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== Description ==
== Description ==
This page describes the data model used in SMILA to represent data objects (records) in workflows.
Design a service to ease management of SMILA records during workflow processing.
== Discussion ==
== Discussion ==
=== When to persist data into the a storage. ===
[[]]: Several month ago we have had a discussion, how to persist information into the search index. At that time i proposed a configuration mechanism for controlling the storage/indexing processes when leaving BPEL. At that time we moved this discussion in the direction of using BPEL pipelets for e.g. indexing purposes because that way we are free to configure when and where to use this option. From my point of view such operations should be a general paradime. Either we use by default a configurable process for indexing/storage at the end of BPEL processing or we use pipelets for this case. Please share your thoughts.
* [[|]] Yes, that is probably another valid way to configure it. It would be a minor change: Instead of writing back the records to the persistence layer on at the commit after each workflow which also invalidates the blackboard content, we could introduce a relatively simple pipelet to trigger the commit, after which the blackboard content must stay valid until the router has finished processing the records. So one would have more control over record persistence (the current concept causes each processed record to be persisted after each successfully finished workflow). The reason why I put this outside of BPEL was that I distinguished between "infrastructure" elements that are required to run with each workflow and "application" elements that are different in different setups. To me, "insert to index" is mainly an "application" element, as I can think of SMILA setups that are not used to build search indices. In my picture, persistence was a "infrastructure" element: To be able to chain several workflows via queues it is necessary that the blackboard content is persisted after single each workflow such that the next workflow can access the result (ok, strictly speaking this is not necessary after final workflows that are not followed by others anymore). So I thought it would safer to enforce record persistence this way, and that a workflow creator this way can concentrate more on the "create my application workflow" side of his problem instead of the "making my application work" side. If the team is more in favor of a more flexible solution, no problem. Just vote here (-:
== Technical proposal ==
== Technical proposal ==
Purpose of the Blackboard Service is the management of SMILA record data during processing in a SMILA component (Connectivity, Workflow Processor). The problem is that different processing engines could require different physical formats of the record data (see [[SMILA/Project Concepts/Data Model and XML representation]] for a discussion). Because this means either complex implementations of the logical data model or big data coversion problems, the idea is to keep the complete record data only on a "blackboard" which is not pushed through the workflow engine itself and to extract only a small "workflow object" from the blackboard to feed the workflow engine. This workflow object would contain only the part from the complete record data which the workflow engine needs for loop or branch conditions (and the record ID, of course). Thus it could be efficient enough to do the conversion between blackboard and workflow object before and after each workflow service invocation. As a side effect, the blackboard service could hide the handling of record persistence from the services to make service development easier.
=== Considerations ===
=== Basics ===
What we need:
This figure given an overview about how these services could be composed:
* Simple API for service developers to work with the records.
* Minimal constraints on what is possible to express
* Any SMILA component must be able to process every incoming record without knowing about any other component in the installation that
may have produced some service specific part of the record. It must also be able to reproduce these elements in its result if they were
not explicitly deleted during service execution.
* This  means that for service specific classes we cannot even rely on having the same classes in the same version installed in each
composite at the same time.
* Records produced and stored with one version state of an SMILA installation must be re-processable also with updated versions of the installation (at least, if the major version of the framework has not changed).
* Nice XML representation possible
* Simple to express XPath queries on objects for conditions in BPEL or message routers.
In my opinion, this means, that we cannot have the data model extended by any service specific classes, but we must provide a data model that
is able to express everything that a service might want to express. As a later extension we plan to allow the use of user-definable XML streaming for application specific object types, but this will not be implemented in the first version.
=== Physical Data Model ===
Note that the use of the Blackboard service is not restricted to workflow processing, but it can be also used in Connectivity to create the initial SMILA record from the data sent by Crawlers. This way the persistence services are hidden from Connectivity, too.
{info:Alternative Proposal}
It is assumed that the workflow engine itself (which will be a third party product usually) must be embedded into SMILA using some wrapper that translates incoming calls to workflow specific objects and service invocations from the workflow into real SMILA service calls. At least with a BPEL engine like ODE it must be done this way. In the following this wrapper is called the Workflow Integration Service. This workflow integration service will also handle the necessary interaction between workflow engine and blackboard (see next section for details).
This section has been obsoleted largely by [[SMILA/Project Concepts/Blackboard Service Concept]]. However, I still suggest to define a logical data model using interfaces to hide the physical implementation from the client in order to make optimized implementations of the data model possible in different parts of the framework.
Problem: Different processing engine require to work on certain Java objects. E.g.:
