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Revision as of 10:48, 30 October 2007 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

UML2 Tools is a set of GMF-basededitors for viewing and editing UML models. UML2 Tools consist of Class, Profile Definition, Component, Activity, State Machine diagram editors. Composite Structures, Deployment, Object and Use Case diagrams are in progress. UML2Tool is in incubation phase now, but it already had its first release. New Diagram wizards are available in the 'New/Other/UML 2.1 Diagrams' wizard group.


1.1 Project Plan

1.0 Project Plan

New and Noteworthy

UML2Tools New and Noteworthy


What is UML2Tools?

UML2 Tools is a set of GMF-based editors for viewing and editing UML models.

Which UML diagrams are supported by UML2Tools?

Class, Profile Definition, Component, Activity and State Machine diagram editors are already implemented. Composite Structures, Deployment, Object and Use Case diagrams are in progress.

How can I start with UML2Tools?

First, install UML2Tools and its dependencies to your Eclipse platform. To check that UML2Tools feature is installed correctly go to Help/About Eclipse SDK, in the appeared dialog press 'Feature Details' button, feature with id 'org.eclipse.uml2tools' should present at the list. If so then New Diagram wizards are available in the 'New/Other/UML 2.1 Diagrams' wizard group. Then you may create diagram by your choice.

Can I restore diagram from semantic model (*.uml file)?

Yes, it's easy. To 'visualize' diagram from *.uml file use 'Initialize umlclass_diagram diagram file' action from the context menu of the file. There are also actions to initialize Component, Activity or State Machine diagram, choose the one you need. Appropriate diagram file (*.umlclass_diagram, *.umlcomponent_diagram etc) will be created and then open. This feature is provided by GMF.

Which GMF version is used to generate UML2Tools source code?

UML2Tools diagrams use 'fresh' GMF. Source code is regenerated with up-to-date GMF on every significant change in GMF and on milestone. It is so because GMF provides more and more features with every iteration. However, some amount of custom code exists in this project. This code is put into 'custom-src' folder or marked with '@generated-not' tag. Note that we use 'Generate UML2Tools Diagrams' action in the context menu of *.gmfgen files to generate code. This action is available if you have GMF-sources checked out in your development workspace.

Where can I find GMF-sources?

GMF-sources (GMF files from which java-code is generated) are located in Eclipse CVS:

cvs -d co org.eclipse.mdt/org.eclipse.uml2tools/plugins/org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.def .


Figures from UML2 specifications are implemented using UML2Tools. They are used to visually demonstrate UML2Tools capabilities. These samples are available in Eclipse CVS:

cvs -d co org.eclipse.mdt/org.eclipse.uml2tools/examples/

Newsgroups / Mailing Lists

The best way to find an answer to your questions and to offer your suggestions is to write it in eclipse.modeling.mdt.uml2tools newsgroup.

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