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Difference between revisions of "Dali 3.0 M6"

(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 78: Line 78:
| 324861
| 324861
| Association override JoinTable info lost when adding another association override  
| Association override JoinTable info lost when adding another association override  
| Create JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project
| Project created successfully
| ...
| ...
| Create JPA entity for Employee
| Employee entity is created and appears in editor
| ...
| ...
| Enter the following into the editor for Employee entity and Save @Entity
public class Employee extends AbstractEmployee {}
|  Project is saved and some errors/warnings appear, but this if fine until we get the rest of this setup.
| ...
| ...
| Create another entity (AbstractEmployee)but make it a mapped superclass with one attribute Id
| AbstractEmployee is created successfully.
| ...
| ...
| Select Employee entity in JPA Structure, Expand Attribute overrides in JPA Details View, Select address(Association Override)from the list
| Verify Override default checkbox appears (unchecked) with join information disabled
| ...
| ...
| ...
| ...
| Check the Override default checkbox
| Verify existing association override does not lose all of it's join table settings when the new association override is added.
| 326718
| 326718
Line 173: Line 205:
| 333730
| 333730
| Compilation error when creating entity attributes of type java.sql.Date and java.util.Date
| Compilation error when creating entity attributes of type java.sql.Date and java.util.Date
| Create EJB 3.0, JPA 1.0 project
| Project is created successfully
| ...
| ...
| R-Click on project and select JPA Tools > Open Diagram
| Diagram editor is opened
| ...
| ...
| Create a Java Entity on the diagram
| Entity1 is created successfully
| ...
| ...
| Select Entity1 on the diagram editor and select Create Attribute
| attribute is added to entity
| ...
| ...
| Add another Attribute
| 2 attributes appear for Entity1
| ...
| ...
| Double click on Entity1 in the diagram editor
| appears in the editor
| ...
| ...
| Change attribute1 from String to java.util.Date for the type and Save
| Verify no errors appear for using java.util.Date
| ...
| ...
| ...
| ...
| Change attribute2 from String to java.sql.Date for the type and Save
| Verify no error appears stating - The import java.util.Date collides with another import statement
| 333884
| 333884
Line 198: Line 265:
| 334152
| 334152
| Refactoring collection type drops Generic from definition and deletes from diagram
| Refactoring collection type drops Generic from definition and deletes from diagram
| Create JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project
| Project is created successfully 
| ...
| ...
| R-Click on project and Select JPA Tools > Open Diagram
| Diagram opens in editor
| ...
| ...
| Add Java Entity to the diagram
| Entity1 appears in the Diagram
| ...
| ...
| Add another Java Entity to the diagram
| Entity2 appears in the Diagram
| ...
| ...
| Double click on Entity1
| Entity1 opens in editor
| ...
| ...
| Add the following type - @OneToMany  private java.util.Collection Entity2;
| Entity2 appears in the JPA Structure and Details panal
| ...
| ...
| Go back to diagram
| Notice Entity1 now has Entity2 mapped as One to Many
| ...
| ...
| R-Click on Entity2 (one-to-many) in Entity1 and select Refactor Attribute Type
| Select Type Dialog appears
| ...
| ...
| ...
| ...
| Replace java.util.Collection with java.util.List in Type field and click on OK button
| Verify the attribute is not removed from Entity1 and still appears as One-To-Many
| 334166
| 334166

