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< EclipseLink | Examples | JPA(Redirected from EclipseLink/Examples/JPA/JPAConfigure)
To use JPA you will need to have the following configured:
- persistence.xml - which defines your persistence units and should be in the meta-inf/ directory of your persistence unit jar file, or classpath.
<persistence-unit name="default" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider> <!-- By default your mappings can be defined in orm.xml file, --> <!-- which is discovered automatically. --> <mapping-file>META-INF/my-mappings.xml</mapping-file> ... <jar-file>my-additional-jar.jar</jar-file> ... <!-- Enables auto discovery of persistent classes, --> <!-- otherwise they must be listed using <class> --> <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes> <properties> ... </properties> </persistence-unit>
- Entity, Embeddable and MappedSuperclass
- These classes should be decorated with the necessary annotations, and/or
- Be defined in the orm.xml (or some other mapping file) using the XML descriptors.
- Properties - use these persistence.xml or persistence unit properties to further configure your JPA application.
- "javax.persistence.transactionType" - Standard JPA PersistenceUnitTransactionType property, "JTA" or "RESOURCE_LOCAL".
- "javax.persistence.jtaDataSource" - Standard JPA JTA DataSource name.
- "javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource" - Standard JPA non-JTA DataSource name.
- "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" - Standard JPA 2.0 JDBC driver class name for JSE deployments (was "eclipselink.jdbc.driver" in EclipseLink 1.1).
- "javax.persistence.jdbc.url" - Standard JPA 2.0 JDBC URL for JSE deployments (was "eclipselink.jdbc.url" in EclipseLink 1.1).
- "javax.persistence.jdbc.user" - Standard JPA 2.0 database user for JSE deployments (was "eclipselink.jdbc.user" in EclipseLink 1.1).
- "javax.persistence.jdbc.password" - Standard JPA 2.0 database password for JSE deployments (was "eclipselink.jdbc.password" in EclipseLink 1.1).
For a complete list of persistence unit properties see, PersistenceUnitProperties
See "Configuring Persistence Units" in the Understanding EclipseLink (concepts guide) and the EclipseLink Solutions Guide for details.