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XSL Release Plan
The following is a tentative schedule of dates for the XSL Tooling Project, which as of 1.0 adheres to the WTP Release schedule.
About Version Numbering
The XSL Tooling project is based off of initial code contributions from both the X-Assist and Eclipse XSLT editors. It was decided that that initial version would start off at 0.5. XSL Tools 0.5 was released on August 13, 2008. XSL Tools 1.0 was released as part of Galileo. The current version under development is 1.1.
XSL Tools 1.1 (part of WTP 3.2) is currently under development.
Archived Plans
The plan information in regards to prior releases of XSL Tools can be found below:
XSL Tools is currently working toward release 1.1, to be delivered in WTP 3.2.
The calendar is available in the following formats: ICal,ATOM News Feed,HTML
Please only select items that you feel you can complete. If there is a feature listed in the requirements page, that doesn't have a bug please create one for it as well. Anything that is planned to be worked on should have a bug entered to track it's progress.
Please Review the current backlog and add the appropriate target milestone only in the iteration you plan to work on it.
1.1M1 (WTP 3.2M1)
Goals: PsychoPath XPath 2.0 Processor Compliance with W3C Test Suite.
Goals: Continue PsychoPath Processor compliance
Goals: XPath 2.0 Schema Awareness, XPath 2.0 Core compliance, XSLT Content Assistance Extension
Goals: XPath 2.0 Schema Awareness, XSLT Content Assistance Extension
Goals: XSLT 2.0 editor enhancements, URI Resolvers, and XPath View support for XPath 2.0
Goals: XSLT 2.0 editor enhancements
Goals: Documentation