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Eclipse/API Central
< Eclipse(Redirected from API Central)
This page is a hub to collect information about Eclipse Project APIs.
API Guidelines
- How to use the Eclipse API Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs to ensure that your code will keep working as Eclipse evolves.
- Evolving Java-based APIs Guidelines for how to evolve Java-based APIs while maintaining compatibility with existing client code.
- Javadoc How to write Javadoc
- Provisional API Guidelines
- API Removal Process
- Deprecation Policy
- Policy on use of Export-Package
- OSGi API Guidelines
- API Javadoc tags
- Version Numbering Guidelines on how to assign and evolve plug-in version numbers
- Development Conventions and Guidelines, including
- SPI description
- Metadata File Naming Recommendations
Useful links
- API Design and Evolution - EclipseCon 2010 presentation - full downloadable material as ZIP (3.5MB)
- Effective API Design: 1 hr video by Joshua Bloch
- Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? - EclipseCon 2010 presentation on API Tooling by Olivier Thomann
- PDE UI Incubator ApiTools Compare
- Eclipse APIs and Java 5 EclipseCon 2007 presentation
- Eclipse APIs: Line in the Sand (pdf) The philosophy, psychology, and sociology of APIs, EclipseCON 2004 presentation by Jim des Rivieres
- API First (pdf) Best practices for API development based, EclipseCON 2005 presentation by Jim des Rivieres
- API Tutorial 2006 at EclipseCon
- Eclipse Development Process and Quality APIs
- Article on compatibility by Joseph Darcy from the Sun/Oracle JDK team