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EMF Facet
The project is now suspended and archived.
Because of limited resources, the project exited from the release train in 2019-03, and then was archived in May 2020. Last EMF Facet release number is Archived resources can be found at
Using Eclipse Release Update Site (Recommended)
To install the latest EMF Facet release, just point your Install Manager to the pre-defined Eclipse simultaneous release update site: For instance:
- in an Indigo (3.7) installation the update site will be :
- in an Juno (4.2) installation the update site will be :
- in an Kepler (4.3) installation the update site will be :
- in an Luna (4.4) installation the update site will be :
- in an Mars (4.5) installation the update site will be :
Then, you can select the "EMF Facet SDK (Incubation)" feature under the "Modeling" category.
Update site locations
- Update sites:
- Alternative update sites:
- milestones 1.0.x:
- Dependences:
Update site uses
The releases update site :
- contains the release (GA) and the service releases (SR1, SR2, etc.)
- should be used by all regular users
The milestones update sites:
- contain the milestones and release candidates: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4 (=GA), SR1 RC1, SR1 RC2, SR1 RC3, SR1 RC4 (=SR1), SR2 RC1, SR2 RC2, SR2 RC3, SR2 RC4 (=SR2)
The integration update sites:
- contain the integration build
- are referenced by emft-emffacet.b3aggrcon.
- the version declared in emft-emffacet.b3aggrcon must be used by the builds of other Eclipse projects engaged in the release train.
Using an archived update Site (Not Recommended)
You can download the archive of the EMF Facet updates sites from the EMF Facet download page but you will have to resolve the dependencies and find the corresponding archived update sites manually. The EMF Facet team does not provide the list of the archived update sites needed to satisfy the dependencies, because it is too complicated to maintain. That's why this kind of installation is not recommended.
User documentation
Screencasts & Slides
- EMF Facet 0.1.0, Eclipse DemoCamp Indigo in Nantes, 2011
- (frensh) MDT : Papyrus : état actuel et perspectives: Les journées NEPTUNE, May 2011.
- A presentation of Papyrus and of the use of the EMF Facet table by Papyrus.
- EMF Facet - A Non-Intrusive Tooling to Extend Metamodels, EMF Facet EclipseCon 2011 Audition, December, 2010.
- EMF Facet - A Non-Intrusive Tooling to Extend Metamodels: Eclipse Summit Europe 2010, November, 2010.
The EMF Facet SDK contains example plug-ins. To use or inspect this plug-in :
- Open the wizard File > Import
- Select "Plug-ins and Fragement" and press "Next"
- Select :
- "The active target platform"
- "Select from all plug-ins and fragments found at the specified location"
- Project with source folder
- Press "Next"
- Type "emf.facet.*example" in the "Filter Available Plug-ins ans Fragments" fields
- Press "Add All ->"
- Press "Finish"
Example plug-in are now available in your workspace.
Project documents
Release Train Required Documents
- Indigo (EMF Facet 0.1)
- Juno (EMF Facet 0.2)
- Kepler (EMF Facet 0.3)
- Luna (EMF Facet 0.4)
- Mars (EMF Facet 1.0)
Project Creation Documents
Getting Involved
Rule and process
- EMF Facet uses the MoDisco Developer Guide.
- EMF Facet contributers and commiter must follow the EMF Facet Bug process.
- Developer mailing list : (registration page, archives)
Source repository
- Git web browser:
- Gerrit :
- Git repository: git://
- SVN: (Read only)
- Hudson Master Job:
- Hudson Maintenance Job:
Technical Architecture rules
coding rules
Please, before to contribute a patch be sure to conforms with:
- the PMD rule set :
- the checkstyle rule set :
- all the JDT warnings.
naming rules
- *.metamodel contains the EMF implementation.
- *.core contains classes which are not depended to any framework interacting with the GUI.
- *.ui contains classes which are depended to any framework interacting with the GUI.
Bug tracking
Bugzilla Queries
- Non enhancement opened bugs sort by importance (P1=planed for the next milestone, P2=planed for the next release, P3=not planned yet, P4=planed for the next "non service" release, P5=delayed)
- Enhancement opened bugs sort by importance (P1=planed for the next milestone, P2=planed for the next release, P3=not planned yet, P4=planed for the next "non service" release, P5=delayed).
- Unit Test Failures
- Deprecated
- Bugs not flaged indigo+, juno+ or kepler+ (must be empty)
- Fixed but not assigned bugs (must be empty)
- Resolved but not closed bugs (should be empty)
- Attachments not flagged with iplog+ or iplog- in resoled or closed bugs (should be empty)
- Fixed without target milestone (should be empty)
- RESOLVED FIXED (Should be empty after each release)