* The ODE BPEL engine needs to be called with DOM objects.
* ActiveBPEL uses other classes.
* One could think of a SMILA specific processing engine that could use a physical data model that implements the logical data model more efficiently.
Conversion between different physical models can become expensive if it has to be done very often. This means e.g. that if a BPEL engine to orchestrate a number of SMILA services, it should not be necessary to actually convert the exchanged data objects each time a service is called and each time a service returns its result to the engine. And because the orchestration engine should be replaceable like everything else in the framework, we cannot commit to using e.g. DOM as the physical representation of our data objects, because then we would have conversion issues when using ActiveBPEL.
For ODE, the use of Tuscany SCA Java would simplify the development of this integration service because it could be based on the BPEL implementation type of Tuscany. However, in the first version we will create an SMILA specific workflow integration service for ODE that can only orchestrate SMILA pipelet because the Tuscany BPEL implementation type does not yet support service references (see this [ mail in the Tuscany user mailing list]).
* Update 2008-04-21: Tuscany is making progress on this: [ mail in dev mailing list]
=== Workflow ===
* Define logical data model using a set of interfaces and a corresponding XML schema.
* SMILA services access and create data only by using these interfaces, they do not need to know about the actual physica data model.
* Provide physical data models that implement these interfaces using appropriate object formats.
E.g. when using ODE as the orchestration engine, use a physical model that uses DOM to represent the data objects. These DOM object can be passed to the BPEL engine directly. Each time a service is invoked from BPEL only a small wrapper must be created and the service can access the DOM objects as logical SMILA objects.
The next picture illustrates how and which data flows through this system:
On the other hand, in a crawler or in a queue listener that does not use a BPEL engine, a more efficient implementation of the logical model could be used for better performance.
Data exchange between components that require to use different physical data models could easiest be done by using the common XML format for serialization. Also, queue messages would always contain an XML string. Each listener can then decide for itself which implementation to use.
In more detail:
=== Description of Logical Data Model ===
* Listener receives record from queue.
bq. The record usually contains only the ID. In special cases it could optionally  include some small attribute values or annotations that could be used to control routing inside the message broker.
* Listener calls blackboard to load record data from persistence service and writes attributes contained in message record to blackboard.
* Listener calls workflow service with ID from message record.
* Workflow integration creates workflow object for ID.
bq. The workflow object uses engine specific classes (e.g. DOM for ODE BPEL engine) to represent the record ID and some chosen attributes that are needed in the engine for condition testing or computation. It's an configuration option of the workflow integration which attributes are to be included. In a more advanced version it may be possible to analyse the workflow definition (e.g. the BPEL process) to determine which attributes are needed.
* Workflow integration invokes the workflow engine. This causes the following steps to be executed a couple of times:
** Workflow engine invokes SMILA service (pipelet). At least for ODE BPEL this means that the engine calls the integration layer which in turn routes the request to the invoked pipelet. So the workflow integration layer receives (potentially modified) workflow objects.
** Workflow integration writes workflow objects to blackboard and creates record IDs. The selected pipelet is called with these IDs
** Pipelet processes IDs and manipulates blackboard content. The result is a new list of record IDs (usually identical to the argument list, and usually the list has length 1)
** Workflow integration creates new workflow objects from the result IDs and blackboard content and feeds them back to the workflow engine.
* Workflow engine finishes successfully and returns a list of workflow objects.
bq. If it finishes with an exception, instead of the following the Listener/Router has to invalidate the blackboard for all IDs related to the workflow such that they are not committed back to the storages, and also it has to signal the message broker that the received message has not been processed successfully such that the message broker can move it to the dead letter queue.
* Workflow integration extracts IDs from workflow objects and returns them.
* Router creates outgoing messages with message records depending on blackboard content for given IDs.
bq. Two things may need configuration here: When to create an outgoing message to which queue (never, always, depending on conditions of attribute values or annotations) - this could also be done in workflow by setting a "nextDestination" annotation for each record ID. And which attributes/annotations are to be included in the message record - if any.
* Router commits IDs on blackboard. This writes the blackboard content to the persistence services and invalidates the blackboard content for these IDs.
* Router sends outgoing messages to message broker.
This proposal is based on experiences made with the IAS data model (Orenge objects with Properties). It is intended as a simplification of the IAS model, to overcome problems caused by its over-specification.
=== Content on Blackboard ===
Record - Top level element
The Blackboard contains two kinds of content:
* ID: see [[SMILA/Project Concepts/ID Concept]] for details
* metadata: Metadata Object - the actual data about the document
* attachments: Map<String, byte[]> - additional data not serializable to XML (or too inefficient), e.g.:
** binary content of documents
** Huge annotations
*Records:* All records currently processed in this runtime process. The structure of an record is defined in [[SMILA/Project Concepts/Data Model and XML representation]]. Clients manipulate the records through Blackboard API methods. This way the records are completely under control of the Blackboard which may be used in advanced versions for optimised communication with the persistence services.
