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RMF/Roadmap/ProR Editing
< RMF | Roadmap(Redirected from RMF/ProR Editing)
(mj 30-Mar-12) This list had been created for the March '12 Sprint to improve usability of ProR. It should be reevaluated on a regular basis.
The objective of this iteration is to improve usability. The following list will help us identify our priorities for this iteration.
If you want to help, please stick to the following guidelines:
- Each bullet represents a mini-usecase (is there a better word?). It should be pretty clear what is meant.
- Each bullet has a status. The quality is rated A = good to D = insufficient. If you rate, please add your initials, so that we can track down people.
- Please update the status as you see fit.
- Please add mini-usecases, but don't remove any (unless they are obviously duplicates)
- If you find an issue with a mini-usecase that is actually a bug, please file it in bugzilla and add a link to that bug.
Use cases:
- Creating a ReqIF model file
- Improve the wizard (i.e. use IF attribute names, if permitted)
- (mj) Status: C
- (mj) It would be nice if the wizard would already allow some customization.
- (mj) If the ProR perspective is selected, the wizard should be accessible directly under the "New" menu.
- Help people looking for a "ProR Project"
- (mj) Status: D
- (mj) Users were looking for a "ProR Project", but there is no such project type. We should catch somehow those users (e.g. by using a dummy-project-type)
- Improve the wizard (i.e. use IF attribute names, if permitted)
- ReqIF Main Editor
- Changing the title of the ReqIF model
- Changing the comment of the ReqIF model
- Displaying properties of a Specification
- Changing properties of a Specification
- Opening a Specification
- Creating a new Specification
- (mj) Status: B
- (ll) Feature Request: Allow creating a Specification via Specification Editor
- ReqIF Specification Editor
- Bug: The width of the first column in the Specification Editor is not refreshed
- Creating and deleting SpecElements
- (mj) C
- Creating a new SpecHierarchy or SpecObject via SpecEditor if no elements exist yet
- (mj) Status: D
- Feature Request: Allow creating SpecElements in Specification Editor if editor is empty (No SpecElements exist yet)
- Crating a new child via context menu (SpecHierarchy)
- Crating a new child via context menu (SpecObject)
- Creating a new sibling via context menu (SpecHierarchy)
- Creating a new sibling via context menu (SpecObject)
- Deleting SpecElements
- Cut and Paste
- (mj) Status: D
- (mj) The main problem: Cut and paste always relates to the selected element, rather than selected text (in an active editor).
- Cut and Paste SpecHierarchy(s) via context menu
- Cut and Paste SpecObject(s) via content menu
- Cut and Paste SpecHierarchy(s) via keys
- Cut and Paste SpecObject(s) via keys
- Copy and Paste
- Copy and Paste SpecHierarchy(s) via context menu
- Copy and Paste SpecObject(s) via content menu
- Copy and Paste SpecHierarchy(s) keys
- Copy and Paste SpecObject(s) keys
- Drag and Drop
- Bug: On paste / drag, we may end up with duplicate IDs.
- Bug: Drag and Drop of multiple Spec Elements does not work
- Drag and Drop SpecElements (Add as child)
- Drag and Drop SpecElements (Shift SpecElement)
- Copy Drag and Drop SpecElements
- Link Drag and Drop SpecElements
- (mj) Status: D
- Main problem: the SpecRelationType has to be set by hand. Too many clicks.
- Changing properties in properties view
- Bug: Sort PropertyView
- Changing properties of SpecHierarchy
- Changing Object Property
- Changing properties of SpecObject
- Changing Type Property
- Changing properties in specification editor
- Changing boolean attribute
- Changing enumeration attribute
- Changing string attribute
- General Configuration
- Open general configuration
- Changing default label configuration
- Datatype Configuration
- Adding a new Spec Type
- Deleting a Spec Type
- Adding a new attribute definition
- Deleting an attribute definition
- Adding a new datatype definition
- Deleting a datatype definition
- Presentation Configuration
- Adding a new presentation configuration
- Deleting a presentation configuration
- Column Configuration
- Adding a new column configuration
- Deleting a column configuration
- Allow reordering of columns in column configuration
- Toogle SpecRelations (Links)
- Show links in both directions
- Properties View
- Allow hiding of Irrelevant properties
- Other
- Support of all ReqIF features (issues with XHTML and ToolExtensions are resolved)
- Establish an infrastructure for Eclipse Preferences
- Performance
- Support Search
- Support Replace
- Support filtering
- Copy & Paste of text in table cells
- Reduce Context Menus to minimum
- Migrate and update documentation
- Tips on startup