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WTP Requirements Main
(Redirected from WTP 3.0 Requirements)
This is the landing page for information on WTP 3.0 Requirements. The WTP 3.0 release will ship as part of the Eclipse Ganymede release scheduled for June 30,2008.
- PMC will identify and propose the main themes for the release. This will include the themes defined by the Eclipse Requirement Council
- PMC will initiate and gather requirements from the WTP community of users, adopters and developers
- Bugzilla will be used to capture the requirements. Use the keyword, plan, to tag the enhancement request. For example, see JDT Plan item
- Component Leads will triage the requirements and update the requirements document with a set of high-level items. Each item should have an entry in Bugzilla.
- We will use the wtp-dev mailing list and the newsgroups initially for all communication.
- PMC will conduct periodic review meetings to discuss and finalize the initial set of requirements.
- PMC will iterate through this process during the first few milestones to arrive at the final requirements document.
- WTP 3.0 Requirements documentation
- Status for Review and Update Plan. Reflect committed tasks for M4 milestone
Completed =In Progress =
Not Started =
Please give your feedback using any of the following mechanisms
- Bugzilla
- Add an enhancement request
- Comment on existing enhancement requests
- Mailing-List
- WTP developer mailing list
- ATF developer mailing list
- Dali EJB ORM developer mailing list
- JSF Tools developer mailing list
- Meetings
- WTP will host Requirements review calls where you can get clarification on existing requirements from the project leads and the WTP PMC memebers.
- WTP 3.0 Requirements review call
- Date: 14th August, 2007
- Time: 11.00 AM PST
- Duration : 1 hour
- Dial-in information
- Call-in info
From the AMER region dial 1-888-967-2253 +1-650-607-2253 From the APAC region dial 1 800 222 712 (Australia toll-free) +800 9491 2777 +61 2 8817 6100 From the EMEA region dial +44 118 924 9000 Meeting ID 444461 Meeting Password 573573
- Meeting minutes