* attributes: Map<String, Attribute> - data about records according to some application model or ontology
* annotations: Map<String, List<Annotation>> - additional service specific data
Records enter the blackboard by one of the following operations:
* name: String
* create: create a new record with a given ID. No data is loaded from persistence, if a record with this ID exists already in the storages it will be overwritten when the created record is commited. E.g. used by Connectivity to initialize the record from incoming data.
* value: List<MetadataObject|Literal>
* load: loads record data for the given ID from persistence (or prepare it to be loaded). Used by a client to indicate that it wants to process this record.
* annotations: Map<String, List<Annotation>>
* split: creates a fragment of a given record, i.e. the record content is copied to a new ID derived from the given by adding a frament name (see [ID Concept] for details).
All these methods should care about locking the record ID in the storages such that no second runtime process can try to manipulate the same record.
* semantic type: String
* value: (String | Long | Double | Boolean | Date | Time | DateTime)?
* data type
* annotations: Map<String, List<Annotation>>
A record is removed from the blackboard with one of these operations:
* anonymous values: List<String>
* commit: all changes are written to the storages before the record is removed. The record is unlocked in the database.
* named values Map<String, String>
* invalidate: the record is removed from the blackboard. The record is unlocked in the database. If the record was created new (not overwritten) on this blackboard it should be removed from the storage completely.
* annotations: Map<String, List<Annotation>>
=== Java Interfaces of Logical Data Model ===
*Notes:* Additional temporary data created by pipelets to be used in later pipelets in the same workflow, but not to be persisted in the storages. Notes can be either global or record specific (associated to a record ID). Record specific notes are copied on record splits and removed when the associated record is removed from the blackboard. In any case a note has a name and the value can be of any serializable Java class such that they can be accessed from seperated services in own VMs.
Note: This is just a preview. The details may be changed during implementation if other variants are be more appropriate or convenenient.
bq. A nice extension would be workflow instance specific notes such that a pipelet can pass non persistent information to another pipelet invoked later in the workflow which is not associated to a single record, but does not conflict with information from different workflow instances like global notes would (based on the assumption that the workflow engine supports multi-threaded execution). This information would be removed from the blackboard after the workflow instance has finished. However, it has to be clarified how they are can associated to the workflow instance, even when accessed from a remote VM.
<source lang="java">
=== Service Interfaces ===
interface Annotation extends Annotatable {
    List<String> getAnonValues();
    void addAnonValue(String);
    void removeAnonValues();
    void setNamedValue(String name, String value);
The Blackboard will be implemented as an OSGi service. The interface could look similar to the following definition. It is getting quite big, so maybe it makes sense to divide it up into the different parts (handling of lifecycle, literal values, object values, annotation, notes, attachments?) for better readability? We'll see about this when implementing.
    String getNamedValues(String name);
    void removeNamedValues();
<source lang="java">
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interface Annotatable {
interface Blackboard {
     boolean hasAnnotations();
     // record life cycle methods
     boolean hasAnnotation(String);
    void create(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException;
     void load(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    ID split(ID id, String fragmentName) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void commit(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void invalidate(ID id);
    // factory methods for attribute values and annotation objects
    // Literal and Annotation are just interfaces,
    // blackboard implementation can determine the actual types for optimization
    Literal createLiteral();
    Annotation createAnnotation();
    // record content methods
    // - record metadata
    //  for referenced types see interfaces proposed in [[SMILA/Project Concepts/Data Model and XML representation]]
    //  for string format of an attribute path see definition of AttributePath class below.
    // -- basic navigation
    Iterator<String> getAttributeNames(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    Iterator<String> getAttributeNames(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException; // convenience for getAttributeNames(ID, null);
    boolean hasAttribute(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
     List<Annotation> getAnnotations(String);
     // -- handling of literal values
     Annotation getAnnotation(String);
    //    navigation support
    boolean hasLiterals(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
     int getLiteralsSize(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    get all literal attribute values of an attribute (index of last step is irrelevant)
    //    a client should not expect the blackboard to reflect changes done to these object automatically,
    //    but always should call one of the modification methods below to really set the changes.
    List<Literal> getLiterals(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
     void setAnnotations(String, List<Annotation>);
     //    get single attribute value, index is specified in last step of path, defaults to 0.
    void setAnnotation(String, Annotation);
     Literal getLiteral(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
     void addAnnotation(String, Annotation);
     void removeAnnotations(String);
    //    modification of attribute values on blackboard
    void setLiterals(ID id, Path path, List<Literal> values) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    set single literal value, index of last attribute step is irrelevant
