to receive feedback on the proposed revision of the homepage of the Eclipse SUMO project

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

Eclipse Mustang (VSimRTI)

  • Discussion with Ralph on Thursday this week
  • Conversion from PDF-style documentation to Markdown files
  • finalized Eclipse Committer Agreement (ECA) for Fraunhofer FOKUS
  • Connections to Vector (ex. TESIS) (Jakob) and Bosch / openADx (Andy)

Other News

  • EclipseSource joined OpenADx
  • Andy presented OpenADx on the Microsoft Booth @ IAA - in addition to the BOSCH booth

“Real Work”

User Stories

  • Everyone should have been added to the openmobility-wg repository
  • Next step: voting by adding a thumbs-up (+1) to the most important stories for each partner
  • Most important user stories will be clarified (especially with regard to the acceptance criteria) and decomposed into one or more Eclipse SUMO issues
  • DLR is committed to dedicate some development effort into adressing / solving these issues

Funding Model

  • Incubation phase is supposed to end next spring
  • Next step is to find a viable funding model
  • Proposal:
    • Effort-based contributions - e.g. 1 person month / year for code contributions or management contributions
    • Funding-based contributions - e.g. 15 000 EUR / year

Any other Business

  • Robert asked Eclipse Foundation about a template for flyers; usually, they create a flyer for each event individually and they are checking if they can provide a template to fill for us
  • Next telco: Oct, 1st 2019, 14:30-15:30

openMobility Telco (Aug, 13 2019)


  • Aakash Sehgal (AVL)
  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Christoph Sommer (Uni Paderborn)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Karl Schrab (FOKUS)
  • Lara Codeca (TCD)
  • Jiao Li (Bosch)
  • Michele Segata
  • Robert Protzmann (FOKUS)
  • Max Neubauer (FOKUS)

Approving of previous meeting minutes

  • Meeting minutes from last telco are approved without any modification

News from associated projects

Eclipse SUMO

Other News

  • AVL has joined the Eclipse Foundation
    • [1]
    • personal and institutional introduction
    • steering committee member in openADX
  • Eclipse will sponsor a booth at 4th ASAM International Conference, Dec 10-11, 2019
    • presentation of Eclipse SUMO and openMobility
    • currently no other attendances
    • The Urban Computing Foundation is a neutral forum for accelerating open source and community development that improves mobility, safety, road infrastructure, traffic congestion and energy consumption in connected cities.
    • can meet them at the Open Source Summit in Lyon
    • Municipalities across the country have joined together to create a new global non-profit organization called the Open Mobility Foundation to support the development of open-sourced software that provides scalable mobility solutions for cities.

“Real Work”

  • Proposal: moving user-stories as issues on GitHub
    • agreed by all participants
  • Next steps:
    • DLR will migrate all user stories from Tuleap to GitHub
    • Feedback and Questions from Eclipse SUMO team for clarification of user stories
    • Breaking down of each user story into issues for Eclipse SUMO
    • Adding effort estimates and priorities


Working Group Growth

Status: Acquisition of new members

  • AVL has joined the Eclipse Foundation and is strongly considering joining the working group
  • no OEM yet
    • Volkswagen spreads the word internally
    • still legal hurdles concerning America based foundation
  • positive contact to ZF Friedrichshafen from openADx and us
  • contact by FOKUS to AAI

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

Mustang (VSimRTI)
  • Project proposal will be cross-checked with Ralph and Angelika and proposed to Eclipse
  • also a car simulator is in preparation
cooperation Veins / VSimRTI
  • currently no actions

Any other Business

openMobility Telco (Jun, 18 2019)


  • Zoltan Baksa (BOSCH)
  • Jiao Li (BOSCH)
  • Andreas Riexinger (BOSCH)
  • Jakob Kaths (Vector Informatik / ex. TESIS GmbH)
  • Robert Protzmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Karl Hübner (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Maximilian (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Christoph Sommer (CCS Labs, Uni Paderborn)
  • Michele Segata

Approving of previous meeting minutes

  • Meeting minutes from last telco are approved without any modification

News from associated projects

Eclipse SUMO

  • 11.-13.05.2020 next SUMO conference

News from the Eclipse Universe

  • Eclipse Con Europe
    • OpenADx, openMobility and openMobility (Matthis, Andy, Robert) will present
    • submission will be done this week
    • story is about an open toolchain
  • Urban Computing foundation founded
    • Track at the Open Source Summit in Lyon in October
    • DLR will submit something

“Real Work”

  • Infrastructure
    • Tuleap [2] for managing user stories and tasks
      • also other tools can still be evaluated (GitHub issues)
    • everyone has access (Karl Hübner still needs access)
  • Definition of user stories
    • currently 8 stories
    • now review phase
    • Feedback using the Follow-up field below the story
      • only user perspective ("is relevant for me too")
    • DLR will check whether any clarifications are needed
    • it is still possible to add more stories
    • try to estimate efforts


