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This page presents the basics of EMF-IncQuery's Java API. It supersedes the following contents of the original documentation on


The most up-to-date Javadocs for the EMF-IncQuery API can be found online at

Headless Execution Example


EMF-IncQuery can be used without any graphical user interface (in a headless RCP configuration - note: for now, running outside of the RCP environment is not supported). In this example, we take an existing IncQuery project and based on it, we create a (headless) Eclipse Application that can be executed from a console (command prompt) to print the matches for an arbitrary input model file.
First, the IncQuery project headlessQueries.incquery can be downloaded from:

The project contains simple patterns that match on Ecore models (i.e. .ecore files):

package headless;
import ""
pattern eClassNames(C: EClass, N : EString)= {,N);
pattern eObject(O) {

Pattern eObject() will match on any EMF model.

Using IncQuery in a Java application

The headlessQueries.incquery bundle can be embedded into any Eclipse application through IncQuery's Java API. The org.eclipse.incquery.application bundle project demonstrates such usage.

The project includes several class files:

  • GenericSimpleIncQueryApplication and PatternSpecificSimpleIncQueryApplication: by implementing the IApplication interface, these classes provide an RCP entrypoint that is also capable of handling command line parameters. It checks that the input model is provided using the -m <modelPath> switch, and the Generic variant is also able to accept the query name provided using the -p <patternFQN> switch and then invokes the pattern matcher (the PatternSpecific variant always applies the eObject query).
    • To execute the example (on Windows), call as follows (assuming the current folder contains eclipse.exe and the model can be found at c:/test/input.ecore): eclipse.exe -m c:/test/input.ecore - p headless.eClassNames
    • Pattern fully qualified names are the package fully qualified name of a pattern + "." + the local name of the pattern, e.g. headless.eClassNames or headless.eObject in the example above.
  • IncQueryHeadless: utility class with two public methods called executeGeneric() and executePatternsSpecific() that demonstrate the basic usage of IncQuery's Java API. Both will
    • first try to load the model found at modelPath into an EMF Resource, and if that was successful,
    • then create a matcher (based on a pattern definition) and
    • then retrieve the matches as a collection.

The actual code also includes some additional fragments to illustrate performance measurements (timed execution for the EMF loading, IncQuery initialization and matchset retrieval phases). Finally, the matches are printed using IPatternMatch.prettyPrint(). In the latter part of this document, this API is explained in detail.

RCP applications are registered through the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point. The plugin.xml file defines the extension.


Finally, a product configuration is required in order to run this application as an Eclipse product, and to be able to export it into a standalone application that can be called from the console. Apart from adding the required plugins to the configuration, an org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension is required as well (also found in plugin.xml):

            name="Generic IncQuery Application">
               value="Generic IncQuery Application">
            name="PatternSpecific IncQuery Application">
               value="PatternSpecific IncQuery Application">

If only the minimum required plugins are exported, the resulting eclipse folder is around 30 MB, which is quite small considering that an Eclipse Modeling distribution is around 300 MB.
Note that you may have to remove the platform-specific features that are for different platforms (e.g. Linux and MacOS X when using Windows).

For further help on RCP applications, we recommend to check out:

EMF-IncQuery Java API

There are two ways you can use the EMF-IncQuery Pattern Matcher in your application. Either you can use the generic pattern matcher components, or the pattern-specific generated components. In most cases you won’t need the generic pattern matcher, which is a bit more complex to use. However they conform to the same reflective interfaces, and there is no performance difference between the two (a notable exception for this rule of thumb are check() expressions, where the generated code that is invoked through the generated API will execute the Java code instead of interpreting Xbase). Here we will present a simple introduction to the basics of both APIs, to introduce features that help you to integrate it into your java application.

Most important generated classes and their relationships  

For every pattern a Match, a Matcher, a MatcherFactory, a Processor and optionally several Evaluator classes available through both the generic and generated APIs. Let’s look into what these classes are responsible for: 

