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DBWS in an OSGi Environment
An Eclipselink DBWS service can be run in an OSGi environment using Javase 6's 'containerless' API.
In this example, Eclipse Equinox is the OSGi environment.
Environment Setup
Download a version of the Eclipse IDE that includes the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) (Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, Eclipse Classic 3.6.0 or
Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers). We will need an OSGi-friendly JDBC driver - for this example, we will use the Apache Derby bundle:
- Download Apache Derby (org.apache.derby) bundle from Orbit.
- Place the org.apache.derby bundle into your $ECLIPSE_HOME/dropins folder.
Under 'Preferences' -> 'Plug-in Development' -> 'Target Platform', edit the Running Platform (Active)
{Note - once the Eclipse P2 Repository has the correct version of EclipseLink that supports running DBWS with OSGi,
the following steps will no longer be required and the EclipseLink target Component can be used}
EclipseLink builds after 2.1.2.v20100928-r8243 have EclipseLink DBWS available as a bundle
Extract the following 6 bundles to some directory:
$ ls additionalBundles/ org.eclipse.persistence.asm.source_2.1.2.v20100928-r8243.jar org.eclipse.persistence.asm_2.1.2.v20100928-r8243.jar org.eclipse.persistence.core.source_2.1.2.v20100928-r8243.jar org.eclipse.persistence.core_2.1.2.v20100928-r8243.jar org.eclipse.persistence.dbws.source_2.1.2.v20100928-r8243.jar org.eclipse.persistence.dbws_2.1.2.v20100928-r8243.jar
Edit the Target Platform, adding the directory with the additional bundles:
Reload the Target Platform
Create a new Plug-in project
From the 'Plug-in Development' Perspective, create a new Plug-in project SimpleTable:
{Note the choice of 'standard' for OSGi framework}
Proceed to the next panel of the wizard where the (OSGi bundle) Activator for SimpleTable is defined:
Click 'Finish' and open the generated Activator:
package simpletable; import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; public class Activator implements BundleActivator { private static BundleContext context; static BundleContext getContext() { return context; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator#start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) */ public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { Activator.context = bundleContext; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator#stop(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) */ public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { Activator.context = null; } }
Modifying Activator to implement
Change the Activator to extend org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dbws.ProviderHelper
(NB - will show errors):
In order to correct the errors, the SimpleTable project needs to update its list of required bundles. Open the MANIFEST.MF file in the 'Plug-in Manifest Editor' and select the 'Dependencies' tab and add the following bundles:
The Activator needs to be annotated to support a (dynamic) Web services Endpoint:
public class Constants { //DBWS Properties public static final String TEST_PROJECT = "simpletable"; //JAX-WS properties public static final String TEST_NAMESPACE = "urn:" + TEST_PROJECT; public static final String TEST_SERVICE = TEST_PROJECT + "Service"; public static final String TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE = "urn:" + TEST_SERVICE; public static final String TEST_PORT = TEST_SERVICE + "Port"; public static final String ENDPOINT_ADDRESS = "http://localhost:9999/" + TEST_PROJECT; } package simpletable; //java eXtension imports import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; //EclipseLink imports import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dbws.ProviderHelper; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session; //OSGi/PDE imports import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; //test imports import static simpletable.Constants.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_PORT; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_SERVICE; @WebServiceProvider( targetNamespace = TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, serviceName = TEST_SERVICE, portName = TEST_PORT ) @ServiceMode(MESSAGE) public class Activator extends ProviderHelper implements BundleActivator, Provider<SOAPMessage> { private static BundleContext context; private static Endpoint endpoint = null; private static QName portQName = null; private static Service testService = null; static BundleContext getContext() { return context; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator#start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) */ public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { Activator.context = bundleContext; super.init(getClass().getClassLoader(), null, false); endpoint = Endpoint.create(this); endpoint.publish(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS); QName serviceQName = new QName(TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, TEST_SERVICE); portQName = new QName(TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, TEST_PORT); testService = Service.create(serviceQName); testService.addPort(portQName, SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, ENDPOINT_ADDRESS); System.out.println("Hello, " + testService.toString()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator#stop(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) */ public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { Activator.context = null; if (endpoint != null) { endpoint.stop(); } super.destroy(); System.out.println("Goodbye"); } }
Running the DBWS Provider-Activator
In the Eclipse IDE, select the MANIFEST.MF
file and bring up the context menu for 'Run As' -> 'Run Configurations' -> 'OSGi Framework' to create a new launch configuration called 'Server'.