Latest revision as of 14:23, 4 May 2011

Dali QA Testing

Dali 3.0 M6 Manual Testing

Manual Testing for 3.0 M6 Release
Bug No. Description Test Steps Test Step Results
204132 Validation error needed when the same class is specified twice in the orm.xml Create a new JPA 2.0, EL 2.1.x, project Project created successfully
... ... Create 3 entities within the same package Entities are created successfully
... ... R-Click on the project and select New>JPA orm mapping file orm.xml file created and opened in editor
... ... R-Click on the Entity Mappings in the JPA Structure tab for the orm.xml, Select Add Class, Select an entity you created and click on OK Entity is added without any error/warnings
... ... R-click on the Entity Mappings in the JPA Structure tab for the orm.xm., Select Add Class, Select the same entity that you previously selected A warning appears in the Add Class dialog stating - File already contains that persistent class
... ... Click on the OK button. Save the project Verify a warning appears stating - Duplicate class "name" found in mapping files. This configuration is not supported by the tooling and may result in invalid error messages.
... ... Remove the duplicate class from the orm.xml file and Save the project Verify the warning is removed.
... ... Create a new Entity with the same name but in a different package New entity is created with the same name as in the other package
... ... Go back to orm.xml and add the new entity to the orm.xml that has the same name as the one already in there, but with the different package Verify the following error appears - Duplicate entity name "name" found in the persistence unit. Entity names must be unique.
... ... Change the type of one of the same named entities from entity to embeddable, Save the project Verify the error is removed since the Types are different.
310464 Validation needed for element collection target class validation for unmapped non-basic types Create a JPA, Generic project using the defaults Project is created successfully
... ... Create a JPA Entity, with the following public class Person {

@Id private String ssn;

@ElementCollection private Set<?> nickNames;


Verify the following error appear - Target class "java.lang.Object" is not an embeddable or basic type
324861 Association override JoinTable info lost when adding another association override Create JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project Project created successfully
... ... Create JPA entity for Employee Employee entity is created and appears in editor
... ... Enter the following into the editor for Employee entity and Save @Entity



