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< Efxclipse
Revision as of 06:45, 7 December 2013 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (LoggerFactory Service)

This page holds best practice recipes when writing JavaFX application using e(fx)clipse


e(fx)clipse has its own logging facade org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Logger which allows to plug-in different log frameworks.

Currently available are:

  • java.util.Logging (default)
  • log4j by adding org.eclipse.fx.core.log4j bundle to your OSGi-Runtime


There are different ways to use get a logger.


If you are running on OSGi you can add the org.eclipse.fx.osgi.util bundle which provides access to the LoggerCreator factory class

import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.fx.osgi.util.LoggerCreator;
public class MyClass {
  private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerCreator.createLogger(MyClass.class);
  // ....

LoggerFactory Service

The different logger bundles contribute their LoggerFactory implementation into the OSGi-Registry. In case you are e.g. contributing a service via DS you can get simple add a service reference and you'll get the LoggerFactory with the highest rank injected.

import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Logger;
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
  private Logger logger;
  public void setLoggerFactory(LoggerFactory factory) {
    this.logger = factory.createLogger(MyService.class.getName());
  public void unsetLoggerFactory(LoggerFactory factory) {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="myservice">
   <implementation class="impl.MyServiceImpl"/>
      <provide interface="service.MyService"/>
   <reference bind="setLoggerFactory" cardinality="1..1" 
              name="LoggerFactory" policy="static" unbind="unsetLoggerFactory"/>

Eclipse DI & @Log annotation

If you make use of Eclipse DI in your code you can get a Logger instance injected with:

import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Logger;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class MyDIComponent {
  Logger logger;

Google Guice & @Log annotation

If you use Guice as the DI container you use the org.eclipse.fx.core.guice bundle to get a Logger injected in your component with:

import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Logger;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class MyDIComponent {
  Logger logger;

if you have configured your Guice-Module with:

import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.log4j.Log4JLoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.guice.FXLoggerListener;
public class MyModule implements Module {
  public void configure(Binder binder) {
    binder.bind(LoggerFactory.class).toProvider(Log4JLoggerFactory.class); // or JUtilLoggerFactory
    binder.bindListener(Matchers.any(), new FXLoggerListener());

Instead of directly binding to a logger factory you can delegate to the OSGi-Service registry by using OSGiLoggerFactoryProvider:

import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.guice.FXLoggerListener;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.guice.OSGiLoggerFactoryProvider;
public class MyModule implements Module {
  public void configure(Binder binder) {
    binder.bindListener(Matchers.any(), new FXLoggerListener());


Like outlined above there are 2 logger implementations available from the e(fx)clipse p2 repository. If you want to use a different logging framework you are able to plug-in your own by implementing LoggerFactory and contributing it to the OSGi-Service-Registry.

import javax.inject.Provider;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.log.Logger;
public class MyLoggerFactory implements LoggerFactory, Provider<LoggerFactory> {
  public LoggerFactory get() {
    return this;
  public Logger createLogger(String name) {
    return new LoggerImpl(name);
  static class LoggerImpl implements Logger {
    private String name;
    public LoggerImpl(String name) { = name;
    // ....

You contribute it to the OSGi-Service registry e.g. by using DS. You should give the service a higher ranking than 1 (which is the ranking of the log4j service) to ensure it is picked when a logger is requested.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="my.logger.framework.factory">
   <implementation class="my.logger.framework.MyLoggerFactory"/>
   <property name="service.ranking" type="Integer" value="2"/>
      <provide interface="org.eclipse.fx.core.log.LoggerFactory"/>

Eclipse DI

Publishing to the IEclipseContext

The IEclipseContext is the central component of the Eclipse DI container. Retrieving values from it is as easy as writing @Inject in your java class and the DI container will fill it with a value and keep it up-to-date if you used field or method injection.

The opposite - publishing a value into the context - is not as easy because your java component will get a dependency on the DI-Container because it needs to access the IEclipseContext directly. e(fx)clipse provides you the possibility to get around this architectual problem by defining an annotation named @ContextValue which marks a slot in IEclipseContext instance which can be used to observe the value and modified.

import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextBoundValue;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextValue;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public static class SimpleInject {
  public ContextBoundValue<String> value;
  private void updateValue() {

To make use of this your bundle needs to have a dependency on org.eclipse.fx.core.di and your runtime has to include org.eclipse.fx.core.di.context.