    void setLiteral(ID id, Path path, Literal value) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    add a single literal value, index of last attribute step is irrelevant
    void addLiteral(ID id, Path path, Literal value) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    remove literal specified by index in last step
    void removeLiteral(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    remove all literals of specified attribute
    void removeLiterals(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // -- handling of sub-objects
    //    navigation: check if an attribute has sub-objects and get their number.
    boolean hasObjects(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    int getObjectSize(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    deleting sub-objects
    //    remove sub-objects specified by index in last step
    void removeObject(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    remove all sub-objects of specified attribute
    void removeObjects(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // access semantic type of sub-object attribute values.
    // semantic types of literals are modified at literal object   
    String getObjectSemanticType(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setObjectSemanticType(ID id, Path path, String typename) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // -- annotations of attributes and sub-objects.
    //    annotations of literals are accessed via the Literal object
    //    use null, "" or an empty attribute path to access root annotations of record.
    //    use PathStep.ATTRIBUTE_ANNOTATION as index in final step to access the annotation
    //    of the attribute itself.
    Iterator<String> getAnnotationNames(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    boolean hasAnnotations(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    boolean hasAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    List<Annotation> getAnnotations(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    shortcut to get only first annotation if one exists.
    Annotation getAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setAnnotations(ID id, Path path, String name, List<Annotation> annotations) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name, Annotation annotation) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void addAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name, Annotation annotation) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void removeAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
     void removeAnnotations(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // - record attachments
    boolean hasAttachment(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    byte[] getAttachment(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    InputStream getAttachmentAsStream(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setAttachment(ID id, String name, byte[] name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    InputStream setAttachmentFromStream(ID id, String name, InputStream name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // - notes methods
    boolean hasGlobalNote(String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    Serializable getGlobalNote(String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setGlobalNote(String name, Serializable object) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    boolean hasRecordNote(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    Serializable getRecordNote(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setRecordNote(ID id, String name, Serializable object) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // This is certainly not complete ... just to give an idea of how it could taste.
    // lots of convenience methods can be added later.
<source lang="java">
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interface Record {
public class Path implements Serializable, Iterable<PathStep> {
     ID getID();
     // string format of attribute path could be something like
     void setID(ID);
    // "attributeName1[index1]/attributeName2[index2]/..." or
    // "attributeName1@index1/attributeName2@index2/...".
     MObject getMetadata();
    // The first is probably better because similar to XPath?
     void getMetadata(MObject);
    // The specification of index is optional and defaults to 0.
    // Whether the index refers to a literal or a sub-object depends on methods getting the argument
     boolean hasAttachments();
     byte[] getAttachment(String);
    public static final char SEPARATOR = '/';
     void putAttachment(String, byte[]);
    public Path();
     public Path(Path path);
    public Path(String path);
    // extend path extended more steps. This modifies the object itself and returns it again
    // for further modifications, e.g. path.add("level1").add("level2");
     public Path add(PathStep step);  
    public Path add(String attributeName);
    public Path add(String attributeName, int index);
    // remove tail element of this.  This modifies the object itself and returns it again
    // for further modifications, e.g. path.up().add("siblingAttribute");
    public Path up();
    public Iterator<PathStep> iterator();
     public boolean isEmpty();
     public PathStep get(int positionInPath);
    public String getName(int positionInPath);
     public int getIndex(int positionInPath);
    public int length();
    public boolean equals(Path other);
    public int hashCode();
    public String toString();
<source lang="java">
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interface Attribute extends Annotatable {
public class PathStep implements Serializable {
     String getName();
     public static final int ATTRIBUTE_ANNOTATION = -1;
     boolean hasLiterals();
     private String name;
     int valueSize();
     private int index = 0; / index of value in multivalued attributes. default is first value.
     List<Literal> getLiterals();
     Literal getLiterale(); // return only first value in list, if any
     public PathStep(String name);
     void addLiteral(Literal literal);
     public PathStep(String name, int index);
     void removeValues();
     public String getName();
     boolean hasObjects();
     public int getIndex();
     int ObjectSize();
     List<MObject> getObjects();