  • PR material
    • Vector is still checking but is still hopeful
    • Bosch has no funding for PR material
    • DLR has strong regulations concerning giving away things for free

Working Group Growth

Status: Acquisition of new members

  • potential Israelic partner from Vector
    • currently only a single SUMO use case
    • also contacts in SetLevel4To5 project
  • no answer from Swarco yet
  • talking to the OEMs takes time

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

  • VSimRTI
    • no news

Any other Business

  • Next meeting: 13.08.2019 13:00 - 14:00
    • Vector can not attend
  • successful committer representative elecvtion
    • Christoph and Michael are elected

openMobility Telco (Jun, 4 2019)


  • Zoltan Baksa (BOSCH)
  • Jiao Li (BOSCH)
  • Andreas Riexinger (BOSCH)
  • Jakob Kaths (Vector Informatik / ex. TESIS GmbH)
  • Robert Protzmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Karl Hübner (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Michael Behrisch (DLR)
  • Robert Hilbrich (DLR)
  • Christoph Sommer (CCS Labs, Uni Paderborn)
  • Ralph Müller (Eclipse Foundation)
  • Angelika Wittek (Eclipse Foundation)
  • Lara Codeca

Feedback to Foundation Event

  • Everyone is curious and looking forward to contribute the best they can

Approving of previous meeting minutes

  • Meeting minutes from May, 13 meetup are approved without any modification
    • Charter change regarding the period is already online

News from associated projects

Eclipse SUMO

  • Documentation is going to be moved from the wiki to markdown files as part of the source code
    • is a prerequisite for leaving incubation status
    • should be done by the end of August

News from the Eclipse Universe

  • Eclipse Con Europe
    • More info & Call for presentations: [3]
    • Andreas Riexinger will probably submit and attend (in a different context)
    • starts again with a community day on 20th of October
    • FOKUS and Vector check for availability
    • Bosch can also attend
    • Full papers maybe different for everyone
    • Face-to-face meeting will happen in the context of community day
    • DLR+Bosch (Robert+Andy) will present openMobility+openADx together
      • ask openGenesis whether they want to join
  • openADx Foundation Event
    • When? 25.6.
    • Where? Leinfelden-Echterdingen
    • Invitation: [4]
    • not all participation agreements signed yet, but a lot on the way
    • Logo is ready
    • Michael Behrisch (DLR) is going to participate

“Real Work”

  • Infrastructure
    • Homepage [5] with GitHub Repository [6] (for general info, news, ...)
    • Wiki (for meeting minutes and work-related information)
    • Tuleap [7] for managing user stories and tasks
    • GitHub Repo for the openMobility Working Group is still in progress (discussion about committer rights)
  • Next steps: Definition of user stories
    • Feedback:
      • there are already several ideas at different partners which can be provided
      • Those can be extensions of the ideas presented at the kickoff
      • no need to be perfect here
    • [Task] for everybody: get an Eclipse Account to be able to work in the openMobility wiki
    • [Task] for everybody: get an account in Tuleap by logging in at [8]
      • no need to have an ECA for Tuleap
      • signing the CLA is still highly recommended
      • Administrators (Robert, Micha, or Angelika) need to activate new accounts
    • [Task] for every consumer in the working group: please define one or more user stories to missing and needed functionality in Tuleap ("Trackers" - "User Stories" - "Submit new artifact")


  • Committer representative election
    • two candidates for two places: Christoph Sommer, Michael Behrisch
    • Election via mailing list, starting latest next week
  • PR material
    • funding for flyer / stickers / buttons available?
    • Vector and Bosch check for funding
    • good experience at Vector with postcards with QR codes

Working Group Growth

Status: Acquisition of new members

  • Vector contacted several firms, no reaction yet
  • Eclipse visited Volkswagen
  • Lara Codeca will ask at Trinity College Dublin

New openMobility Eclipse Projects / Code contributions

  • VSimRTI still shapes the initial commit
    • more news in four weeks
  • Python Parking Monitoring Library by Lara Codeca for SUMO under EPL
    • not an Eclipse project by now

Any other Business

  • Announcing meetings via the mailing list is a problem (answers piling up)
    • fallback only a simple mail
    • Robert will check
  • Next meeting: please mark your availability [9]

openMobility Eclipse Working Group Kickoff (May, 13 2019)

The meeting was organized by the DLR as Eclipse Foundation Member and held under the Eclipse Bylaws.