public class Employee extends AbstractEmployee {}

Project is saved and some errors/warnings appear, but this if fine until we get the rest of this setup.
... ... Create another entity (AbstractEmployee)but make it a mapped superclass with one attribute Id AbstractEmployee is created successfully.
... ... Select Employee entity in JPA Structure, Expand Attribute overrides in JPA Details View, Select address(Association Override)from the list Verify Override default checkbox appears (unchecked) with join information disabled
... ... Check the Override default checkbox Verify existing association override does not lose all of it's join table settings when the new association override is added.
326718 Any/choice content for generic JAXB to support validation ... ...
330503 Add EclipseLink DBWS Builder support to Dali Create new dynamic web project using all the defaults Dynamic web project is created successfully.
... ...
331358 JAXB Project Creation wizard - No libraries appear for download Launch the JAXB Project wizard New JAXB Project dialog appears
... ... Enter required project name, leave defaults, Click on Next twice JAXB Facet page appears
... ... Click on the Download library button Download Library dialog appears with the available EclipseLink libraries
332317 Enablement problem and broken warning message in New entity wizard Create a new JPA Project, Select New>JPA Entity New JPA Entity dialog appears
... ... Enter the required items, Check the Add to entity mapping in XML checkbox Verify the Browse button and text field become enabled and the mapping file label remains enabled.
... ... Click on the Browse button Verify Mapping File dialog appears
... ... Click on the New button New Mapping File dialog appears
... ... Click on the Advanced button option, check the Link to file in file system checkbox Verify the text field, Browse button and Variables button become enabled.
... ... Click on the Browse button, select an .xml file and click Open. Verify the selected file (with the path) appear in the text field
... ... Click on the Finish, and then click OK to choose the mapping XML file Verify the selected file appears in the Mapping File text field without error.
332827 Store the project properties in the .settings file Create JPA 2.0 generic 2.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click and select JPA Tools > Open Diagram Diagram editor opens
... ... R-Click on the project and select Properties Properties dialog appears
... ... Expand JPA, select JPA Diagram Editor Verify the following defaults, Folder for diagrams: diagrams, Default Java: org.persistence, Default table: T_, Editing checkbox checked, Field-based radio button is selected, java.util.collection radion button selected.
... ... Change the Default table name prefix, select the java.util.set radio button and click on OK Verify the org.eclipse.jpt.jpadiagrameditor.ui file is updated under the workspace/project_name/.settings folder
333730 Compilation error when creating entity attributes of type java.sql.Date and java.util.Date Create EJB 3.0, JPA 1.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on project and select JPA Tools > Open Diagram Diagram editor is opened
... ... Create a Java Entity on the diagram Entity1 is created successfully
... ... Select Entity1 on the diagram editor and select Create Attribute attribute is added to entity
... ... Add another Attribute 2 attributes appear for Entity1
... ... Double click on Entity1 in the diagram editor appears in the editor
... ... Change attribute1 from String to java.util.Date for the type and Save Verify no errors appear for using java.util.Date
... ... Change attribute2 from String to java.sql.Date for the type and Save Verify no error appears stating - The import java.util.Date collides with another import statement
333884 EclipseLink JPA downloaded libraries do not work for JAXB Select New>Other>JAXB>JAXB Project, and click on Next button New JAXB Project dialog appears
... ... Enter a name and click on Next twice, Select user library from the Type drop down Message appears stating - At least one user library must be selected
... ... Click on the Manage libraries button Preference library dialog appears
... ... Add the 2.3 EclispeLink jar files from the MOXY folder, then click on OK, check the checkbox for the library Verify the message is removed and the Finish button is enabled.
334152 Refactoring collection type drops Generic from definition and deletes from diagram Create JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on project and Select JPA Tools > Open Diagram Diagram opens in editor
... ... Add Java Entity to the diagram Entity1 appears in the Diagram
... ... Add another Java Entity to the diagram Entity2 appears in the Diagram
... ... Double click on Entity1 Entity1 opens in editor
... ... Add the following type - @OneToMany private java.util.Collection Entity2; Entity2 appears in the JPA Structure and Details panal
... ... Go back to diagram Notice Entity1 now has Entity2 mapped as One to Many
... ... R-Click on Entity2 (one-to-many) in Entity1 and select Refactor Attribute Type Select Type Dialog appears
... ... Replace java.util.Collection with java.util.List in Type field and click on OK button Verify the attribute is not removed from Entity1 and still appears as One-To-Many
334166 Diagram location in project should not be a src folder Create a JPA 1.0 Generic 1.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on the Project, Select JPA Tools>Open Diagram Diagram opens and verify diagrams folder appears directly under the project folder and the diagram .xmi file appears within the diagrams folder
334168 Don't specify entity name when same as default Create project, create diagram editor, open diagram editor, select Java Entity and drop onto diagram editor Entity appears on diagram editor with id as primary key.
... ... Double click on the created entity The entity opens in the editor
... ... Go back to the diagram editor, R-Click on the entity, Select Refactor Entity Class > Rename Rename Compilation Unit dialog appears and only Update reference checkbox is checkede
... ... Enter a new name for the Entity "Testing", click on Next twice and then Finish Verify name is updated
... ... Double click up the updated entity (Testing) Verify Testing appears in the editor and @Entity appears as well as public class Testing, verify both do now contain Testing, only the public class contains Testing
335176 When diagram folder name changed the diagram should be renamed Create a JPA 1.0, Generic 1.0 project with defaults Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on the newly created project, Select JPA Tools> Open Diagram JPA Diagram editor opens successfully