  • Match: This represents a match of the pattern. Basically it is used to transfer data to and from the pattern matcher. The generated variables represent the pattern header parameters. You can use it to specify fixed input parameters to a query, and the results of you queries will be instances of this class. Note, that in each case the pattern parameters can be partially filled. It can be used in conjunction with the Matcher class. The example below shows the EClassNamesMatch class generated for the eClassNames pattern above.
public abstract class EClassNamesMatch extends BasePatternMatch {
   * members and constructor
  private EClass fC;
  private String fN;
  private static String[] parameterNames = {"C", "N"};
  private EClassNamesMatch(final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  /** getters and setters **/
  public Object get(final String parameterName) { }
  public EClass getC() {}
  public String getN() {}
  public boolean set(final String parameterName, final Object newValue) {}
  public void setC(final EClass pC) {}
  public void setN(final String pN) {}
  /** utility functions **/
  public String patternName() {}
  public String[] parameterNames() {}
  public Object[] toArray() {}
  public String prettyPrint() {}
  public int hashCode() {}
  public boolean equals(final Object obj) {}
  /** access to the internal EMF-based representation, as a sort of "reflection" **/
  public Pattern pattern() {}
  /** Mutable inner subclass so that matches can be "setted" - for parameter passing **/
  static final class Mutable extends EClassNamesMatch {}
  • Matcher: This is the main entry point in our API, with pattern-specific query methods. First of all it provides means to initialize a pattern matcher for a given EMF instance model which can either be a Resource, a ResourceSet, or an EObject (in this latter case, the scope of the matching will be the containment tree under the passed EObject). We recommend the use of ResourceSets if possible to avoid cross-reference related issues. After the initialization of the engine the Matcher provides getter methods to retrieve the contents of the match set anytime. For easy iteration over the match set it provides a convenience method (forEachMatch) as well, as this is the most frequent use case in our observation. Of course it contains other handy features (e.g.: countMatches, hasMatch) to help integration. Finally, it provides a DeltaMonitor which can be used to track the changes in the match set in an efficient, event-driven fashion. The example generated source code below demonstrates the EClassNamesMatcher class generated for the eClassNames pattern above.
public class EClassNamesMatcher extends BaseGeneratedMatcher<EClassNamesMatch> {
  /** initializer methods **/
  public EClassNamesMatcher(final Notifier emfRoot) throws IncQueryException {}
  public EClassNamesMatcher(final IncQueryEngine engine) throws IncQueryException {}
  /** access to match set **/
  public Collection<EClassNamesMatch> getAllMatches(final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  public EClassNamesMatch getOneArbitraryMatch(final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  public boolean hasMatch(final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  public int countMatches(final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  /** iterate over matches, like a lambda **/
  public void forEachMatch(final EClass pC, final String pN, final IMatchProcessor<? super EClassNamesMatch> processor) {}
  public boolean forOneArbitraryMatch(final EClass pC, final String pN, final IMatchProcessor<? super EClassNamesMatch> processor) {}
  /** process match set changes in an event-driven way **/
  public DeltaMonitor<EClassNamesMatch> newFilteredDeltaMonitor(final boolean fillAtStart, final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  /** Returns a new (partial) Match object for the matcher. This can be used e.g. to call the matcher with a partial match. **/
   public EClassNamesMatch newMatch(final EClass pC, final String pN) {}
  /** Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for C or N.**/
  public Set<EClass> getAllValuesOfC() {}
  public Set<EClass> getAllValuesOfC(final EClassNamesMatch partialMatch) {}
  public Set<EClass> getAllValuesOfC(final String pN) {}
  public Set<String> getAllValuesOfN() {}
  public Set<String> getAllValuesOfN(final EClassNamesMatch partialMatch) {}
  public Set<String> getAllValuesOfN(final EClass pC) {}
  /** @return the singleton instance of the factory of this pattern **/
  public static IMatcherFactory<EClassNamesMatcher> factory() throws IncQueryException {}
  • MatcherFactory: A pattern-specific factory that can instantiate a Matcher class in a type-safe way. You can get an instance of it via the Matcher class’s factory() method. There are two ways to instantiate a Matcher, with a Notifier (e.g.: Resource, ResourceSet and EObject) as we mentioned already, or with an IncQueryEngine. In both cases if the pattern is already registered (with the same root in the case of the Notifier method) then only a lightweight reference is created which points to the existing engine.
 * A pattern-specific matcher factory that can instantiate EClassNamesMatcher in a type-safe way.
public final class EClassNamesMatcherFactory extends BaseGeneratedMatcherFactory<EClassNamesMatcher> {
  /** @return the singleton instance of the matcher factory **/
  public static EClassNamesMatcherFactory instance() throws IncQueryException {}
  • MatchProcessor: The Matcher provides a function to iterate over the match set and invoke the process() method of the IMatchProcessor interface with every match. To help with the processing an abstract processor class is generated, which you can override to implement the logic you would like to use. The abstract class unpacks the match variables so it can be used directly in the process() method.
 * A match processor tailored for the headless.eClassNames pattern.
 * Clients should derive an (anonymous) class that implements the abstract process().
public abstract class EClassNamesProcessor implements IMatchProcessor<EClassNamesMatch> {
   * Defines the action that is to be executed on each match.
   * @param pC the value of pattern parameter C in the currently processed match 
   * @param pN the value of pattern parameter N in the currently processed match 
  public abstract void process(final EClass C, final String N);
  public void process(final EClassNamesMatch match) {}
  • Evaluator: If your pattern contains check expressions an evaluator java code is generated from it. It is used by the engine during a query to evaluate the expression’s result. In most cases you don’t need to deal with these classes.