Participants and their main interests in openMobility / further development

  • Alexander Hafner, Jannes Iatropoulos; TU Braunschweig
    • Coupling SUMO / Silab
  • Vincent Latzko, TU Dresden
    • Sneak Peek, Network Connectivity
    • Flow library user
  • Jakob Kaths, TESIS / Vector
    • OpenDrive / OpenScenario(?) support
    • real time capabilities / libsumo
  • Robert Protzmann, Max Neubauer, Karl Hübner; Fraunhofer FOKUS / DCAITI
    • make VSimRTI open source
    • Standardization / Certification / Automated Testing
  • Matthias Höhne, Robert Hilbrich, Michael Behrisch, Laura Bieker; DLR
  • Gerald Richter, AIT
    • SUMO user, wants to participate, looking for a way to get more involved
  • Marc Semrau, VW
    • VW long time user
  • Alexey Preskenis, Modulnye Systemy Uprawlenija (MSU)
    • Full stack traffic control systems in Krasnojarsk
    • web based interface for SUMO
    • ease collaboration
  • Angelika Wittek, Ralph Müller; Eclipse Foundation
  • Zoltan Baksa, Jiao Li (follow up for Rainer Gasper); Bosch
    • Full city simulation based on Real World Data
    • Effects of traffic on power train (cosimulation)
    • prediction of traffic effects
    • workflow of common building of a city scenario
    • tool help on building the map
    • contribution in python tooling
    • build ADAS systems
    • need features for hybrid powertrain
    • effects in city wide simulation
    • build your own network connection systems
    • Quality management

Discussing participation possibilities

  • Working together in Research projects is always possible
    • Eclipse can do dissemination here
  • Example OpenGenesis
    • at least 150 person days per member / 40000 Euro
  • Example openPASS
    • at least 100 person days
  • for participation you need to be at least Eclipse Solution member
  • Ralph explaining commons
    • clear vision
    • clear rules
    • progress monitoring
    • sanctions / conflict resolutions
    • self determination
  • SUMO as commons
    • needed: developers and funding
    • list of wanted features
    • do not ignore base funding / technical debt
  • sharing / common funding is the main goal
  • direct orders are still possible
  • funding is decided on year by year
    • should be enough to do some "real work"
  • for research orgs there is little access to free funding
  • still in incubation / setup phase
  • in the next few weeks decide on structure
  • after the incubation year decide how and whether the WG will continue

Administrative Topics (meeting continues with fewer participants now in German)

  • Task for this year: Find a sustainable funding model
  • Wish: Have a successful Working group also after this one year
  • It is one of the tasks of the founding members to find more / new members especially to have more paying members than just Bosch
    • Aim: at least 1 (better 4) OEMs in the Working group
    • Ongoing talks with Daimler and VW
    • Wish: Every member should consider acting as a multiplicator for the WG. Every further member reduces the cost (or increases the benefit) for all.
  • TU Braunschweig Institut Fahrzeugtechnik:
    • Contribution rather in work hours, not money except for projects / public funding
    • The consortium does not only address the industry (and its money). Distribution of the workload is also an aim (this part is of interest to Prof. Friedrich)
  • SUMO is getting more sub-microscopic
  • Bosch: SUMO should be able to do more than fuel consumption, power train etc.
    • Put more emphasis on coupling simulators

Steering committee elections

  • Every participant member of the WG is member of the Steering committee and has one vote
  • Committers and guests cannot vote directly
  • Committers select two representatives which are members of the steering committee without voting rights
    • This selection process will be initiated by a mail to sumo-dev to find candidates and a subsequent election in the next two to four weeks.
  • Only committers can push to git repositories directly to ensure clean code and adherence to Eclipse regulations
  • Election chair of steering committee:
    • Single candidate: Robert Hilbrich
    • By unanimous vote: Robert is chair
  • Proposed change to charter:
  • Change duration to the range 13.5.19-12.5.20
    • By unanimous vote: charter is changed duration of the chair election period is 13.5.19-12.5.20

General Organisation

  • Frequency of Telcos/ Meetings:
    • Twice a year face to face (on different locations)
    • Proposal: Telcos at least monthly, in the beginning every two weeks, later less often
    • Proposal accepted
  • Skype for Business Telcos provided by DLR
  • There is a wiki which will contain this protocol and will be linked by the web site (and / or vice versa)
  • There is a mailing list:
  • There is a twitter account:
  • We need a Feature Tracker
    • Jira, GitHub or Tuleap
    • Jira needs a license (maybe a cost free version is available) and has frequent updates with many changes in core functions but Vector already uses it
    • All three tools meet the basic needs
    • SUMO’s GitHub cannot be the only point of contact because also SUMO independent topics should be tracked
    • Proposal: Everyone tests Tuleap (Ralphs favorite because it is open source) and we decide later
  • Later we need marketing sldies and our own repository
  • More infrastructure needed?
  • DLR sends doodle for next telco: only to the mailing list. (dudle von TU Braunschweig)
  • There is an archive for the mailing list
  • We already have a web site:
    • Generated by a static site generator written in Go (
    • Meeting Item and protocol will be on the web site and/or in the wiki
  • Code contributions to your own / new Eclipse project
  • Ralph and Angelika are happy to help out if problems / questions occur also with every other topic

For older meeting minutes see OpenMobilityMeetingMinutes_Archive

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