Deselect the 'Include optional dependencies when computing required bundles' and the
'Add new workspace bundles to this launch configuration automatically' check-boxes.
Deselect all bundles and re-select 'Server' and then click 'Add Required Bundles'. This simplifies the list of Required Bundles:
When this launch configuration is run, an exception is thrown indicating that some DBWS files cannot be found. The SimpleTable project needs two additional source-folders. The first folder already exists - add the META-INF
folder as a source-folder. The second needs to be created:
In the next section, we will re-use a previous example (Basic Table) to generate the required files.
Generating the DBWS file
The simple use-case is the creation of a Web service that exposes a database table's CRUD (Create/Read(findByPK,findAll)/Update/Delete) lifecycle operations. Here is the table SIMPLETABLE on my local MySql database:
The DBWSBuilder utility requires a DBWS configuration file as input. NB - When running the DBWSBuilder, the setenv.{cmd, sh} file in .../eclipselink/utils/dbws needs to be updated with the path to JDBC driver jar:
@REM User MUST set DRIVER_CLASSPATH to point to their desired driver jar(s). For example: set DRIVER_CLASSPATH=C:\external\libs\mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dbws-builder xmlns:xsd=""> <properties> <property name="projectName">simpleTable</property> <property name="logLevel">fine</property> <property name="username">user</property> <property name="password">password</property> <property name="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/emp</property> <property name="driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property> <property name="platformClassname">org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DerbyPlatform</property> </properties> <table tableNamePattern="SIMPLETABLE" /> </dbws-builder>
prompt > dbwsbuilder.cmd -builderFile dbws-builder.xml -stageDir $ROOT/output_directory -packageAs:noArchive javase
The above builder file is a little 'weird' as it specifies how to log in to my local MySql database, but it declares that the platform is Derby. The following files are generated:
$ROOT │ ├───output_directory │ DBWSProvider.class │ │ eclipselink-dbws-or.xml │ eclipselink-dbws-ox.xml │ eclipselink-dbws-schema.xsd │ eclipselink-dbws-sessions.xml │ eclipselink-dbws.wsdl │ eclipselink-dbws.xml │ ProviderListener.class │
Copy the eclipselink-dbws.xml
, eclipselink-dbws-or.xml
, eclipselink-dbws-ox.xml
and eclipselink-dbws-sessions.xml
to the META-INF directory; eclipselink-dbws-schema.xsd
and eclipselink-dbws.wsdl
to the wsdl directory.
The eclipselink-dbws-sessions.xml
needs some manual updates:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sessions version="2.0.0" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <session xsi:type="database-session"> <name>simpletable-dbws-or-session</name> <logging xsi:type="eclipselink-log"> <log-level>fine</log-level> </logging> <!-- add the META-INF dir to the path to find the OR project --> <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/eclipselink-dbws-or.xml</primary-project> <login xsi:type="database-login"> <platform-class>org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DerbyPlatform</platform-class> <!-- change the driver class to use Derby's EmbeddedDriver --> <driver-class>org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</driver-class> <!-- change the URL: use Derby's 'create' attribute to create database if it doesn't already exist --> <connection-url>jdbc:derby:test;create=true</connection-url> <byte-array-binding>false</byte-array-binding> <optimize-data-conversion>false</optimize-data-conversion> <trim-strings>false</trim-strings> </login> </session> <session xsi:type="database-session"> <name>simpletable-dbws-ox-session</name> <logging xsi:type="eclipselink-log"> <log-level>off</log-level> </logging> <!-- add the META-INF dir to the path to find the OX project --> <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/eclipselink-dbws-ox.xml</primary-project> </session> </sessions>
Since the database won't exist the first time the service is run, need to create the table and populate a few rows:
public class Constants { ... //database smts public static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE SIMPLETABLE (\n" + " id NUMERIC NOT NULL,\n" + " name VARCHAR(25),\n" + " since DATE,\n" + " PRIMARY KEY (id)\n" + ")"; public static final String INS1 = "INSERT INTO SIMPLETABLE (id, name, since) VALUES (1, 'mike', '2001-12-25')"; public static final String INS2 = "INSERT INTO SIMPLETABLE (id, name, since) VALUES (2, 'blaise','2001-12-25')"; public static final String INS3 = "INSERT INTO SIMPLETABLE (id, name, since) VALUES (3, 'rick','2001-12-25')"; } ... import static simpletable.Constants.CREATE_TABLE; import static simpletable.Constants.INS1; import static simpletable.Constants.INS2; import static simpletable.Constants.INS3; ... @ServiceMode(MESSAGE) public class Activator extends ProviderHelper implements BundleActivator, Provider<SOAPMessage> { ... @Override public void loginSessions() { super.loginSessions(); Session orSession = xrService.getORSession(); try { orSession.executeNonSelectingSQL(CREATE_TABLE); orSession.executeNonSelectingSQL(INS1); orSession.executeNonSelectingSQL(INS2); orSession.executeNonSelectingSQL(INS3); } catch (Exception e) { // table & rows already exist - ignore } } ...