Lifecycle management  

We have an EngineManager singleton class to orchestrate the lifecycle of the IncQueryEngines. There are two types of engines: managed and unmanaged. We recommend the use of managed engines, this is the default behavior, as these engines can share common indices and caches to save memory and cpu time. The EngineManager ensures that there will be no duplicated engine for the same root object. The managed engines can be disposed from the manager if needed. On the other hand creating an unmanaged engine will give you the power and responsibility to use it correctly. It will have no common part with other engines. 

The IncQueryEngine is attached to an EMF resource (Resource, ResourceSet or EObject) and hosts the pattern matchers. It will listen on EMF update notifications stemming from the given model in order to maintain live results. Pattern matchers can be registered in the following ways: 

  • Instantiate the specific matcher class generated for the pattern, by passing to the constructor either this engine or the EMF model root. 
  • Use the matcher factory associated with the generated matcher class to achieve the same. 
  • Use the GenericPatternMatcher or the GenericMatcherFactory instead of the various generated classes.

If you want to remove the matchers from the engine you can call the wipe() method on it. It discards any pattern matcher caches and forgets the known patterns. The base index built directly on the underlying EMF model, however, is kept in memory to allow reuse when new pattern matchers are built. If you don’t want to use it anymore call the dispose() instead, to completely disconnect and dismantle the engine. 

Typical programming patterns

Note: We recommend putting the @Handler on any pattern, because it will generate a project that contains code segments that illustrate the basic usage of the IncQuery Java API. The sample code will contain an Eclipse command handler and a dialog that shows the matches of the query in a selected file resource (you can try them in a runtime application run configuration, with right-clicking on the instance model file in e.g. the Project Explorer). 

Loading an instance model and executing a query
public String executePatternSpecific(String modelPath) {
 StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();
 Resource resource = loadModel(modelPath);
 if (resource != null) {
  try {
   // get all matches of the pattern
   EObjectMatcher matcher = EObjectMatcher.factory().getMatcher(resource);
   Collection<EObjectMatch> matches = matcher.getAllMatches();
   prettyPrintMatches(results, matches);
  } catch (IncQueryException e) {
  } else {
   results.append("Resource not found");
  return results.toString();
Using the MatchProcessor

With the MatchProcessor you can iterate over the matches of a pattern quite easily:

try {
   // get all matches of the pattern
   EObjectMatcher matcher = EObjectMatcher.factory().getMatcher(resource);
   matcher.forEachMatch(new EObjectProcessor() {
	public void process(EObject o) {
	    // Do something with a match
} catch (IncQueryException e) {
Using the DeltaMonitor

There are some usecases where you don’t want to follow every change of a pattern’s match, just gather them together and process them when you’re ready. The DeltaMonitor can do this for you in a convenient way. It is a monitoring object that connects to the rete network as a receiver to reflect changes since an arbitrary state acknowledged by the client.

If a new matching is found, it appears in the matchFoundEvents collection, and disappears when that particular matching cannot be found anymore. If the event of finding a match has been processed by the client, it can be removed manually. In this case, when a previously found matching is lost, the Tuple will appear in the matchLostEvents collection, and disappear upon finding the same matching again. "Matching lost" events can also be acknowledged by removing a Tuple from the collection. If the matching is found once again, it will return to matchFoundEvents.


Generic API

The "generic" API differs from the generated one in two key aspects:

  • it can be used to apply queries and use other IncQuery features without generating code and loading the resulting bundles into the running configuration. In other words, you just need to supply the EMF-based in-memory representation (an instance of the Pattern class)
  • the generic API is not "type safe" in the sense that the Java types of your pattern variables is not known and needs to be handled dynamically (e.g. by instanceof - typecase combos).
public String executeGeneric(String modelPath, String patternFQN) {
 StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();
 Resource resource = loadModel(modelPath);
 if (resource != null) {
  try {
   // get all matches of the pattern
   IncQueryMatcher matcher = MatcherFactoryRegistry.getMatcherFactory(patternFQN).getMatcher(resource);
   Collection<IPatternMatch> matches = matcher.getAllMatches();
   prettyPrintMatches(results, matches);
  } catch (IncQueryException e) {
 } else {
  results.append("Resource not found");
 return results.toString();

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