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Using Hudson/Features controlled by system properties
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Controlling features of Hudson using system properties |
Hudson Features Controlled with System Properties
Hudson has several "hidden" features that can be enabled with system properties. System properties are defined by passing -D<property name>=<value> when you start Hudson. The following table lists the properties and the version of Hudson they were introduced in.
- Property - Java property name
- Default - Default value if not explicitly set
- Version - The version of Hudson the property was introduced in
- Notes - Other notes
Property | Default | Version | Notes |
hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.useAntClassLoader | false | 1.316 | |
hudson.consoleTailKB | 150 | How many KB of console log to show in default console view | |
hudson.diagnosis.HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker.freeSpaceTheshold | 1073741824 | 1.339 | The notification threshold for when the Hudson home directory is running low on disk space, in bytes. |
hudson.diyChunking | false | Set to true if the servlet container doesn't support chunked encoding. | |
hudson.DNSMultiCast.disabled | false | 1.359 | Set to "true" to disable DNS multicast |
hudson.Functions.autoRefreshSeconds | 10 | 1.365 | Number of seconds between reloads when Auto Refresh is enabled |
hudson.lifecycle | Specify full class name for Lifecycle implementation to override default | ||
hudson.matrix.MatrixConfiguration.useShortWorkspaceName | false | Use shorter but cryptic names to avoid 256 character limit on paths in Cygwin | |
hudson.model.DownloadService.never | false | Suppress the periodic download of data files for plugins | |
hudson.model.Hudson.flyweightSupport | was:false 1.337:true |
1.318 | Matrix parent job won't consume an executor when true |
hudson.model.Hudson.killAfterLoad | false | Exit Hudson right after loading | |
hudson.model.Hudson.logStartupPerformance | false | Log startup timing info | |
hudson.model.Hudson.parallelLoad | true | Loads job configurations in parallel on startup | |
hudson.model.LoadStatistics.clock | 10000 | Load statistics clock cycle in milliseconds | |
hudson.model.LoadStatistics.decay | 0.9 | Decay ratio for every clock cycle in node utilization charts | |
hudson.model.Run.ArtifactList.listCutoff | 16 | 1.330 | More artifacts than this will use tree view or simple link rather than listing out artifacts |
hudson.model.Run.ArtifactList.treeCutoff | 40 | 1.330 | More artifacts than this will show a simple link to directory browser rather than showing artifacts in tree view |
hudson.model.UpdateCenter.never | false | When true, don't automatically check for new versions | |
hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread.disabled | false | Don't clean up old workspaces on slave nodes | |
hudson.os.solaris.ZFSInstaller.disabled | false | True to disable ZFS monitor on Solaris | |
hudson.remoting.Launcher.pingIntervalSec | 600 | 1.367 | Seconds between ping checks to monitor health of slave nodes; 0 to disable ping |
hudson.remoting.Launcher.pingTimeoutSec | 240 | 1.367 | If ping of slave node takes longer than this, consider it dead; 0 to disable ping |
hudson.PluginStrategy | Allow plugins to be loaded into a different environment, such as an existing DI container like Plexus; specify full class name here to override default ClassicPluginStrategy | ||
hudson.scheduledRetention | false | Up to 1.354 | Control a slave based on a schedule |
hudson.scm.CVSSCM.skipChangeLog | false | Useful with ancient versions of CVS that don't support the -d option in the log command | | | .crumb | 1.310 | Parameter name that contains a crumb value on POST requests | | false | 1.324 | The ExtendedReadPermission allows read-only access to adminstrative pages; can also enable with extended-read-permission plugin | | false | 1.374 | The Artifacts permission allows to control access to artifacts; When this property is unset or set to false, access to artifacts is not controlled | | Mouseover | LDAP filter to look for groups by their names | | | false | 2.1.1 | Allows to manage "workspace wipe out" action permissions. |
hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver.warnOnEmpty | false | When true, builds don't fail when there is nothing to archive | |
hudson.tasks.MailSender.maxLogLines | 250 | Number of lines of console output to include in emails | |
hudson.TreeView | false | Experimental nested views feature | |
hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.starvationThreshold | 1 hour | Milliseconds waiting for polling executor before trigger reports it is clogged | |
hudson.udp | 33848 | Port for UDP multicast broadcast | |
hudson.upstreamCulprits | false | 1.327 | Pass blame information to downstream jobs |
hudson.Util.noSymlink | false | True to disable creation of symbolic links in job/builds directories | |
hudson.util.ProcessTree.disable | false | True to disable cleanup of child processes | |
hudson.util.Secret.provider | 1.360 | Force a particular crypto provider; with Glassfish Enterprise set value to SunJCE to workaround a known issue. | |
hudson.Util.symlinkEscapeHatch | false | True to use exec of "ln" binary to create symbolic links instead of native code |
No compatibility guarantee
In general, these switches are often experimental in nature, and subject to change without notice. If you find some of those useful, please file a ticket to promote it to the official feature.