Running the Server target should now work:
osgi> [EL Info]: 2010-08-16 16:02:10.68--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.1.v20100805-r7986 [EL Config]: 2010-08-16 16:02:10.68--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Connection(13623369)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--connecting(DatabaseLogin( platform=>DerbyPlatform user name=> "" datasource URL=> "jdbc:derby:test;create=true" )) [EL Config]: 2010-08-16 16:02:11.305--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Connection(9656129)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--Connected: jdbc:derby:test User: APP Database: Apache Derby Version: - (764942) Driver: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver Version: - (764942) [EL Info]: 2010-08-16 16:02:11.305--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--simpletable-dbws-or-session login successful [EL Fine]: 2010-08-16 16:02:11.305--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Connection(9656129)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--CREATE TABLE SIMPLETABLE ( id NUMERIC NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(25), since DATE, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) [EL Fine]: 2010-08-16 16:02:11.383--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Connection(9656129)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--INSERT INTO SIMPLETABLE (id, name, since) VALUES (1, mike, 2001-12-25) [EL Fine]: 2010-08-16 16:02:11.43--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Connection(9656129)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--INSERT INTO SIMPLETABLE (id, name, since) VALUES (2, blaise,2001-12-25) [EL Fine]: 2010-08-16 16:02:11.43--DatabaseSessionImpl(17240206)--Connection(9656129)--Thread(Thread[Start Level Event Dispatcher,5,main])--INSERT INTO SIMPLETABLE (id, name, since) VALUES (3, rick,2001-12-25) Hello,
A Simple(!) JAX-WS Client
Typically, JAX-WS Client are generated - either partially or completely - based on the published WSDL. In the example we can see that while the WSDL file is generated, it is not available via a 'live' URL (some tools exist to generate Clients from standalone WSDL files).
An alternate (simpler?) option is to use the
API to directly send pre-computed SOAP messages:
package simpletable; //javase imports import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; //java eXtension imports import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import; import; import static; //EclipseLink imports import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.XMLComparer; import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.XMLParser; import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.XMLPlatform; import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.XMLPlatformFactory; //test imports import static simpletable.Constants.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_NAMESPACE; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_PORT; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_SERVICE; import static simpletable.Constants.TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE; public class Client { static XMLComparer comparer = new XMLComparer(); static XMLPlatform xmlPlatform = XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform(); static XMLParser xmlParser = xmlPlatform.newXMLParser(); static final String SOAP_FINDBYPK_REQUEST = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<findByPrimaryKey_simpletableType xmlns=\"urn:simpletableService\">" + "<id>1</id>" + "</findByPrimaryKey_simpletableType>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_FINDALL_REQUEST = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<findAll_simpletableType xmlns=\"urn:simpletableService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:simpletable\"/>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_UPDATE_REQUEST = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<update_simpletableType xmlns=\"urn:simpletableService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:simpletable\">" + "<theInstance>" + "<urn:simpletableType>" + "<urn:id>1</urn:id>" + "<urn:name>mike norman</urn:name>" + "<urn:since>2010-12-25</urn:since>" + "</urn:simpletableType>" + "</theInstance>" + "</update_simpletableType>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_CREATE_REQUEST = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<create_simpletableType xmlns=\"urn:simpletableService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:simpletable\">" + "<theInstance>" + "<urn:simpletableType>" + "<urn:id>4</urn:id>" + "<urn:name>test</urn:name>" + "<urn:since>2009-03-27</urn:since>" + "</urn:simpletableType>" + "</theInstance>" + "</create_simpletableType>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_DELETE_REQUEST = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<delete_simpletableType xmlns=\"urn:simpletableService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:simpletable\">" + "<id>4</id>" + "</delete_simpletableType>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_UPDATE2_REQUEST = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<update_simpletableType xmlns=\"urn:simpletableService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:simpletable\">" + "<theInstance>" + "<urn:simpletableType>" + "<urn:id>1</urn:id>" + "<urn:name>mike</urn:name>" + "<urn:since>2001-12-25</urn:since>" + "</urn:simpletableType>" + "</theInstance>" + "</update_simpletableType>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; public static void main(String[] args) throws SOAPException, TransformerException { QName qname = new QName(TEST_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, TEST_PORT); Service service = Service.create(new QName(TEST_NAMESPACE, TEST_SERVICE)); service.addPort(qname, SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, ENDPOINT_ADDRESS); Dispatch<SOAPMessage> sourceDispatch = service.createDispatch(qname, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE); SOAPMessage request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_FINDBYPK_REQUEST); SOAPMessage result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { Source src = result.getSOAPPart().getContent(); DOMResult domResult = new DOMResult(); getTransformer().transform(src, domResult); Document resultDoc = (Document)domResult.getNode(); System.out.println(documentToString(resultDoc)); Document controlDoc = xmlParser.parse(new StringReader(SOAP_FINDBYPK_RESPONSE)); boolean nodeEqual = comparer.isNodeEqual(controlDoc, resultDoc); if (!nodeEqual) { System.out.println("findByPrimaryKey_simpletableType response not same as control document"); } } request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_FINDALL_REQUEST); result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { Source src = result.getSOAPPart().getContent(); DOMResult domResult = new DOMResult(); getTransformer().transform(src, domResult); Document resultDoc = (Document)domResult.getNode(); Document controlDoc = xmlParser.parse(new StringReader(SOAP_FINDALL_RESPONSE)); boolean nodeEqual = comparer.isNodeEqual(controlDoc, resultDoc); if (!nodeEqual) { System.out.println("findAll_simpletableType response not same as control document"); } } request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_UPDATE_REQUEST); result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { String localName = result.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild().getLocalName(); if (!SOAP_UPDATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME.equals(localName)) { System.out.println(SOAP_UPDATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME + " incorrect"); } } request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_FINDBYPK_REQUEST); result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { Source src = result.getSOAPPart().getContent(); DOMResult domResult = new DOMResult(); getTransformer().transform(src, domResult); Document resultDoc = (Document)domResult.getNode(); Document controlDoc = xmlParser.parse(new StringReader(SOAP_FINDBYPK_AFTERUPDATE_RESPONSE)); boolean nodeEqual = comparer.isNodeEqual(controlDoc, resultDoc); if (!nodeEqual) { System.out.println("findByPrimaryKey_simpletableType response (after update) not same as control document"); } } request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_CREATE_REQUEST); result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { String localName = result.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild().getLocalName(); if (!SOAP_CREATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME.equals(localName)) { System.out.println(SOAP_CREATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME + " incorrect"); } } request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_DELETE_REQUEST); result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { String localName = result.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild().getLocalName(); if (!SOAP_DELETE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME.equals(localName)) { System.out.println(SOAP_DELETE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME + " incorrect"); } } request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_UPDATE2_REQUEST); result = sourceDispatch.invoke(request); if (result != null) { String localName = result.