... ... Create a JPA 2.0, EL 2.1.x project with details Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on the newly created JPA2.0 project and Select JPA > Tools >Open Diagram JPA Support dialog appears stating - JPA Diagram Editor supports JPA 1.0 only. When you use it with JPA 2.0 enabled projects you should visualize JPA 1.0 compliant entities only. Otherwise, the editor behavior will become erratic.
... ... Click on the OK button Diagram editor opens successfully
... ... Open Explorer and go to the workspace folder, open the project folder Verify the diagrams folder appears directly under the project folder and then the .xmi file appears within the diagrams folder
335343 Convert value lost after changing the focus area Create a JPA 2.0, EL 2.2.x project with some entities (Address, Employee, Phone) Project is created successfully
... ... Open a .java file in the editor (, Select an attribute (version), go to the JPA Details section, expand Type, Click on Converted radio button @Convert appears in the .java editor for the attribute
... ... Expand Define Converter in JPA Details, click on Custom radio button, Enter testing for the name @Converter(name = "testing") appears in the .java editor for the attribute
... ... Select testing from the converter name drop down in the JPA Details Verify testing appears for @Convert in .java editor for the attribute
... ... Change the focus from the attribute (click on another attribute) Verify the @Convert("testing") still remains for the attribute in the .java editor and it still appears in the JPA Details.
... ... Remove the @Convert and @Converter lines from the editor, add the class to the eclipselinkorm.xml file Class is added successfully
... ... Select the attribute and add the attribute to the xml. Attribute is added to the eclipselinkorm.xml
... ... Go to the JPA Details section, expand Type, Click on Converted radio button <convert></convert> appears in the .xml editor (source tab) for the attribute
... ... Expand Define Converter in JPA Details, click on Custom radio button, Enter testing for the name <converter name="testing"/> appears in the .java editor for the attribute
... ... Select testing from the converter name drop down in the JPA Details Verify testing appears for <convert> in .xml editor for the attribute
... ... Change the focus from the attribute (click on another attribute) Verify the <convert>testing</convert> still remains for the attribute in the .java editor and it still appears in the JPA Details.
335594 CCE adding NamedQuery to EclipseLink 2.0 project Create JPA 2.0 EL 2.0 project, add an entity, and select the entity so it appears in JPA details Project is created successfully without error.
... ... Expand Queries section, Click on the Add button Add Query dialog appears
... ... Enter a name (Testing), Select NAmed Query for the type, Click on Ok button. Annotation appears in the .java editor without errors.
... ... Add another query with the type of Named Native Query. Verify the annotation appears and not errors appear
... ... Repeat the test for a JPA 2.0, EL 2.0 and EL 2.1 projects Verify no errors appear
335697 Add support for default XmlElement attribute mappings ... ...
335795 Add new DBWS dependicies to WTP build ... ...
336006 Validation needed for temporal type mappings Create a jpa 2.0, EL 2.1.x project Project is created successfully
... ... Create JPA Entity, Add 4 entity fields with the following types - java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.lang.Integer, java.util.GregorianCalendar Entity is created successfully and the .java file appears in the editor
... ... Select the java.lang.Integer field in the JPA structure tab, Expand Type in the JPA Details tab, Select Temporal radio button, select Date. Save. Verify error appears stating - The persistent field or property for a Temporal type must be of type java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, or java.util.GregorianCalendar
... ... Change Type for the integer field back to Default Error message is removed
... ... Select the java.lang.Date field in the JPA structure tab, Expand Type in the JPA Details tab, Select Temporal radio button, select Time. Save. Verify the entity is saved and no error appears
... ... Select the java.lang.Calendar field in the JPA structure tab, Expand Type in the JPA Details tab, Select Temporal radio button, select Timestamp. Save Verify the entity is saved and no error appears.
... ... Select the java.lang.GregorianCalendar field in the JPA structure tab, Expand Type in the JPA Details tab, Select Temporal radio button, select Date. Save Verify the entity is saved and no error appears.
... ... Change the mapping for the java.lang.GregorianCalendar field to Element Collection, Then in the editor add the following - @CollectionTable(name = "ADDRESS", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "ADDRESS_ID", referencedColumnName = "CITY")) private List<GregorianCalendar> City; Update the get and set field information to show List<GregorianCalendar>. Save the project Verify the entity is saved and no error appears.
... ... Now remove List from GregorianCalendar - private GregorianCalendar City; Update the get/set fields as well Verify the following errors appear: The element collection value for a Temporal type must be of type java.util.Date ... and this error - Target class is not defined
... ... In the target class enter Date (so it appears as (targetClass = Date.class) in the editor. Save Project Verify errors are removed.
336009 EclipseLink enumerated element is automatically added for id mapping Create JPA 2.0, EL2.2.x project, Add JPA Entity with a few fields (make one the Id field) Project and entity are created successfully
... ... R-click on the project, Select New>EclipseLink ORM Mapping File eclipselink-orm.xml file is created and opened in editor
... ... Add the created entity to the eclipselink-orm mapping file Entity class is added
... ... Add the id field/attribute to the eclipselink-orm mapping file Verify the attribute is added and in the source tab it does not have <enumerated>ORDEAL</enumerated>
336135 [Validation] Version needs validation for acceptable attribute type Create JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... Add a JPA Entity, with entity fields with the following types; java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Long, java.sql.Timestamp JPA Entity is created successfully
... ... Select the String type field and change it's mapping to Version Verify the following warning message appears - The persistent field or property for a Version mapping must be of type int, Integer, short, Short, long, Long or Timestamp to ensure application portability