Injected value as an observable

A reoccuring pattern when developing with Eclipse Databinding and Dependency Injection is that the injected value is used as the master in master-detail binding scenario.

import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.IObservableValue;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.WritableValue;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextBoundValue;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextValue;
public class DetailView {
  private IObservableValue master = new WritableValue();
  public void update(Person p) {
    master.getRealm().exec(new Runnable() {
       public void run() {

The @ContextValue framework introduce in the recipe above is able to reduce the code to

import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.IObservableValue;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextBoundValue;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextValue;
public class DetailView {
  IObservableValue master; 

If you prefer the JavaFX observable system you get let the system inject you this type as well

import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextBoundValue;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.di.ContextValue;
public class DetailView {
  Property<Person> property;

Generally speaking you can use any type for the value injected by @ContextValue as long as there's an adapter registered which is able to convert from ContextBoundValue to it.

An observable value is not a one way street so it also allows publish through it:

public class ListView {
  public void initUI(@ContextValue("my.domain.Person") Property<Person> property) {
    ListView<Person> v = new ListView<>();
    // ...


If you want to use DI in the controller attached to an FXML-File you'd normally use an org.eclipse.fx.ui.di.InjectingFXMLLoader to free you from configuring the loader with information the DI container already knows you can make use of the @org.eclipse.fx.ui.di.FXMLLoader in your components which provides you an org.eclipse.fx.ui.di.FXMLLoaderFactory instance.

public class MyLoginView {
  void init(BorderPane p, @FXMLLoader FXMLLoaderFactory factory) {
    GridPane p = factory.loadRequestorRelative("myLoginView.fxml").build();
    // ...

and now you can use @Inject in your controller:

public class MyLoginController {
  MyLoginService loginService;
  TextField username;
  TextField password;



Loading FXML-Files in OSGi is a bit harder than doing it in a standard java application and one can not use the static FXMLLoader.load() so we provide an extra class named org.eclipse.fx.osgi.utilOSGiFXMLLoader

public class MyView {
  public void init(BorderPane p) {
    Node n = OSGiFXMLLoader.load(getClass(), "myView.fxml", null, null);

DI in FXML controller

Eclipse DI

If you are running in OSGi and with Eclipse DI (e.g. when you are writing an Eclipse 4 Application) you can make use of org.eclipse.fx.ui.di.InjectingFXMLLoader.

public class MyView {
  public void initUI(BorderPane p, IEclipseContext context) {
    InjectingFXMLLoader<Node> iFXMLLoader = InjectingFXMLLoader.create(context, getClass(), "myView.fxml");
    Node n = iFXMLLoader.load();
    // ...

The above code is perfectly ok although you can get rid of the direct IEclipseContext dependency by using the @FXMLLoader annotation.

Google Guice

If you are not running on OSGi and Eclipse DI but develop a standard java application which uses Google Guice as the DI container you can make use of org.eclipse.fx.core.guice.InjectingFXMLLoader

public class MyGuiceComponent {
   public void init(Injector injector) {
     Node n = InjectingFXMLLoader.loadFXML(injector,getClass().getResource("myui.fxml"));
     // ...

Adapter System

The @ContextValue support introduce above makes use of the adapter system provided by e(fx)clipse core runtime bundle (org.eclipse.fx.core) which constits of the 3 main interfaces:

  • Adaptable
  • AdapterService
  • AdapterProvider


The simplest usage is if the source-object implements the Adaptable interface

public class Sample {
  private void sellProduct(Person person) {
     Customer customer = person.adapt(Customer.class);
     // ...

If the source-object itself does not implement the Adaptable interface or you are the one who has to implement a class which implements Adaptable you have to use the AdapterService whicn is provided through the OSGi-Service-Registry if the object is managed by Eclipse DI it will look like this:

public class Sample {
  AdapterService adapterService;
  private void sellProduct(Person person) {
    Customer customer = adapterService.adapt(person,Customer.class);
    // ...

Otherwise you need to query the OSGi-Service-Registry to get access to the AdapterService.


To enhance the adapter system it is possible to register AdapterProvider as OSGi-Services. All you need to do is to implement the AdapterProvider likes this:

public class CustomerAdapterProvider implements AdapterProvider<Person, Customer> {
  public Class<Person> getSourceType() {
    return Person.class;
  public Class<Customer> getTargetType() {
    return Customer.class;
  public boolean canAdapt(Person sourceObject, Class<Customer> targetType) {
    return true;
  public Customer adapt(final Person sourceObject, Class<Customer> targetType, ValueAccess... valueAccess) {
    // ...

and register it e.g. through DS with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="my.adapter.sample.customer">
   <implementation class="my.adapter.sample.CustomerAdapterProvider"/>
      <provide interface="org.eclipse.fx.core.adapter.AdapterProvider"/>

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