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild().getLocalName(); if (!SOAP_UPDATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME.equals(localName)) { System.out.println(SOAP_UPDATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME + " incorrect"); } } } static final String SOAP_FINDBYPK_RESPONSE = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Header/>" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<srvc:findByPrimaryKey_simpletableTypeResponse xmlns=\"urn:simpletable\" xmlns:srvc=\"urn:simpletableService\">" + "<srvc:result>" + "<simpletableType xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<id>1</id>" + "<name>mike</name>" + "<since>2001-12-25</since>" + "</simpletableType>" + "</srvc:result>" + "</srvc:findByPrimaryKey_simpletableTypeResponse>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_FINDALL_RESPONSE = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Header/>" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<srvc:findAll_simpletableTypeResponse xmlns=\"urn:simpletable\" xmlns:srvc=\"urn:simpletableService\">" + "<srvc:result>" + "<simpletableType xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<id>1</id>" + "<name>mike</name>" + "<since>2001-12-25</since>" + "</simpletableType>" + "<simpletableType xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<id>2</id>" + "<name>blaise</name>" + "<since>2001-12-25</since>" + "</simpletableType>" + "<simpletableType xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<id>3</id>" + "<name>rick</name>" + "<since>2001-12-25</since>" + "</simpletableType>" + "</srvc:result>" + "</srvc:findAll_simpletableTypeResponse>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_UPDATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME = "update_simpletableTypeResponse"; static final String SOAP_FINDBYPK_AFTERUPDATE_RESPONSE = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Header/>" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<srvc:findByPrimaryKey_simpletableTypeResponse xmlns=\"urn:simpletable\" xmlns:srvc=\"urn:simpletableService\">" + "<srvc:result>" + "<simpletableType xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<id>1</id>" + "<name>mike norman</name>" + "<since>2010-12-25</since>" + "</simpletableType>" + "</srvc:result>" + "</srvc:findByPrimaryKey_simpletableTypeResponse>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; static final String SOAP_CREATE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME = "create_simpletableTypeResponse"; static final String SOAP_DELETE_RESPONSE_ELEMENTNAME = "delete_simpletableTypeResponse"; static SOAPMessage createSOAPMessage(String message) { try { MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance(); SOAPMessage soapMessage = factory.createMessage(); soapMessage.getSOAPPart().setContent( (Source)new StreamSource(new StringReader(message))); soapMessage.saveChanges(); return soapMessage; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } static Transformer getTransformer() { Transformer transformer = null; try { TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); transformer = tf.newTransformer(); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { /* extremely rare, safe to ignore */ } return transformer; } static String documentToString(Document doc) { DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(stringWriter); try { Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes"); transformer.transform(domSource, result); return stringWriter.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); return "<empty/>"; } } }
Advanced Customization - Part I: Jetty
The above example relies on the built-in JavaSE HTTP server (
) which has some known issues (6675392, 6946825). A user may wish to 'swap-in' a different HTTP Server, such as Jetty, which can be added to the PDE Target Platform from the Helios P2 Update Repository:
Open the Manifest Editor and add the following to the Required Plug-ins list of dependencies:
org.eclipse.jetty.continuation org.eclipse.jetty.http org.eclipse.jetty.server org.eclipse.jetty.util
There is a system property to override the built-in JavaSE HTTP server class:
{NB - the SPI used to load the new HttpServerProvider
class is not OSGi-friendly; a revised version of
can be found here}
The new HttpServerProvider
can be found in maven .../org/mortbay/jetty/jetty-jaxws2spi/7.0.1.v20091125 in the package org.eclipse.jetty.jaxws2spi
prompt> ls
Once the above classes are added to the project and the required configuration changes are done, the existing code in simpletable.Activator
will run - using Jetty - without modification.
Advanced Customization - Part II: Auto-generation of EclipseLink metadata
The files under META-INF and wsdl (eclipselink-dbws.xml, eclipselink-dbws-or.xml, etc.) can be generated at runtime when the Activator is first initialized. Starting with EclipseLink 2.1.2, portions of the initialization of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dbws.ProviderHelper
can be sub-classed:
protected InputStream initXRServiceStream(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, ServletContext sc) { ... protected InputStream initXRSchemaStream(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, ServletContext sc) { ... protected InputStream initWSDLInputStream(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, ServletContext sc) { ....
From the EclipseLink installation, add eclipselink-dbwsutils.jar and javax.wsdl_1.6.2.v200806030405.jar to the SimpleTable project, under a lib dir:
Open the MANIFEST.MF file in the 'Plug-in Manifest Editor' and select the 'Runtime' tab and add the above jars to the plug-in's classpath:
The wsdl directory can be removed, along with all the DBWS files under META-INF (the project no longer needs these directories to be 'src' directories).
