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XQDT/Release Notes
< XQDT(Redirected from XQuery Development Tools/Release Notes)
- Issues of particular interest are noted here. For a complete list of open bugs and enhancement requests, see bugzilla: XQDT Open Bugs
- Please review open bugs before filing new ones to avoid duplication. File new bugs and enhancement requests here: File a Bug
XQDT 0.8 - 25 Jul 2011
- NOTE: since we are under major refactoring work the open bug in Bugzilla have been postponed until we stabilize the architecture and the APIs.
- XQuery 3.0 grammar support (W3C Working Draft 14 June 2011)
- XQuery Scripting extension proposal
- new XQuery Zorba debugger protocol implementation now based on the DBGP protocol
- DLTK 3.0 Framework migration
Known Issues
- Function items are not yet supported in the XQuery 3.0 grammar. We are working on it to make them available in one of the XQDT 1.0 milestones to come.
- After saving an XQuery file that has syntax problems in it, the error markers transforms into TODO marker. This is an unfixed regression that came with the DLTK 3.0 migration.
- Sausalito XQDT Adapter is not working with this release. Please use the Eclipse-based product distributed by
XQDT 0.8.0 M4 - 02 Feb 2011
Resolved Issues
- Extracted more interfaces in the internal model for the bug 328854.
- Added nightly parser conformance testing. This nightly job makes sure we keep track of progress in the supported XQuery processors. Currently Zorba and Sausalito engines test suites are run. Modify the corresponding Hudson build if you want to add more. All we need if a zip archive with XQuery files that XQDT should parse.
XQDT 0.8.0 M3 - 29 Nov 2010
Resolved Issues
- This milestone includes just a few minor bugfixes (they were not tracked in Bugzilla).
XQDT 0.8.0 M2 - 15 Oct 2010
New Features
- Alpha version of the source code formatting in the SSE editor.
- Disabling the breakpoints that will not be hit by the debugger (available for Zorba and Sausalito debuggers).
XQDT 0.8.0 M1 - 3 Sept 2010
New Features
- Integration with DLTK 2.0 framework
- Additional editor based on the Structured Source Editing (SSE) Component
Resolved Issues
- Bug 292343 Grammar support for nested comments.
- Bug 305734 Support for Saxon 9 HE.
- Bug 297373 Capture xquery version from prolog in parser.
XQDT 0.7.0 M2 - 17 Mar 2010
New Features
- Feature.
Resolved Issues
- Bug x Description.
Known Issues
- Bug 301838 XQuery grammar does not accept comment syntax in quoted string.
- Bug 299163 Repeated module imports result in repeated completion proposals.
- Bug 298379 Implicit import of core MarkLogic extensions happens for strict dialect.
- Bug 298019 Automatically inserted closing quote isn't skipped when a closing quote is typed.
- Bug 297649 Parser support for MarkLogic multi-transaction modules is incorrect.
- Bug 297374 Block comments don't work correctly.
- Bug 296132 Errors for mismatched XML tags.
- Bug 295474 XQuery grammar does not accept nested comments.
- Bug 295461 Cannot execute code from non-XQuery project
- Bug 295454 Error Positions shifted due to lexer switching.
- Bug 295450 Incorrect parsing error (APOS strings in EnclosedExpr)
- Bug 295443 Better error reporting.
- Bug 292341 Auto-completed fn: calls should include $ on parameter names.
XQDT 0.7.0 M1 - 08 Jan 2010
New Features
- This milestone mainly serves to mark the incubator transition. Much code has changed, but it is not a feature release.
Resolved Issues
- Bug 296671 Parser error on '<' in quoted strings.
- Bug 295437 Parser error on '--'in element constructor with computed content.
- Bug 297373 XQuery version not honored if preceded by blank lines or comments.
- Bug 295441 Error message when opening XQuery module in non-XQuery project.
- Bug 295440 xqDoc generation broken. (Zorba)
- Bug 297366 Parser error on private function/variable declaration. (Mark Logic)
- Bug 292340 Parser error on binary node constructor. (Mark Logic)
Known Issues
- Bug 298379 Implicit import of core MarkLogic extensions happens for strict dialect.
- Bug 298019 Automatically inserted closing quote isn't skipped when a closing quote is typed.
- Bug 297649 Parser support for MarkLogic multi-transaction modules is incorrect.
- Bug 297374 Block comments don't work correctly.
- Bug 296132 Errors for mismatched XML tags.
- Bug 295474 XQuery grammar does not accept nested comments.
- Bug 295461 Cannot execute code from non-XQuery project
- Bug 295454 Error Positions shifted due to lexer switching.
- Bug 295450 Incorrect parsing error (APOS strings in EnclosedExpr)
- Bug 295443 Better error reporting.
- Bug 292341 Auto-completed fn: calls should include $ on parameter names.