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New Projects WG
Goal of the IWG
- The goal of this working group is to attract and process new projects proposals that can be hosted or referenced in Polarsys.
- List of components migrating to PolarSys
People involved
- Group leader(*): Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus)
- Gaël Blondelle (Obeo)
(*) Group leader commits to make the working group progress
- Create a page with past, ongoing (and future) Polarsys related project proposals
- Polychrony - in progress
- Arcon - done
- Chess - in progress
- 3P - done
- Kermeta
- New component from Thales (will be presente by Benoît during the BOF)
- Sirius - done
- Gendoc - in progress
- List Topcased projects that will move to Polarsys (done - see above)
- Organize the move from the Topcased forge to the new one