     public boolean equals(AttributePath other);
     MObject getObject(); // return only first Object in list, if any
     public int hashCode();
     void addObject(MObject object);
     public String toString();
     void removeObjects();
The business interface of a pipelet to be used in an SMILA workflow will be rather simple. It can get access to the local blackboard service using OSGi service lookup or by injection using OSGi Declarative Services. Therefore the main business method just needs to take a list of record IDs as an argument and return a new (or the same) list of IDs as the result. This is the same method that a workflow integration service needs to expose to the Listener/Router component, therefore it makes sense to use a common interface definition for both. This way it is possible to deploy processing runtimes with only a single pipelet without having to create dummy workflow definitions, because a pipelet can be wired up to the Listener/Router immediately. Becasue remote communication with separated pipelets (see below) will be implemented later pipelets (and therefore workflow integrations, too) must be implemented as OSGi services such that the remote communication can be coordinated using SCA. Thus, interfaces could look like this:
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interface AttributeValue extends Annotatable {
interface RecordProcessor {
     String getSemanticType();
     ID[] process(ID[] records) throws ProcessingException;
    void setSemanticType(String);
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// MObject is short for Metadata Object
interface Pipelet extends RecordProcessor {
interface MObject extends AttributeValue {
     // specific methods for pipelets
     boolean hasAttributes();
    boolean hasAttribute(String);
    Attribute getAttribute(String);
    void setAttribute(String, Attribute);
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interface Literal extends AttributeValue {
interface WorkflowIntegration extends RecordProcessor {
     boolean hasValue();
     // specific methods for workflow integration services.
    Object getValue();
    String getStringValue(); // return toString() of value, if not a string
    // other type specific methods return null, if value is not of requested type
    Long getIntValue();
    Double getFPValue();
    Boolean getBoolValue();
    Date getDateTimeValue();
    void setValue(Object) throws InvalidArgumentException;
    void setStringValue(String);
    void setIntValue(Long);
    void setFPValue(Double);
    void setBoolValue(Boolean);
    void setDateTimeValue(Date);
=== XML Schema of Logical Data Model ===
XML Schema design by example
=== What about pipelets running in a seperate VM? ===
The following XML snippet illustrates how to possibly represent this data model in XML. This section should be seen as experimental.
*Not relevant for initial implementation. This will be added in advanced versions and discussed in more detail then.*
The XML schema is targeted at being relatively easy to use for XPath expressions in BPEL processes or elsewhere. The element and attribute have been abbreviated in order to minimze the length on the resulting document. This should have an positive impact on communication overhead and processing performance (of course, in reality also whitespace (linefeeds, indentation) should be left out).
We want to be able have pipelets running in separated VM if they are known to be unstable or non-terminating in error conditions. This can be supported by the blackboard service like this:
The annotations used as examples are motivated by 0often used IAS properties.
<source lang="xml">
<RecordList xmlns="" xmlns:id=""
xmlns:rec="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" record.xsd ">
<Record version="1.0">
The seperated pipelet VM would have a proxy blackboard service that coordinates the communication with the master blackboard in the workflow processor VM. Only the record ID needs to be sent to the separated pipelets. However, the separated pipelet must be wrapped to provide control of the record life cycle on the proxy blackboard, especially because the changes done in the remote blackboard must be committed back to the master blackboard when the separated pipelet has finished successful, or the proxy blackboard content must be invalidated without commit in case of an pipelet error. Possibly, this pipelet wrapper can also provide "watchdog" functionality to monitor the separated pipelet and terminate and restart it in case of endless loops or excessive memory consumption.
<id:ID version="1.0">
<A n="mimetype">
<!-- IAS retrieval filter: annotation attached to attribute, valid for complete attribute value -->
<An n="filter">
<V n="type">exclude</V>
<An n="values">
<V st="appl:Mimetype">text/html</V>
<A n="filesize"><!-- single numeric value attribute -->
<V t="int">1234</V>
<A n="trustee"><!-- multivalued attribute without annotation for each value -->
<A n="topic"><!-- multivalued attribute with simple values with annotations -->
<An n="importance"><!-- IAS query boost factor, refers to complete attribute -->
<V>Eclipse</V><!-- first value -->
<An n="sourceRef"><!-- part of IAS textminer info for first value-->
<V n="attribute">fulltext</V>
<V n="startPos">37</V>
<V n="endPos">42</V>
<An n="sourceRef">
<V n="attribute">fulltext</V>
<V n="startPos">137</V>
<V n="endPos">142</V>
<An n="importance"><!-- extra IAS query boost factor for first value -->
<V>EILF</V><!-- second attribute value -->
<An n="sourceRef"><!-- following annotations refer to second value -->
<!-- similar to above -->
<A n="author"><!-- "set of aggregates" -->
<A n="firstName">
<A n="lastName">
<O st="appl:Author">
<A n="firstName">
<A n="lastName">
<An n="action">
<Attachment>content</Attachment><!-- just a marker that an attachment exists in attachment store? -->
Some notes
* <code><L></code> can contain multiple <code><V></code>, if the single values do not have annotations
* The <code>st</code> attribute in <L> and <O> means some application specific "semantic" type while the <code>t</code> attribute in <code><V></code> means the native datatype of this value.
* The version attribute is for parsers todo conversion between older XML formats and the current supported format if necessary.
* The data model will be extended later to support XML streaming of user-definable object types, either as attribute values or in an extra part of the record.

