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Papyrus/Neon Work Description
< Papyrus
This page is a draft of the roadmap for the ongoing release of Papyrus for the Neon simultaneous release, planned for June 2016. Please fill free to comment the listed tasks or to interact on the Papyrus mailing list if you have any feedback on the content of this page.
All the work realized by CEA List is sponsored by CEA LIST, Ericsson and Esterel and also by the French R&D project Connexion.
Papyrus 2.0
New Features
- Papyrus Editor Page Management
- Papyrus Refactoring Service
- Papyrus Viewpoint Switch
- Automatic Layout: Integrating ELK with Papyrus Bug 485342
- C++ Roundtrip
- Measurement using the OMG Structured Metrics-Model (SMM) standard
- Papyrus for Requirements
- Papyrus 'References' View
- Notation Unification
- ElementTypeConfiguration Framework v2
- Bundle Dependencies Refactoring
- Properties View & ModelExplorer Performances
- Bug 485259
- Migration of *.custom files may be required: Tree Customization
- Table Improvements
- FillAction like in spreadsheet in table [1]
- Paste with update in the table
- Validation markers displayed in the table
- associated bug [3]
- end of the refactoring of cell editors in table [4]
- add EMF operation columns in table [5]
- Formulas in table [6] -> Postponed to Oxygen
- CSS in Table [7] -> Postponed to Oxygen
- Wizard to edit or create new Nattable configuration file [8]
- Refactore the basic paste : [9]
- Fix Undo/Redo on basic paste : [10]
- Add richtext editor for UML Comment : [11]
- Export table as image [12] -> Postponed to Oxygen
Actions to organize
- none, yet