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(Redirected from OIN)

The Open Identity Network Konsortium (OINK) Oink.jpeg

Open Identity Network is is the working name for a new consortium currently being formed to promote the development of open user-centric identity infrastructure, including all software components, services, and related interconnects to the internet, user systems, and enterprise systems.

Key Value Points

  1. Be THE organization promoting User-Centric Identity Management and Data Portability for people.
  2. Drive adoption of Higgins-based and related interoperable components through:
    • Public awareness promotions (radio, TV, analysts, magazine articles, etc.)
    • Business recruitment and outreach programs
    • Developer-focused documentation, code bases, etc.
    • Websites, (blogs, wikis) as a focal point for news, products, and policy directions affecting user-centric identity
    • Videos, tutorials, viral videos on YouTube
    • O'Reilly handbooks (Emerging Technologies conf)
    • Key conferences (e.g. E-tailer, Web 2.0, RSA, Burton Catalyst, DIDW)
  3. Promote interoperability among Selectors, RPs, IdPs, Issuers, Authenticators, and Open ID components by organizing and managing interop events.
  4. Governance: Provide direction for software roadmap and priorities.
  5. Funding: Provide funding for code, documentation, and infrastructure development at Higgins and other OSS projects from annual fees and member-funded special projects
  6. Certification: Drive industry-wide certification processes across all infrastructure components and services
    • Promote an industry-wide logo / brand for all certified components and services around an open interoperable extensible framework.
  7. Liaison with user-centric identity organizations (Identity Commons, OpenID foundation Vendor Relationship Management (Project VRM) and affiliated standards bodies (OASIS, W3C,
  8. Develop Public Policy - Influence public policy by working with policy-setting organizations affecting user-centric data privacy, security, and related commerce.
  9. Useability - improving selector usability
  10. Misc:
    • Manage software distribution through Eclipse, Apache, along with market leaders Adobe, Google,, for bundling, plug-ins, developer tools.
    • Provide an IP-safe zone for industry collaboration on open implementations.
    • Create working groups to address specific issues requiring industry-wide participation.


The technology aspects of the Open Identity Network are based on the Higgins Project ( --an extensible, platform-independent, identity protocol-independent, software framework to support and bridge existing and new applications to give users more convenience, privacy, and control over their identity information. It also includes all of the interfaces, existing identity applications, plug-ins, etc. used to create a common identity infrastructure. It will make all existing identity applications and systems that connect to the Open Identity Network more valuable.

To learn more about the technology and architects behind the Higgins-based Open Identity Network, visit:

To learn more about the formation of the Consortium for the Open Identity Network, please contact Charles Andres at Parity Inc. 781 559 4223 or email


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