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Using Hudson/Terminology
< Using Hudson(Redirected from Terminology)
This article is a stub. It will be expanded as content is migrated from the Hudson-CIWeb site.
Upstream Project |
A project can have one or several upstream projects, which means that current project is scheduled depending if the upstream project is built successfully or not. If the upstream project is successful the current project is added to the build queue. If the upstream project is broken the current project will not be added to the build queue. |
Downstream project |
A project can have one or several downstream projects. The downstream projects are added to the build queue if the current project is built successfully. It is an option to add the downstream project to the build queue even if the current project is unstable (default is off). |
Stable build |
A build is stable if it was built successfully and no publisher reports it as unstable. |
Unstable build |
A build is unstable if it was built successfully and one or more publishers report it unstable. For example if the JUnit publisher is configured and a test fails then the build will be marked unstable. |
(Un)Stable project |
A project is (un)stable if its most recent (completed) build is (un)stable. |
Successful build |
A build is successful when the compilation reported no errors. |
Broken build Failed Build |
A build is broken if it failed during building. That is, it is not successful. |
Broken project |
A project is broken if its most recent (completed) build is broken. |
Slave |
Slaves are computers that are set up to build projects for a master. Hudson runs a separate program called "slave agent" on slaves.When slaves are registered to a master, a master starts distributing loads to slaves. |
Publisher |
A publisher is part of the build process other than compilation, for example JUnit test runs. A publisher may report stable or unstable result depending on the result of its processing. For example, if a JUnit test fails, then the whole JUnit publisher may report unstable. |
Completed Build |
A build is completed, if it was started and finished with any result, including failed builds. |