is normally invoked as a command-line tool along with a file containing 'operations' that are converted to DBWS runtime artifacts (eclipselink-dbws.xml, eclipselink-dbws-or.xml, etc.) It is also possible to program an instance of DBWSBuilder
.... additional constants //database properties public static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:derby:test;create=true"; public static final String DATABASE_DRIVER = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"; public static final String DATABASE_PLATFORM = "org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DerbyPlatform"; ... additional imports in simpletable.Activator //EclipseLink imports import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dbws.ProviderHelper; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.xr.ProjectHelper; import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.xr.XRDynamicClassLoader; import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog; import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLContext; import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLLogin; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseLogin; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatasourceLogin; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session; import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.XMLProjectReader; import; import; import; import static org.eclipse.persistence.logging.AbstractSessionLog.translateStringToLoggingLevel; import static; import static; import static; import static; ... additional member variables in simpletable.Activator private static DBWSBuilder builder = new DBWSBuilder(); private static ByteArrayOutputStream DBWS_SERVICE_STREAM = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static ByteArrayOutputStream DBWS_SCHEMA_STREAM = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static ByteArrayOutputStream DBWS_OR_STREAM = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static ByteArrayOutputStream DBWS_OX_STREAM = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static ByteArrayOutputStream DBWS_WSDL_STREAM = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ... additional setup required when bundle starts public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { Activator.context = bundleContext; builder.quiet = true; //set properties builder.setProjectName("simpletable"); builder.setLogLevel(SessionLog.FINE_LABEL); builder.setDriver(DATABASE_DRIVER); builder.setPlatformClassname(DATABASE_PLATFORM); builder.setUrl(DATABASE_URL); builder.getProperties().put(SESSIONS_FILENAME_KEY, NO_SESSIONS_FILENAME); TableOperationModel tModel = new TableOperationModel(); tModel.setName("simpleTable"); tModel.setTablePattern("SIMPLETABLE"); builder.getOperations().add(tModel); JavasePackager packager = new JavasePackager() { @Override public void start() { // normally start() checks for the existence of a temp directory - // no need since all DBWSBuilder artifacts are in-memory } }; packager.setArchiveUse(noArchive); builder.setPackager(packager); try { // can't go thru java.sql.DriverManager 'cause it uses Class.forName() - not OSGi-friendly Driver driver = new org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver(); Connection conn = driver.connect(DATABASE_URL, null); builder.setConnection(conn); } catch (Exception e) { // find out what happened e.printStack(); throw e; }, __nullStream, DBWS_SERVICE_STREAM, DBWS_OR_STREAM, DBWS_OX_STREAM, __nullStream, __nullStream, DBWS_WSDL_STREAM, __nullStream, __nullStream, __nullStream, __nullStream, null); super.init(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), null, false); // regular setup of Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(this); endpoint.publish(ENDPOINT_ADDRESS); ....
The call to super.init(XRDynamicClassLoader, null, false)
makes callbacks to the three init
routines mentioned above where we return the information computed in,...)
protected InputStream initXRServiceStream(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, ServletContext sc) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(DBWS_SERVICE_STREAM.toByteArray()); } protected InputStream initXRSchemaStream(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, ServletContext sc) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(DBWS_SCHEMA_STREAM.toByteArray()); } protected InputStream initWSDLInputStream(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, ServletContext sc) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(DBWS_WSDL_STREAM.toByteArray()); }
(looks complicated but its just 'plumbing'): ... import static org.eclipse.persistence.logging.AbstractSessionLog.translateStringToLoggingLevel; ... @Override public void buildSessions() { XRDynamicClassLoader xrdecl = new XRDynamicClassLoader(parentClassLoader); Project oxProject = StringReader(DBWS_OX_STREAM.toString()), xrdecl); ((XMLLogin)oxProject.getDatasourceLogin()).setEqualNamespaceResolvers(false); Project orProject = StringReader(DBWS_OR_STREAM.toString()), xrdecl); DatasourceLogin login = orProject.getLogin(); ((DatabaseLogin)login).setConnectionString(builder.getUrl()); ((DatabaseLogin)login).setDriverClassName(builder.getDriver()); Platform platform = builder.getDatabasePlatform(); ConversionManager cm = platform.getConversionManager(); cm.setLoader(xrdecl); login.setDatasourcePlatform(platform); ((DatabaseLogin)login).bindAllParameters(); orProject.setDatasourceLogin(login); ProjectHelper.fixOROXAccessors(orProject, oxProject); DatabaseSession databaseSession = orProject.createDatabaseSession(); int logLevel = translateStringToLoggingLevel(builder.getLogLevel()); if (SessionLog.OFF == logLevel) { databaseSession.dontLogMessages(); } else { databaseSession.setLogLevel(logLevel); } xrService.setORSession(databaseSession); xrService.setXMLContext(new XMLContext(oxProject)); xrService.setOXSession(xrService.getXMLContext().getSession(0)); }
Advanced Customization - Part III: OSGi and JDBC Drivers
The SimpleTable demonstrates how to run an EclipseLink DBWS service in an OSGi environment. One aspect of that environment was simplified by the use of the Apache Derby database which has a JDBC driver that is also an OSGi bundle. Unfortunately, this is not normally the case - most JDBC drivers are not OSGi-friendly. This section describes some of the techniques one can use to manage this addition complexity.