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STEM Disclaimer
The various models and reference data included in STEM are provided as examples to help users of STEM get started. While effort was/is made to ensure the data reflects information available today in the public domain, we do not represent or guarantee the accuracy of data or of the original sources including populations, area, population densities, geographic information (precise latitudes and longitudes, etc). In some cases we were unable to find sources of data below the national level. The mathematical models included in STEM are based on standard textbook models like, for example, the SIR or SEIR models. Users are free to adjust the rate constants in these mathematical models to create their own approximations or models of infectious disease. In addition to changing rate constants, advanced users will want to code their own mathematics extending the simple base models.
We do not represent or guarantee that the simple base models included in STEM are "optimal" for any particular infectious disease, nor do we claim to have implemented "best" or even "accurate" models for any particular disease. Creation of a "good" model for real disease is part of modern state-of-the-art epidemiological research. We provide STEM as a framework to support this research in which users may create and exchange their own models based on their own reference data. Over time we will build into STEM tools that will allow users to do their own validation studies of various models.
Development of STEM was supported, in part by the U.S. Air Force Surgeon General’s Office (USAF/SG) and administered by the Air Force District of Washington (AFDW) under Contract Number FA7014-07-C-0004. Neither Eclipse, the United States Airforce, IBM, nor any of their employees, nor any contributors to STEM, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the stem data sets. The Air Force has not accepted the products depicted and issuance of a contract does not constitute Federal endorsement of the IBM Almaden Research Center.