... ... Change the String to short for type in the editor for the attibute as well as for the get/set and Save Verify the warning message is remove
... ... Select the Timestamp type field and change it's mapping to Version Verify the warning does not appear since it is a mapping that works with Version.
... ... Change the Timestamp to String for type int he editor for the attribute as well as for the get/set and Save Verify the warning appears again
... ... R-click on the project and select New>JPA ORM mapping file orm.xml mapping file opens in editor
... ... Add the Entity to the orm.xml mapping file Verify the warning still appears
... ... Add the String type attribute for the Entity to the orm.xml mapping file Verify the warning still appears.
... ... Repeat all the steps for a JPA 2.0, EL 2.2.x project Verify the following error appears instead of the warning - The persistent field or property for a Version mapping must be of type int, Integer, short, Short, long, Long or Timestamp
336172 Inconsistent error message Create a JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project. Project is created successfully
... ... R-Click on the project and select JPA>Create Tables from entities Verify dialog appears with message stating - Generate Tables from Entities from tables is not supported by the Generic Platform.
336388 Context model support for @XmlTransient on a class ... ...
336540 Update branding plug-ins after recent project re-org Download the latest wtp which contains the latest Dali build and extract the files The build is downloaded successfully and extracted.
... ... Open the eclipse\plugins folder Verify the org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.eclipselink.branding .jar file exists
... ... Open the org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.eclipselink.branding .jar file Verify the components.xml file exists
... ... Go back to the plugins directory Verify org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.branding .jpa also exists.
336549 Update feature plug-ins Download the latest wtp which contains the latest Dali build and extract the files The build is downloaded successfully and extracted.
... ... Open the eclipse\features folder Verify the org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.eclipselink.feature_3.3.0 file exists, verify org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.feature_3.3.0 file exisits
337171 Feature names in feature.xml files need to be updated to match recent feature plug-in renames Download the latest wtp which contains the latest Dali build and extract the files The build is downloaded successfully and extracted.
... ... Open the eclipse\features folder Verify the org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.feature_3.3.0 folder exists
... ... Expand the org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.feature_3.3.0 folder and open the file Verify Dali Java Persistence Tools - JPA Support appears for the featureName
... ... Expand the org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.feature_3.3.0 folder and open the feature.xml file Verify the id's have been updated from org.eclipse.jpa to org.eclipse.jpt.jpa
337657 Move to use license (EUA) Files / Technique Download lates Dali build and a pre-reqs, Launch Eclipse Eclipse is launched
... ... Select Help>About About Eclipse SDK dialog opens
... ... Click on the Installation Details button Verify Eclipse SDK Installation Details dialog opens
... ... Click on the Features tab, Select the Dali Java Persistence Tool - Common Feature and click on the License button Verify the license information appears with links to the license versions
... ... Click on the other Dali Features and click on the License button Verify the license information appears for each feature
337736 Integrate JPA Diagram Editor wiki documentation into the WTP Dali project's web site Go to WTP Dali's project web site WTP Dali Java Persistence Tools site appears
... ... Under the About section click on the About JPA Diagram Editor Project link Verify you are taken to the JPA Diagram Editor Project
... ... Go back to the wtp/Dali page and under the Discover Dali section click on the Getting Started with JPA Editor link Verify you are taken to the JPA Diagram Editor Project Tutorial
... ... Go back to the wtp/Dali page and under the Demo section click on JPA Diagram Editor New window is launched and the demo is started in youtube.
... ... Close the demo window and return to the wtp/Dali page and under the Backgroup Info section click on the Original JPA Diagram Editor Project Proposal link Verify you are taken to the WTP/JPA Diagram Editor/Proposal
338216 Add checkbox in pref/prop page for One-to-Many old style relation in JPA 2.0 projects Create a JPA 2.0, Generic 2.0 project Project is created successfully
... ... R-click on the new project and select Properties Properties dialog appears
... ... Select JPA>JPA Diagram Editor Verify new checkbox appears for - One-to-Many unidirectional old (JPA 1.0) style relations
338945 IllegalStateException in structure view when deleting a class Create a JPA project, Create an Entity Project with entity is created successfully
... ... Open the entity in the editor and Open the JPA View so the JPA Structure panel appears Entity appears in the editor and the JPA Structure pane
... ... In the Project Explorer pane expand the entity and R-Click on the Class and select Delete Confirm Delete dialog appears
... ... Click on the OK button to delete the class Verify the class is deleted without errors
339098 EclipseLink JAXB naming in UI Download the latest wtp/Dali build, expand the features folder, expand the org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.eclipselink.feature folder and open the file Verify Dali Java Persistence Tools - EclipseLink JAXB Support appears in the file
... ... Select File>New>Other New Dialog appears
... ... Select JAXB>JAXB Project and click on NEXT New JAXB Project dialog appears with cursor defaulting in Project name
... ... Enter a valid name, leave the defaults, click on Next twice Verify EclipseLink 2.2.x and EclipseLink 2.3.x appear in the Platform drop down
339428 NPE Setting attribute overrides to an embedded attribute of EclipseLink 2.0 project Create JPA Project selecting the defaults and a Oracle DB connection Project is created successfully
... ... Generate Entities from Tables for Address, Emp and Phone Entities are created
... ... Open entity editor Employee information appears in JPA details tab
... ... Select endDate attribute and change it's mapping to Embedded Verify Override attributes text box appears
... ... Add the following to the editor for the end_date attribute @AttributeOverride(name = "endDate", column = @Column(name = "endDate", table =


