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< DSDP(Redirected from DSDP/Package)

DSDP Packaging Effort

Towards an Extensible Open "Eclipse for Embedded" Package

With commercial vendors, Eclipse has become a de-facto standard for integrated tooling for embedded software development. Much of these commercial solutions is based on the DSDP projects. But while the DSDP projects provide an impressive collection of features, it's hard to assemble them to a complete, working environment.

A single, integrated Open Source package for device software development built on top of the DSDP projects is still missing. Moreover, there is a need to easily add toolchain support for the most diverse silicon chips to the environment.

The goal of the DSDP Packaging Effort is - most of all - bringing together Communities such as Silicon Vendors or hardware enthusiasts, who do have working toolchains but are in need of an IDE. Together, we intend to work on tooling and best practices to get those offerings easily installed and integrated with Eclipse.


EclipseCon talk

  • You'll find the PowerPoint slides from this talk here.

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