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= Resources =
= Resources =
The following resources are recommended reading for anyone new to Git or patch-based distributed version control systems in general.
The following resources are recommended reading for anyone new to Git or patch-based distributed version control systems in general. Feel free to add links here to reading that you found to be useful.
*[[EGit/User Guide]] - describes the dialogs and commands that can be accessed for the EGit eclipse plugin  
*[[EGit/User Guide]] - describes the dialogs and commands that can be accessed for the EGit eclipse plugin  

Revision as of 09:50, 13 October 2011

This page is a work in progress, and is not yet complete. Not every project has a Git repository -- just like not every project has an SVN or CVS repository.

Git mirrors of CVS repositories

The CVS repositories at are being mirrored to read-only Git repositories. Please see the git cvs mirror page for the full list of repositories. Please note that while Git mirrors will eventually be deleted for those projects that migrate to Git, projects may exist in both places. So check the fully hosted git repositories first!

Git repositories

Eclipse projects may use either CVS, SVN or Git. The project you are looking for may not be using Git. Please see CVS Howto and SVN Howto for more information. If you are unsure which type of repository a project is using, please go to that project's home page.

List of Git repositories available

Please see to NOTE: please use the clone links at the bottom of the pages.. Do not clone from

My Eclipse project wants to use Git

Migrating from CVS/SVN to Git

Please see Git/Migrating to Git.

Committers new to Git

Before working on a Git repository, please:

  • Read Git for Dummies
  • Read The Git Parable
  • Have the Git Guide handy
  • Also, check out EGit
  • Note that anyone can commit to their repo, but only Eclipse committers can push their repo to
  • DON'T FORGET to configure your git environment. The 'commit' record must contain either your Eclipse User ID, or the email address registered with the Eclipse Foundation.
   git config --global
   git config --global "John Doe"
  • Note that the above will set this as the default user name and email address to use when writing commits. You can set and password on a per repository basis.
   git config
   git config "John Doe"

This will set the username and email address on just the current git repository.

Connecting, cloning a repo

Please see the list of Git repositories (above).

Committer access:

   git clone ssh://
   git clone (if enabled for your repository)

Committer access via https is disabled (and discouraged), but it is available. Please ask Webmaster if you absolutely need commit access over https.

Anonymous, read-only access:

   git clone git://
   git clone


   git clone ssh://
   git clone git://
   git clone

Committing and pushing

The wrong way
The right way
Before committing code to your cloned repo, please ensure that your Git environment is properly set. Otherwise, the user ID and/or email address stored in the commit transaction in your repository will not match your committer ID and/or email address of your Eclipse Committer record with the Eclipse Foundation, and your push will fail.

IP process implications of DVCS

Due to our rigorous IP process, the use-case for a DVCS is different than that of other Open Source organizations. For this reason, an update hook is installed and must remain in place on every Git repository to ensure a clean IP provenance.

The Eclipse update hook will examine the Committer entries of an incoming push. All the committer entries must be of committers on the project, or the push will fail. Furthermore, your committer ID, or the committer email address registered with your committer account at the Eclipse Foundation must be present in the Committer Email record. Here are some scenarios to help understand this restriction:

   Scenario 1
   Jane Contributor is Author of code.  Commits to her local repo.
   Jane Contributer pushes (publishes) to a committer's local repo.
   Committer pushes code to will fail.  
     Committer cannot push code to us from a non-committer.

   Scenario 2
   Jane Committer, known as to the Eclipse Foundation, is Author of code. Commits to her local repo as
   Jane Committer pushes code to will fail. does not recognize

   Scenario 3
   Jane Committer, on project B, is Author of code for Project A. Commits to her local repo.
   Jane Committer pushes (publishes) to a committer A's local repo.
   Committer A pushes code to will fail.  
     Committer A cannot push code from a committer who is not on their project.

   Scenario 4
   Joe Contributor Authors code. Commits to his local repo.
   Joe Contributor attaches patch to Bugzilla.
   Committer applies patch to his local repo, commits to his local repo.
   Committer pushes code to will succeed.   
     Committer can push their committed code to us, preserving the Author information in the transaction.

   Scenario 5
   Project Team A has 5 committers. All committers commit to local repo.
   Committer pushes code to will succeed.   
     Committer can push their committed code, as well as commits performed by other project members.

Please see Handling Git Contributions for information on how to handle "pull" requests from non-committers.

Creating a new repository

Webmaster can create a new repository for you. Just open a bug against Eclipse Foundation > Community > Git. However, Eclipse committers with shell accounts can create new repositories:

   initrepo /gitroot/project/

For consistency, the name of the repository must end with .git.

To set the description of the repository as shown on, use SFTP to copy the desired content to the file /gitroot/project/

Permanently deleting code from Git

If you are required to permanently remove code from a Git repository, please open a bug against Community/Git and Webmaster will do this for you.

Setting up ssh keys

[This doesn't work unless you are a project lead or are granted a proper shell to work in (only project leads at the moment). See bug 312034.]

To avoid having to type in your password for each interaction with the server when using git from the command line:

  • Generate a public/private key pair if you don't already have one on your own machine
  • sftp and transfer the files from your .ssh directory
  • ssh
  • mkdir .ssh
  • chmod 700 .ssh
  • cd .ssh
  • cat ../ >>authorized_keys (for each .pub file you transferred)
  • chmod 600 authorized_keys

[At the moment, sftp is blocked, and using scp works, but you cannot run the mkdir command so cannot put the *.pub files into authorized_keys.]

The following workaround has been suggested:

  • mkdir eclipse/.ssh
  • cat >> eclipse/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • chmod -R go-wx eclipse/.ssh
  • scp -r -p eclipse/

Setting up https for pushing

Please note: Git access via HTTPS is not enabled by default. Projects must explicitly request this feature via a bug.

Here is a sample .gitconfig file which is used for git push via https. It is expected to be into your user's system directory (e.g. for Windows Vista "C:\Users\dtenev\.gitconfig").

        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
        url =
[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master
	proxy = http://proxy:8080
	name = dtenev
	email =

It is configured for the following git project (notice that you got the 'c' letter into the following path):

Do notice few things:

  • URL to the remote contains user's name. Git will require your password on git push execution.
  • URL to the remote does not contain the 'c' letter from the https browse URL above.

You may be curious to see the bugzilla issue ( which enabled https push in git repository, and do lead to the above contents of .gitconfig file.

Referencing git repositories on the wiki

To include a reference to your Git repository on your wiki page, you can use the Git Link Template. This links to the web interface where readers can get an overview of the repository, browse the source code, and see some commit stats. Here is an example:

org.eclipse.ecf.git (browse, stats, fork on OrionHub)

GitHub mirrors

Git repositories hosted on are now mirrored at GitHub.

See the Git/GitHub wiki page on Eclipsepedia for more information.

The Eclipse organization at GitHub is maintained by:


The following resources are recommended reading for anyone new to Git or patch-based distributed version control systems in general. Feel free to add links here to reading that you found to be useful.

  • EGit/User Guide - describes the dialogs and commands that can be accessed for the EGit eclipse plugin
  • Pro Git - a handy description of how git works and some of what git can do
  • Git SCM - the main git site
  • msysgit - A git client and bash shell for windows - might need some crlf flags set, not sure.
  • Git workflows - a blog post about Git workflows
  • The Git Parable - A document describing how Git works
  • Git Flow - article on a common Git development setup
  • Subversion Re-education - A guide to the conceptual differences between revision based systems like Subversion/CVS and patch-based systems like Git/Mercurial.

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