Revision as of 10:40, 7 August 2008


Design a service to ease management of SMILA records during workflow processing.


When to persist data into the a storage. Several month ago we have had a discussion, how to persist information into the search index. At that time i proposed a configuration mechanism for controlling the storage/indexing processes when leaving BPEL. At that time we moved this discussion in the direction of using BPEL pipelets for e.g. indexing purposes because that way we are free to configure when and where to use this option. From my point of view such operations should be a general paradime. Either we use by default a configurable process for indexing/storage at the end of BPEL processing or we use pipelets for this case. Please share your thoughts.

  • Yes, that is probably another valid way to configure it. It would be a minor change: Instead of writing back the records to the persistence layer on at the commit after each workflow which also invalidates the blackboard content, we could introduce a relatively simple pipelet to trigger the commit, after which the blackboard content must stay valid until the router has finished processing the records. So one would have more control over record persistence (the current concept causes each processed record to be persisted after each successfully finished workflow). The reason why I put this outside of BPEL was that I distinguished between "infrastructure" elements that are required to run with each workflow and "application" elements that are different in different setups. To me, "insert to index" is mainly an "application" element, as I can think of SMILA setups that are not used to build search indices. In my picture, persistence was a "infrastructure" element: To be able to chain several workflows via queues it is necessary that the blackboard content is persisted after single each workflow such that the next workflow can access the result (ok, strictly speaking this is not necessary after final workflows that are not followed by others anymore). So I thought it would safer to enforce record persistence this way, and that a workflow creator this way can concentrate more on the "create my application workflow" side of his problem instead of the "making my application work" side. If the team is more in favor of a more flexible solution, no problem. Just vote here (-:

Technical proposal

Purpose of the Blackboard Service is the management of SMILA record data during processing in a SMILA component (Connectivity, Workflow Processor). The problem is that different processing engines could require different physical formats of the record data (see SMILA/Project Concepts/Data Model and XML representation for a discussion). Because this means either complex implementations of the logical data model or big data coversion problems, the idea is to keep the complete record data only on a "blackboard" which is not pushed through the workflow engine itself and to extract only a small "workflow object" from the blackboard to feed the workflow engine. This workflow object would contain only the part from the complete record data which the workflow engine needs for loop or branch conditions (and the record ID, of course). Thus it could be efficient enough to do the conversion between blackboard and workflow object before and after each workflow service invocation. As a side effect, the blackboard service could hide the handling of record persistence from the services to make service development easier.


This figure given an overview about how these services could be composed:


Note that the use of the Blackboard service is not restricted to workflow processing, but it can be also used in Connectivity to create the initial SMILA record from the data sent by Crawlers. This way the persistence services are hidden from Connectivity, too.

It is assumed that the workflow engine itself (which will be a third party product usually) must be embedded into SMILA using some wrapper that translates incoming calls to workflow specific objects and service invocations from the workflow into real SMILA service calls. At least with a BPEL engine like ODE it must be done this way. In the following this wrapper is called the Workflow Integration Service. This workflow integration service will also handle the necessary interaction between workflow engine and blackboard (see next section for details).

For ODE, the use of Tuscany SCA Java would simplify the development of this integration service because it could be based on the BPEL implementation type of Tuscany. However, in the first version we will create an SMILA specific workflow integration service for ODE that can only orchestrate SMILA pipelet because the Tuscany BPEL implementation type does not yet support service references (see this mail in the Tuscany user mailing list).


The next picture illustrates how and which data flows through this system:


In more detail:

  • Listener receives record from queue.

bq. The record usually contains only the ID. In special cases it could optionally include some small attribute values or annotations that could be used to control routing inside the message broker.

  • Listener calls blackboard to load record data from persistence service and writes attributes contained in message record to blackboard.
  • Listener calls workflow service with ID from message record.
  • Workflow integration creates workflow object for ID.

bq. The workflow object uses engine specific classes (e.g. DOM for ODE BPEL engine) to represent the record ID and some chosen attributes that are needed in the engine for condition testing or computation. It's an configuration option of the workflow integration which attributes are to be included. In a more advanced version it may be possible to analyse the workflow definition (e.g. the BPEL process) to determine which attributes are needed.

  • Workflow integration invokes the workflow engine. This causes the following steps to be executed a couple of times:
    • Workflow engine invokes SMILA service (pipelet). At least for ODE BPEL this means that the engine calls the integration layer which in turn routes the request to the invoked pipelet. So the workflow integration layer receives (potentially modified) workflow objects.
    • Workflow integration writes workflow objects to blackboard and creates record IDs. The selected pipelet is called with these IDs
    • Pipelet processes IDs and manipulates blackboard content. The result is a new list of record IDs (usually identical to the argument list, and usually the list has length 1)
    • Workflow integration creates new workflow objects from the result IDs and blackboard content and feeds them back to the workflow engine.
  • Workflow engine finishes successfully and returns a list of workflow objects.

bq. If it finishes with an exception, instead of the following the Listener/Router has to invalidate the blackboard for all IDs related to the workflow such that they are not committed back to the storages, and also it has to signal the message broker that the received message has not been processed successfully such that the message broker can move it to the dead letter queue.