Verify Override attributes in JPA details contains endDate(Attribute Override)
... ... Select the endDate in Attribute Overrides text field in JPA Details Verify checkbox appears for override default and is checked
... ... Uncheck override attributes checkbox Verify the endDate(Attribute Override) is removed from the text field in JPA editor and from the editor for endDate
... ... Add @AttributeOverride(name = "endDate", column = @Column(name = "endDate", table =

"Employee")) back to for endDate and then select it in the JPA Details view

Verify checkbox appears for override default and is checked and information appears in JPA Details
339434 CCE adding a Java Entity to a mapping file Create JPA Project selecting the defaults and a Oracle DB connection Project is created successfully
... ... Generate Entities from Tables for Address, Emp and Phone Entities are created
... ... Open entity editor Employee information appears in JPA details tab
... ... Expand the Secondary Table section and click on the Add button Add Secondary Table dialog appears
... ... Select Salary from the drop down and click on the OK button. Dialog closes and @SecondaryTable(name = "SALARY") appears in .java editor
... ... R-Click on the project and select New>JPA ORM Mapping file New Mapping File dialog appears with orm.xml for the File name
... ... Click on Finish orm.xml file is created successfully and opens in editor without errors
... ... Add the Employee class to the orm.xml mapping file Verify Employee class is added and no errors appear

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