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Common Navigator Framework
The Common Navigator Framework (CNF) is designed to help you integrate document models into a navigator experience, integrate content that isn't specific to the workbench, allow you to absorb other content seamlessly (in particular resource and Java(tm) models), and mitigate your expense in time and effort to absorb incremental enhancements from release to release from layers beneath you.
The CNF began as a product solution for a general problem in IBM Rational Application Developer v6.0, and has been contributed to the open source Eclipse Platform in 3.2 to allow the community to better integrate their navigational viewers and provide a more cohesive user experience across software layers and products.
To begin using the CNF, developers should consult the schema and API documentation in the Platform Help (Window > Help > Platform Developer's Guide > Reference > Schema + API).
Also have a look at the following resources for the CNF:
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