  • Workflow integration extracts IDs from workflow objects and returns them.
  • Router creates outgoing messages with message records depending on blackboard content for given IDs.

bq. Two things may need configuration here: When to create an outgoing message to which queue (never, always, depending on conditions of attribute values or annotations) - this could also be done in workflow by setting a "nextDestination" annotation for each record ID. And which attributes/annotations are to be included in the message record - if any.

  • Router commits IDs on blackboard. This writes the blackboard content to the persistence services and invalidates the blackboard content for these IDs.
  • Router sends outgoing messages to message broker.

Content on Blackboard

The Blackboard contains two kinds of content:

  • Records:* All records currently processed in this runtime process. The structure of an record is defined in SMILA/Project Concepts/Data Model and XML representation. Clients manipulate the records through Blackboard API methods. This way the records are completely under control of the Blackboard which may be used in advanced versions for optimised communication with the persistence services.

Records enter the blackboard by one of the following operations:

  • create: create a new record with a given ID. No data is loaded from persistence, if a record with this ID exists already in the storages it will be overwritten when the created record is commited. E.g. used by Connectivity to initialize the record from incoming data.
  • load: loads record data for the given ID from persistence (or prepare it to be loaded). Used by a client to indicate that it wants to process this record.
  • split: creates a fragment of a given record, i.e. the record content is copied to a new ID derived from the given by adding a frament name (see [ID Concept] for details).

All these methods should care about locking the record ID in the storages such that no second runtime process can try to manipulate the same record.

A record is removed from the blackboard with one of these operations:

  • commit: all changes are written to the storages before the record is removed. The record is unlocked in the database.
  • invalidate: the record is removed from the blackboard. The record is unlocked in the database. If the record was created new (not overwritten) on this blackboard it should be removed from the storage completely.
  • Notes:* Additional temporary data created by pipelets to be used in later pipelets in the same workflow, but not to be persisted in the storages. Notes can be either global or record specific (associated to a record ID). Record specific notes are copied on record splits and removed when the associated record is removed from the blackboard. In any case a note has a name and the value can be of any serializable Java class such that they can be accessed from seperated services in own VMs.

bq. A nice extension would be workflow instance specific notes such that a pipelet can pass non persistent information to another pipelet invoked later in the workflow which is not associated to a single record, but does not conflict with information from different workflow instances like global notes would (based on the assumption that the workflow engine supports multi-threaded execution). This information would be removed from the blackboard after the workflow instance has finished. However, it has to be clarified how they are can associated to the workflow instance, even when accessed from a remote VM.

Service Interfaces

The Blackboard will be implemented as an OSGi service. The interface could look similar to the following definition. It is getting quite big, so maybe it makes sense to divide it up into the different parts (handling of lifecycle, literal values, object values, annotation, notes, attachments?) for better readability? We'll see about this when implementing.

interface Blackboard {
    // record life cycle methods
    void create(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void load(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    ID split(ID id, String fragmentName) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void commit(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void invalidate(ID id);
    // factory methods for attribute values and annotation objects
    // Literal and Annotation are just interfaces, 
    // blackboard implementation can determine the actual types for optimization
    Literal createLiteral();
    Annotation createAnnotation();
    // record content methods
    // - record metadata 
    //   for referenced types see interfaces proposed in [[SMILA/Project Concepts/Data Model and XML representation]]
    //   for string format of an attribute path see definition of AttributePath class below.
    // -- basic navigation
    Iterator<String> getAttributeNames(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    Iterator<String> getAttributeNames(ID id) throws BlackboardAccessException; // convenience for getAttributeNames(ID, null);
    boolean hasAttribute(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // -- handling of literal values
    //    navigation support
    boolean hasLiterals(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    int getLiteralsSize(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    get all literal attribute values of an attribute (index of last step is irrelevant)
    //    a client should not expect the blackboard to reflect changes done to these object automatically,
    //    but always should call one of the modification methods below to really set the changes.
    List<Literal> getLiterals(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    get single attribute value, index is specified in last step of path, defaults to 0.
    Literal getLiteral(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    modification of attribute values on blackboard
    void setLiterals(ID id, Path path, List<Literal> values) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    set single literal value, index of last attribute step is irrelevant
    void setLiteral(ID id, Path path, Literal value) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    add a single literal value, index of last attribute step is irrelevant
    void addLiteral(ID id, Path path, Literal value) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    remove literal specified by index in last step
    void removeLiteral(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    remove all literals of specified attribute
    void removeLiterals(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // -- handling of sub-objects
    //    navigation: check if an attribute has sub-objects and get their number.
    boolean hasObjects(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    int getObjectSize(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    deleting sub-objects
    //    remove sub-objects specified by index in last step
    void removeObject(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    remove all sub-objects of specified attribute
    void removeObjects(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // access semantic type of sub-object attribute values. 
    // semantic types of literals are modified at literal object    
    String getObjectSemanticType(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setObjectSemanticType(ID id, Path path, String typename) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // -- annotations of attributes and sub-objects. 
    //    annotations of literals are accessed via the Literal object
    //    use null, "" or an empty attribute path to access root annotations of record.
    //    use PathStep.ATTRIBUTE_ANNOTATION as index in final step to access the annotation 
    //    of the attribute itself.
    Iterator<String> getAnnotationNames(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    boolean hasAnnotations(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    boolean hasAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    List<Annotation> getAnnotations(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    //    shortcut to get only first annotation if one exists.
    Annotation getAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setAnnotations(ID id, Path path, String name, List<Annotation> annotations) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name, Annotation annotation) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void addAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name, Annotation annotation) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void removeAnnotation(ID id, Path path, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void removeAnnotations(ID id, Path path) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // - record attachments
    boolean hasAttachment(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    byte[] getAttachment(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    InputStream getAttachmentAsStream(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setAttachment(ID id, String name, byte[] name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    InputStream setAttachmentFromStream(ID id, String name, InputStream name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // - notes methods
    boolean hasGlobalNote(String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    Serializable getGlobalNote(String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setGlobalNote(String name, Serializable object) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    boolean hasRecordNote(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    Serializable getRecordNote(ID id, String name) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    void setRecordNote(ID id, String name, Serializable object) throws BlackboardAccessException;
    // This is certainly not complete ... just to give an idea of how it could taste.
    // lots of convenience methods can be added later.
public class Path implements Serializable, Iterable<PathStep> {
    // string format of attribute path could be something like 
    // "attributeName1[index1]/attributeName2[index2]/..." or 
    // "attributeName1@index1/attributeName2@index2/...". 
    // The first is probably better because similar to XPath?
    // The specification of index is optional and defaults to 0.
    // Whether the index refers to a literal or a sub-object depends on methods getting the argument
    public static final char SEPARATOR = '/';
    public Path();
    public Path(Path path);
    public Path(String path);
    // extend path extended more steps. This modifies the object itself and returns it again 
    // for further modifications, e.g. path.add("level1").add("level2");
    public Path add(PathStep step); 
    public Path add(String attributeName); 
    public Path add(String attributeName, int index); 
    // remove tail element of this.  This modifies the object itself and returns it again 
    // for further modifications, e.g. path.up().add("siblingAttribute");
    public Path up(); 
    public Iterator<PathStep> iterator();
    public boolean isEmpty();
    public PathStep get(int positionInPath);
    public String getName(int positionInPath);
    public int getIndex(int positionInPath);
    public int length();
    public boolean equals(Path other);
    public int hashCode();
    public String toString();
public class PathStep implements Serializable {
    public static final int ATTRIBUTE_ANNOTATION = -1;
    private String name;
    private int index = 0; / index of value in multivalued attributes. default is first value.
    public PathStep(String name);
    public PathStep(String name, int index);
    public String getName();
    public int getIndex();
    public boolean equals(AttributePath other);
    public int hashCode();
    public String toString();

The business interface of a pipelet to be used in an SMILA workflow will be rather simple. It can get access to the local blackboard service using OSGi service lookup or by injection using OSGi Declarative Services. Therefore the main business method just needs to take a list of record IDs as an argument and return a new (or the same) list of IDs as the result. This is the same method that a workflow integration service needs to expose to the Listener/Router component, therefore it makes sense to use a common interface definition for both. This way it is possible to deploy processing runtimes with only a single pipelet without having to create dummy workflow definitions, because a pipelet can be wired up to the Listener/Router immediately. Becasue remote communication with separated pipelets (see below) will be implemented later pipelets (and therefore workflow integrations, too) must be implemented as OSGi services such that the remote communication can be coordinated using SCA. Thus, interfaces could look like this:

interface RecordProcessor {
    ID[] process(ID[] records) throws ProcessingException;
interface Pipelet extends RecordProcessor {
    // specific methods for pipelets
interface WorkflowIntegration extends RecordProcessor {
    // specific methods for workflow integration services.

What about pipelets running in a seperate VM?

  • Not relevant for initial implementation. This will be added in advanced versions and discussed in more detail then.*

We want to be able have pipelets running in separated VM if they are known to be unstable or non-terminating in error conditions. This can be supported by the blackboard service like this:


The seperated pipelet VM would have a proxy blackboard service that coordinates the communication with the master blackboard in the workflow processor VM. Only the record ID needs to be sent to the separated pipelets. However, the separated pipelet must be wrapped to provide control of the record life cycle on the proxy blackboard, especially because the changes done in the remote blackboard must be committed back to the master blackboard when the separated pipelet has finished successful, or the proxy blackboard content must be invalidated without commit in case of an pipelet error. Possibly, this pipelet wrapper can also provide "watchdog" functionality to monitor the separated pipelet and terminate and restart it in case of endless loops or excessive memory consumption.

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